Sunday, March 31, 2019
The Esl Website Evaluation English Language Essay
The Esl Website rating incline Language EssayThe ESL website address that I am evaluating is http// This website is essay to teach incline Language and to help savant learn English as a Second Language (ESL). It is an approach to language education and learnedness and computer technology is utilise as a believe aid. This ESL website is fuckn as the Computer-assisted language learning (CALL). In the recent years, we could distinguish the development of computer technology thus CALL is widely used as the supplemental program line method to the teachers and the students. CALL supplements teachers and learners with the comprehensive exercises and those exercises ar as stimulation to the education and learning process. It contains activities for ESL Students such be quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles. As I browsed to the home page it listed the specific ara that learner involve to work on. For examples, the grammar quizzes, vocabulary quizzes and crossword puzzles. In the main topic contains the train of instruction such as unclouded, medium and difficult.In regards to learning the content, the exercise user shall determine which types of quizzes he or she interested to learn, for example if the learner likes to work on grammar, he or she will click at the grammar quizzes activities and choose the activities depends on the learner level of proficiency either you are in the beginner, intermediate or advanced level. The ESL website http// provides the users with varieties types of exercises such as ternary choice questions, close passage, fill in the blank and many to a greater extent.In order to operate the computer, users should have the basic knowledge of terms related to to a computer. How to operate a computer switch on, development the keyboards and know how the functions of the keyboard. Users have to be familiar with the software in which using in the computer, for example Microsoft office. By getting an access t o the website, the users should know how to connect to the network and what sort of gadget used for connectivity. The users need to know how to browse to the internet researchr and search for the ESL website. For example, http// and former(a) website which is available and appropriate for learning English as a second language.I, sometimes did access with the ESL website only unlike from http// However, the concept is laying the same objectives. Bear in mind, that learners have obtained the multisensory in learning therefore this cover is able to evoke learners attention by stimulating their multisensory perceptions. No doubt, I would say that similarity concept for employment for teaching and learning ESL is accumulating comprehension to English language and they are using style of drilling in their exercises. In addition, the exercises created in this website are more comprehensive compared to our textbooks that are used in schools.The exercises that have been created in the course of study are designed as in the form of parts of speech. separate of speech are the basic types of run-in of English grammar. It has eight categories and the words in the eight categories are used to form patterns of English grammar and syntax. I have come across the Classical Method in teaching the language. The method is use in the application to be understood as the theoretical finding and positions and it is thought of as theories in practice. As mentioned by Brown (2000), Classical Method is focused on grammatic rules, committal to memory of vocabulary and of various declensions and conjugations, translation of texts, doing written exercise (Pg 15). For example, the grammar quizzes exercises in this application are letting learner apply their basic knowledge in grammatical rules to apply appropriate tenses to the break ups. savant is not being taught for fluency but more emphasize on accuracy. Furthermore, Krashens theory of the language accompli shment hypothesis focused on two fundamental theories of how individuals learn languages. gibe to Krashen, the acquiring of language divided into two systems that are independent but related. It is called the acquired systems and the learned system. Krashen privileges the acquired system when speakers are less concerned with the structure of grammatical rules and speak naturally. Contrary to the learned system, when learners engage in formal instruction likes studying the rules of syntax. Therefore, this website http// is precisely concentrates on the rules of learning the English language or so called emphasizing on the accuracy. Learners are taught by drilling and practicing from the activities.This website is seen as practical activity to English learners as it is easy access, varieties of activities and exercises and contain of listening, composition and reading skills. The overall principle of constructivist theory of learning is defined as an active process by acce pting learner autonomy and focuses on learners. Learners need to be motivated in their learning process and then to variety their learning is by teaching different activities in classroom. Learner autonomy is the learner responsibility for his owns learning by having curiosity, initiative and relentless especially in using technology. In the constructivist theory, teacher is the facilitator and counsel for discuss and show direction. Hence, software is as alternative tool to reach learning goals besides the traditional way of learning English using textbook. This website encourages learners to explore what is internet access and the ESL website plays it part as simulation and modeling to learners learning process. As a result, learners are not bound to the same activities in the classroom such as learning is only based on the textbooks.I am not denying of the vital use of the technology in learning process. However, I am concerning more on the proper guidance by the teacher if i t to be used in schools. Teachers have to frivol away into account on students attention span. What if say they are bored with the application. I suggested the ESL website is used once a week to test the students run acrossing in a usual lesson in the classroom. Alternatively, students have the freedom to browse the ESL website when they are at home as drilling and practice. Teachers are still infallible to clarify items that are not understandable. Also, teachers are needed to the situation of support the authentic conversation as sometimes software application is rigid. The users do receive the answer instantly but in the form of business relationship rarely not provided.This ESL website is useful to me as for now and the future work. I have no problem in operating the software and other application. Second, I like the external links in the website http// it provided learners with numerous topics of an audio listening and speaking exercises. Third, this website is applicable and appropriate to all levels of proficiency that two school learners and adult learners can use these activities.This ESL website http// covered almost everything in English learning and teaching process. However, in the main topic grammar easy quizzes, there is no box to tick or click the answer that we want to answer but it supplied learners with answer straight away. Therefore, learners might tweedle to the answer immediately without an effort to solve it first. Hence, I suggested that all questions should add up with boxes for the users to tick their answers, and after finished answering than they can check for the class answers. As for the sub topic error correction, the activity is to correct the computer error in the sentences given. However, if the users give the scathe answer it does not explain why the users did wrong in terms of grammar usage. It is recommended to supply the users with grammar explanation if users get the wrong answer so at least users are aware of the mistakes and understand the correct grammar rules to form the sentences.
Operations And Supply Chain Management At Hp Business Essay
Operations And hand over Chain Management At Hp Business EssayThe biggest contest facing the Vancouver manufacturing form was that for the rest of Hewlett Packard, in that location was no problem When it comes to original dollars, list comprises do not enter into the P L statements, neverthe little losses hurt our revenues. Dont talk to us ab let on neckcloth-service trade-offs. Period. Vancouver was held up as a model of efficiency (Kanban) and the DeskJet tenderswriter range was a runaway supremacy. A culture of territorialism and poor communication exacerbated the lack of urgency. minus interior(a) enemyry was rife as a leave behind of fragmented an myopic finish- reservation in the absence of any truly global turn up to the furnish kitchen range key performance indicators (KPIs) the bullwhip effect was writ hulking any over the firms offer chemical range of mountains. The problems brewing were real and mounting and we beg that the best solution would r equire a fundamental overhaul of HPs business and come forth chemical bowed stringed instrument resulting in the need in the minuscule love to re programme its global try chain and in the ordinary margin to establish new manufacturing seed downs in europium.The consumer electronics industry is the very embodiment of key aspects of sum chain wariness and related assays, (Sohdi, 2004), due to the short intersection point lifecycles, tortuous competition, and global nature of the business. The DeskJet printer business presented a new take exception for HP as the firms expertise was in elevatedly customized, low volume, and wide lead- cartridge holder manufacturing and planning chain. In DeskJet, high volume, short product lifecycles, and high obsolescence risk were the name of the game. Printers were in transition from an innovative product to a opercapable product but the leave chain did not reflect this. HP used OEMs to source components and then did their own assembly. HP made high margins on the cartridges, and the printer was the conduit. HPs success in europium was beginning to rival the home marketplace in sales, adding upgrade complications due to the need to characterize power sources and languages for topical anaesthetic anesthetic markets. In Europe, product option AB had the highest monthly base demand, and demand was much(prenominal) dispersed over the options than in sexual union America, where virtually the entire sales were in option A. Monthly ideal deviation in demand for the popular options was quite high at +- 30%. Even to a greater extent(prenominal) importantly, the caller was holding large and overpriced safety stock due to the long shipping lead multiplication and the prohibitive cost of air freight.The success of HPs DeskJet printer range in spite of an un-optimized supply chain suggests that there were hearty potential gains in profit energy if the right solution were found. In auxiliary, despite high inventory levels, stock-outs were still occurring, threatening the most precious asset of all in the highly agonistic printer market client loyalty and sen prison termnt. Questions of intrinsic efficiency and customer fulfilment had to be evaluated against the backdrop of a rapidly growing printer market, which was exploding on with the proliferation of desktop PCs.Despite organizational inertia and competing priorities, a number of avenues were open to HP at the snip, including inventory direction-the benefits of postponing utmost assembly-product design, and the modifyment and globalization of Just In Time processes. We examine for each one and delve deeper into the business and customer benefits of launching a production grade in Europe to fully capitalize on the surge of the printer market. The market is evolving rapidly and needs a strategic realignment of its supply chain. Creating a European manufacturing ease, plus commixd financial performance and risk ma nagement (Hahn Kuhn, 2009) leave alone excessively improve sh beholder returns (by improving inventory management and hence cash flows) and will mitigate risk. cargo hold dodgingTo be palmy the DeskJet supply chain moldiness break customer demand. It moldiness be in the zone of strategic fit, with a better match in Europe surrounded by responsiveness and suspiciousty. It essential integrate sales, manufacturing, diffusion, and operations. Postponement is a solution to support future(a) DeskJet expansion in Europe and to meet European demand. A successful postponement strategy requires significant degrees of cohesion de pickmental barriers will need to be brought down, processes restructured and products redesigned. However, the rewards of implementing a successful postponement strategy are great. HP is not without challenges to implement a successful postponement strategy. Significant organisational change and coordination would be required.As Pagh and cooper state (1998 ), The notion of postponement is to maintain the product in a neutral and noncommittal status as long as contingent in the manufacturing process. In order to support this, characteristics of the DeskJet that stick to be localise should be added at the last moment. Standardising the DeskJet would make inventory management and foretelling easier. It is also a way to allow cost-effective peculiarity substance abuser customisation. By creating customisation, additional lines can be introduced and consumer needs are met more than easily. Customisation will assist HP in differentiating itself and in capturing the market. Based on Cooper (1993), we propose the use of the deferred packaging postponement strategy. The DeskJet peripherals are not common to all markets whilst the formulation is common.Postponement requires tight integration of processes and the organic law of a holistic view. In the model of DeskJet printing, redesigning the product to make it more exemplification w ill increase manufacturing costs, but would lower the total supply chain costs. A modular design will standardise the design and thus standardise procurement processes. Making the DeskJet design more modular will also limit the inclusion of components that differentiate the product until the up-to-the-minute possible moment. Other benefits of modularity are identified by Feitzinger and Hau (1997), including the ability to make modules separately or in parallel, thereby reducing production time and assisting with problem diagnostics in identifying quality problems.When considering a supply chain strategy, all elements from the design, procurement, manufacture, sales and distribution must(prenominal) be considered in unison. For example, making the DeskJet power supplies universal voltage may be more expensive, but it would provide HP with a more flexible use of inventory and would put down promiseing errors. Marketing must be involved in the design process to validate that produ ct variety and customisation meet market requirements. Finance must be engaged to provide activity-based costing, (ABC) statistics to support scenario analysis. every last(predicate) stakeholders and their differing viewpoints must be considered in order to build a holistic model of the revised supply chain.Successful postponement requires that organisational boundaries are traversed. HP should work with resellers and distributors to provide rough product localization principle and customisation tasks. In some(prenominal) cases resellers will require significant support, training, and systems to carry out these tasks. The long full term prize outweighs the short term investment. In all cases, postponement partnerships must be made on the basis of empirical evidence and having considered the interdependencies of the model. The ending to build European manufacturing capability and interfacing this capability with European distribution is all important(p) to support DeskJet sal es in Europe. We support establishing a European plant as a strategy given European demand. However, in addition to the plant, distribution centres crosswise Europe should be capable of managing product localisation and replenishment of all localisation veridicals.The before and after supply chain diagrams are shown below. One can see as a result of establishing a European production center. The first step is splitting last-place assembly and test into two processes in Europe, producing a single standard product without customization at the end of FAT1. In FAT2 we do the customization, localization and packaging. This accommodates product variety in Europe without creating more inventories. We then replicate the manufacturing facility in the U. S. in Europe and we source the supplies as locally as possible in Europe.Opening a new facility in EuropeCompanies becoming global and basking growing revenue and expanding market addresss across geographies face an important challenge in ertia. Being agile and being able to react quickly to changing conditions sometimes requires risky decisions in volatile, uncertain environments, and sometimes mandates direct investment in foreign locales. The company must admit that what sustained past success will no long-range work and must be adapted. This is the challenge Hewlett Packard faced when the Vancouver facility, which served the U.S. market, at the time HPs largest, could no longer meet the needs of growing overseas markets which were lean to progressively become more important in equipment casualty of units sold. (Monthly mean of 23,108 units in Europe vs. 26, 611 units in North America). Hewlett realized that in terms of lead time, inventory optimization, transportation costs, and localization/customization, trying to serve European clients with its U.S. manufacturing facility was not a viable option on the medium to long term despite various attempts at technology mental institution and optimization, changes i n product design, and shifts in its logistic processes the problem could not be solved. (Transit time by sea takes up to five weeks.) As the European market matured and growth projections were high, it needed first an optimized distribution interlocking in Europe and then ultimately one or more manufacturing locations geographically close to local suppliers and to end customers to compete on a level playing field with local and global competitors. However, appointing the correct locations in which to put one or many distribution centers and manufacturing facilities required execute scenario analysis (Sodhi, 2003) and considering several important criteria in aholistic modelling for value-based performance and risk management in robust supply chains (Hahn Kuhn, 2009)O guest and supplier location, concentration and importance the ideal location is a center of gravity based on weight clustering, transportation cost, the geographical location and relative importance of difference suppliers and customers. Order delivery time is a critical unifying dimension (Tempelmeier, 2001) when selecting a location that serves downstream needs. However, the center of gravity has to be modified by introducing additional constraints as listed below. In different words, optimization under many constraints must be performed. And this has to be done dynamically, including current data and future projections.O savvy The skills, training, and demographics of the workforce, unemployment trends, productivity, cost of labor, unionization, work regulation, work culture all vary astray across Europe and have to be considered.O Cost and approachability of land The real estate environment of the area under consideration has to be analyzed sites, building availability, construction cost, regulation, including environmental regulations, the availability and reliability of utilities, local construction companies, and maintenance providers.O Corporate taxes and incentives taxes are another(prenominal) layer of costs that have to be taken into account. Local administration and governments may be competing to attract foreign direct investment and job-creating investments, religious offering tax and other financial incentives which can contribute to returns and lower risks.O Logistical infrastructure HP needs to evaluate connections to highways, rail transport, and the law of proximity to airports and seaports, all of which have to be reliable and cost effective. They also have to find credible logistic/transportation partners.O Other criteria imply the local climate and characterization to natural disasters.O Finally, the company must provide expatriate personnel to manage the operation and its labor so quality of life issues must factor into the selection of the location.The process of selecting the best location is a multi-stage, top-down one, where initial screening produces a short list of countries or regions and then additional and more demanding cr iteria are added to infinitesimal down the initial list through several iterations until one or two final locations are selected.The benefits of a manufacturing facility in Europe are significant and affect every step in the supply chain which direct has a better strategic fit. Physical, financial, and information flows are better aligned. The market is as large as the U.S. but more diverse and will be better served. Raw materials procurement becomes more streamlined. Inventory days fall because one benefit of standardization (with local customization) is that inventory can be moved from one region to other so as to avoid piling up inventory in one region and stock-outs in another (inventory pooling). The chain has moved to more of a push-pull system. Lead times are shorter. Finished product also does not pile up. The cost of manufacturing goes down and since printers were rapidly becoming a commodity product, economies of scale and cost savings are vital since customers choosing between two inkjet printers of equal speed and quality will make their decision based on price and reliability. From a management perspective, handling the supply chain becomes easier since it is optimized to regional needs but still integrated in a global framework that captures the benefits of HPs scale in buying power. The supply chain better serves customer needs and enables the company to grow more effectively in Europe and also is a model for other regions as they develop. The company can better manage its risks it has reduced its exposure to inventory and transportation risk and meliorate its ability to manage supply chain supply and demand uncertainties in Europe. (Uncertainty metrics like margins, forecast error, stock-out rates are all lower.) Finally, the improved supply chain should improve shareholder returns since operating margins, asset turns, and cash flow are positively affected.Technology, Data and modellingHP Vancouver division has successfully apply Kanban, n ow they need to implement Kaizen. In other terms, they have put in place an effective Just In Time process for a Local supply chain (mainly the U.S.) they need to continuously improve it to make out with what is quickly developing into a global supply chain where clients, distribution centers, manufacturing plants and suppliers are across the globe and have to be optimally interconnected. To that end several opportunities for improvement existCooperating with leading researchers in the field and go from intuitive/empirical decision making with regard to the supply chain topology to mathematical models, supported by softwares enabling them to model their dynamically changing constraints and find the optimal network of distribution centers, suppliers and manufacturing facilities across the globe.Triggering cooperation along the supply chain by aligning interest of their suppliers, their clients and all internal departments of the company (RD, Sales, finance, human resources, marketi ng,) so as to make them an integral part of the extended supply chain and so as to make them actively take part in the redesign of the products, raw material, supply chain and of the bill of material.. This in turn will facilitate data collection, and from there forecasting accuracy.In the light of a supply chain evolving globally, measure other proficient tools supporting such an evolution, such as the carrying into action of an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning software (ERP). Indeed, this helps in Customer interaction and management including better detailed understanding of customer needs, trends and local preferences, Inventory management and pooling across borders and inventory transparency beyond company frontier (i.e. transparency to customers), optimal supplier selection through a rich, global and continuously updated supplier database, and electronic real-time data commute with suppliers, thanks to data collected from the extended supply chain stakeholders, insp ection of the competitive environment and the effect it can have on future company product demand by region and finally more accurate measurement of KPIs and performance of the global supply chain.Other amelioration OpportunitiesAs HPs management moves forward, it should take into account the following additional recommendationsO A abstemious, overarching strategy for Europe needs to be defined and implemented across HPs bodily headquarters. Conflicting and competing corporate interests need to be accommodate with a clearly delineated command and communication structure. A clear company-wide and bottoms-up consensus should be reached about the framework necessary to achieve lasting success in Europe.O HP needs to adopt improved corporate communication and defined spheres of responsibility and accountability across the organization. The case reveals that some of the companys most important technological advancements have been discovered by happenstance. Enhancing its technological advancement process with a more rigorous collaboration and designing model would render technological and supply chain process improvements less susceptible to chance. For example, common global KPIs on inventory would be a good starting point.O HP should remove organizational barriers to reduce lead time. (Billington Lee, 1992).O The company should establish a dedicated European Localization Management Team to assess current local market trends as well as the viability of the suggestions above.O The company should explore further trade opportunities indoors the European Union and in Eastern Europe, beyond just the tax and other cost-savings options.O HP should exploit e-commerce, victimisation the internet to take orders and organize distribution.O The company should develop a supply chain risk-management framework to anticipate and mitigate any disruptions. A new or enhanced supply chain is an opportunity to integrate currency risks, cyber attacks, failed communication with s uppliersterrorismnon-compliance. (Bosman, 2006).O HP should modify its local marketing strategies based on national and cultural consumer demographics. The marketing and PR teams should also utilize available resources to identify such opportunities and participate within the European supply chain community.O There are greenness opportunities within the supply chain that could be exploited.ConclusionThe HP case is an example of how effective supply chain management requires both a revised management paradigm (strategic change) and more sophisticated tools and techniques (optimization). The postponement strategy is a better strategic fit between the supply chain and HPs product life cycle across the key strategic and competitive variables innovation, customer service, and cost leadership since printers are rapidly transitioning to maturity. Establishing a manufacturing plant in Europe, a major change in HPs printer supply chain, will improve the companys performance in four critical areas costs, customer satisfaction, shareholder returns, and risk management. The companys physical flows, financial flows, and information flows will all be more aligned and efficient. After the initial capital cost of establishing the plant, the company should experience substantial cost savings from lower material costs, better predictability, improved supply assurances (no shortages), and lower inventory carrying costs. There is a tight linkage between sales, inventory, and product availability, (Raman et al, 2009), and so customer satisfaction, as measured by lower lead times, reduced variability in demand, fewer stock-outs, and enhanced ability to customize by region, should improve. The company will also position itself for future growth. HP should see the benefit of improved customer satisfaction in rising sales and market share in Europe. Shareholder value will be enhanced by the positive impact the supply chain changes will have on inventory and working capital and hence o n operational value drivers like operating margins, asset utilization, and cash flow. Finally, the company will enjoy significant improvements in risk management. (Hahn Kuhn, 2009, referring to others). Certain risks, like being out of stock of a key component or product, will be entirely eliminated. Others can be mitigated through improved ability to contingency-plan and catch problems earlier. The company will be able to offload other risks or share them with suppliers and customers. And it will be able to consciously select risks, rather than passively absorbing them. Overall, the revised supply chain and the new manufacturing plant in Europe will be a accelerator pedal for dramatic improvements in HPs operating and financial performance, not just on the Continent, but around the world.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Caligula Was The Most Sinister Psychology Essay
Caligula Was The Most blue Psychology EssayCaligulas father, Germanicus, was the grandson of the well-regarded Emperor Augustus and the nephew of Emperor Tiberius, the follow son and the permutation to his fathers throne of power. When Emperor Augustus died, he left Tiberius in command to form the royal heir to the emperor. Although, Tiberius knew that Geramanicus was next in line to rule, his jealousy and insecurities unbroken him from appointing him as the next emperor of Rome. Unfortunately, Germaicus died mysteriously, leaving his dedicated supporters and his family, grief stricken. by and by Caligulas father demise, he moved leash times until he get together Tiberius on the island of Capri. It was rumored that during one of those moves, Caligula began an incestuous relationships with his sisters.While on the island of Capri, Caligula was forced to vanquish his feelings, once he wise to(p) that Tiberius were responsible for the devastation of his father, mother and s iblings. However, repayable to Caligula office to control his emotions, he began to act out his aggression by dint of sexual deviant behaviors on men and women sometimes, making the men hold as he had sex with their wives and daughters.Tiberius had twain sons, Nero and Drusus, who he was grooming to abide by him as emperor, further as fate would move over it, both died besides young, leaving Caligula next in line to become emperor.After Tiberius died, Caligula became the emperor of Rome. He was generous, thoughtful and prodigious during the first months of his reign. He freed political prisoners, rationalize those who were exiled and terminated the swindle trials. He implemented games and transport races, in which became quite a popular during his reign. He established a rapport with the Senate and later adopted his cousin, Tiberius Germanicus as his son and heir. Approximately sixer months later, the Emperor who was well-revered, became the well fe ared.An nausea fel l upon the Emperor when he was thirty-seven years old, cause maybe delirium. Although, Caligula may have been cruel and sexual alter before his illness, but after his recovery, on that point were signifi bay windowt changes his behavior. His behaviors were even more bizarre, brutal and deviant. He later regarded himself as a God would lavishly spend notes to build a marble house for his horse tormented his vainglorious and influential senators by ordering them to run for miles in front of the chariot had sex with his supporters wives built a two miles bridge out of boats, so he could ride his horse back and forward over the be adrift bridge and ordering the men to shave their hair, because he was losing his hair. As to make matters worse, Caligula had his adopted son and heir to the throne, Tiberius Germanicus dispatch. Next, he say the revitalization of the treason trials, so he could confiscate the losers property for money. This infamous tyrant was murdered by several o f guards after serving merely cardinalteen cytosine days in office.Caligulas temperament could best be explained by identifying the just about obvious characteristic or social skills of a person (McAdams, 2009). In reviewing the set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual, is to comprehend the influences and interactions Caligula had to adapt to within his environment, which includes the six domains of knowledge dispositional, biological, intrapsychic, cognitive-experi amiable, social and cultural and adjustment.During 12 AD, there were no style to detect lead in the water system, so this could have constituted Caligulas proboscis development and growth. According to the Mayo Clinics (2011), small amounts of lead in nipperren who are exposed to lead poisoning mess experience mental and physical problems. From infancy to toddlerhood, the virtually important physical development is an infants frame weight, motor skills and reflexes, as well as, sensory and perceptual abilities. Although, there is express culture about Caligulas primaeval childhood, there are documentations of Caligula experiencing irritability and behavioral problems as a child. Historian documents more about biological changes during early adolescence to early adulthood, such as Caligulas unusual body weight and height. Caligulas body structure could be the results of exposure to lead poisoning. In examining how environmental factors that discharge influence an individuals growth, is to consider ideas from William Sheldon (McAdams, 2009). Sheldon (McAdams, 2009) was one of the most interesting philosophers of his time as he examined and introduced the idea that body feature may influence and possibly predict certain characteristics of an individuals temper. During his exploration into this area, he identified leash assorted forms of valet physiques, for example, endomorph visceratonic, mesomorph somatotonic and ectomorph cerebrotonic. Sheldon argued th at a high correlation occurs between physique and behavior, in which could have affected Caligulas mental state. Historian put batch that Caligula was tall in height with a skinny neck and scrawny legs. Also, he had a receding hair line, hairy body and his forehead was unusually large. peerless outhouse only image the names he was called growing up and how it shaped his constitution.Piaget (McAdams, 2009) contended that an individuals mental mode of thinking can relate to schemata. Schemata are defined as an individual who understands the base concept of the world (McAdams, 2009). The basic concepts of these ideas are centered on three basic schemata, for example, sensorimotor, symbolic and available schemata. These three basic concepts of the world, lays down a framework for a child to begin with concrete interactions and progress to a more symbolic and able thinking process.During the sensorimotor or cognitive development stage, it was undetermined if Caligula experienced a delay in object performance (McAdams, 2009). Piaget kept up(p) that when an infants develops the talent to imitate what they see, their reflex goes far beyond, whats in their environment (McAdams, 2009).As Caligulas personality and cognitive skills began to transform into a dictator, a more controversial opening emerged that could explain his behavior that is dissimilar from Sheldon and Piagets theories. Raymond Cattell, psychologist, argued that an individuals personality is defined as behavioral prediction (McAdams, 2009). During Cattells exploration in this personality arena, he identified three different classification of personality info, such as, life data, questionnaire data, and test data (McAdams, 2009). If historian was able to use this type of analysis during Caligulas reign of terror, the data combination from all three sources and the sixteen personality factor questionnaire, could have accurately foretold his character traits and improve behavioral predictions ( McAdams, 2009). McAdams (2009) contended that a persons personality can be best exposit as inappropriate behavior and characteristics that can deviate from the norm that is explained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders. Several theorist and historians suggest that Caligula exhibited a combination of narcissistic and unsociable personality disorder (McAdams, 2009). The mixture of the two makes one reflect on several of the most prolific serial killers of the century, for example, Manson, Gacy, Bundy and Dahmer. All were grandiose, lack liberality for others, need or commanded admiration, cruel, aggressive, lack remorse, destroyed property or designedly injured people (McAdams, 2009). The combination of the two was Emperor Caligulas character.McAdams (2009) discussed Kohlbergs theory concerning clean-living thinking or reasoning. Kohlberg contended that an individuals moral reasoning is undeveloped and this is the reason a person indues a crime. Kohlber gs stages of moral development are best described as preconventional, conventional and postconventional. Hans Eysencks theories differed from Eysencks personality theories (McAdams, 2009). Eysenck argued that certain personalities are born to commit atrocities (McAdams, 2009). He contended that a persons environment such as exposure to want and the wrong criminal element, can possibly account for criminal behavior. This can be better explained with terms proximal and distal contribution. Eysenck makes the argument that there are only three personality types, instead of Cattells sixteen traits. The four types of traits are extraversion, introversion, neuroticism and psychoticism. Psychoticism appeared to be the trait that Caligula displayed, gradually from childhood to adulthood. Although, it was documented by historians, Caligula was secretively cruel towards his followers, but after his close death experience due to an elevated fever, his behavior seemed to blatantly escalate to finesse of grandeur, extreme cruelty and antisocial behavior (McAdams, 2009). The torture techniques he ordered or participated in behind closed doors, was now done openly for his own personal amusement. Also, Eysenck questioned if genetic science and biological functioning has anything to deal with genetics after investigating criminal behavior with the twin adoption method. In examining this concept is to examine Costa and McRaes Big Five traits, such as, extraversion, neuroticism, desolation to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness, Caligulas personality matched the facets of neuroticism, such as anxiety, angry hostility, depression, self-consciousness, impulsiveness and vulnerability. These traits sketched an outline of the persons personality and psychological qualities, yet, Allport contended that a persons trait is characterized as the consistency and coherence of human behavior which is called common traits and personal disposition. He further broke down these com parison and personal dispositions into different varieties, such as cardinal disposition, primeval disposition and secondary disposition. Building on the works of other theorists and causing years of controversy, Michel maintained that behavior is much more situationally specific than cross-situationally reliableness (McAdams, 2009). He proposed that trait labels occurs more in the minds of spectators than in the actual personality of the individual world observed. In Caligulas case, his overall pattern of cruelty was cogitate to a certain stimuli, for instance, as a result of his excessive pass habits he would raise taxes or extorted money from individuals who participated in the treason trials.In examining the behaviorist and the socialist view pertaining to Caligulas personality is to study the behavior that is learned in the environment. There are two different fundamental forms of eruditeness such as classical and instrumental conditioning, in which Caligula displayed quit e often. He would reward those who worship him and executed individuals who spoke against him. In studying personality, the most comprehensive and controversial theories of Sigmund Freud was his in-depth case studies. His original and cutting edge theory of personality was based on the hypothesis that there are two key elements of which our personality is based on, the consciousness and unconsciousness, whereas, Psychologists, John Dollard and Neil Miller maintained that observed drive, cue, response, and reinforcement was the critical component in personality. This was regarded as a series of learned behaviors. Freud argued that a persons personality is an organized in a psychological and physical component inside a person. This component has the ability to create and determine the individuals unique characteristic behaviors. Historian documented that when Caligula was three years old, he would accompany his father on several of his war machine campaigns. One can only guess, how m any times Caligula was left unheeded in the company of soldiers, who either demonstrated or exposed him to perverted desires that he locked in his unconsciousness that were too disturbing or unspeakable to keep consciously aware. Although, there are historians who chronicled Caligulas childhood, there is limited information if he was molested as a child yet, there are chronological record of events of him observing Emperor Tiberiuss brutal behavior towards men and women, particularly those who spoke against him. This may have been the foundation that shaped Caligulas behavior and personality, in which psychologists calls observational learning. The positive version of this behavior is called modeling, yet, as Caligula exposure wasnt on the nose positive. Bandura argued that when children imitate adults behavior, they can astonishingly create and plot torture strategies of their own. At a young age, Caligulas early message was that aggressive behaviors towards others were accepta ble and being merciful with their captive does not stimulate the same aberrant responses. Caligula subjective and thirst for control and power molded a miniature Tiberius. up to now though, Freud ideas has met harsh criticism, he may have been on to something in spirit the basic structure and psyche of an individuals psychosexual development. Freud contended that a persons personality represents a power struggle hidden within himself that the id controls our impulses, therefore, when the ego is able to act between the id and superego, the superego is able to keep a person on the travel plan of moral integrity and proper conduct. Furthermore, Freud argued that a persons unique character is the produce of how an individuals behavior develops during childhood. As a child, Caligula suffered many challenges during his early stages of development in which possibly effected his growth and maturity, wherein Freud called the oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage and geni tal stage. Probably during the psychosexual development called the latency stage, the assault of the puberty stages became dominated. Historian writes of Caligulas selfishness and pleasure seeking behavior, as he booked in inappropriate conduct to get what he wanted, in which was acquired through, abnormal, calculating, obdurate and unpleasant manner.
The Behavioral And Technical Approach Information Technology Essay
The Behavioral And Technical salute In embodimentation engineering science EssaySeveral viewpoints on development dodges illustrate that the study of cultivation systems is a field with multiple disciplines and therefore, no wizard theory or perspective goerns. Gener every(prenominal)y speaking, the field bottom of the inning be separated into behavioural and technical approaches. The sortal approach buns be broken go across blush further into sub-categories to include economicals, psychology, and sociology. The technical approach thunder mug akinwise be broken down into sub-categories to include oversight science, ready reckvirtuosor science, and trading trading operations research.A very important element of the culture systems field is multiform with behavioral issues that surface in the development and preservation of info systems. Problems like strategic logical argument creation, performance and utilization, and centering bednister non be fully exp lored with the models exploitation a technical approach. Behavioral disciplines such as economics, psychology, and sociology muckle to a fault contri thate vital c at a timepts and processes. For example, economists study breeding systems mainly interested in what impact systems bring forth on cost structures inside the line of descent and within its exceptional market. On the another(prenominal)wise hand, Psychologists be interested in how serviceman purpose bearrs comprehend and wasting disease randomness. Finall(a)y, sociologists study information systems looking for how groups and organic laws form the development of systems and also how these different systems affect individuals, groups, and validations ( tuition charge, 2010).The behavioral approach does not completely ignore engine room. In fact, information systems technology is frequently the motive for a special(prenominal) behavioral problem or issue. But ordinarily the heart of this approach is no t normally ge bed toward technical solutions. quite it centers on modification in attitudes, charge and schemeal policy, and behavior.Technical ApproachThe technical approach to information systems puts emphasis on mathematically found models to study information systems, in addition to the physical knowledge and abilities of these systems. The disciplines that diddle a role in the technical approach be computer science, perplexity science, and operations research. Computer science has to do with creating theories of computability, means of computation, and approaches to effective portal and storage of entropy. Management science highlights the growth of models for decision-making and management procedures. Lastly, operations research deals with mathematical methods for optimizing business issues such as inventory control, transportation, and operation costs (Information Management, 2010).Key Management ChallengesBuilding, operating, and maintaining information systems in todays fast-paced business world digest be very challenging. These get wind management challenges are based on a multitude of problems such as information system investments, strategic business decisions, orbicularization, information technology infrastructure, and ethics and security.Information organization Investment ChallengeIf managed intelligently, investments in information systems erect improve employees lives and a businesss overall performance. For instance, over the past twenty years the internet has developed form a technical innovation to a private and business necessity. Some businesss have recognized consider equal to(p) processions in touch information by changing from mainframe computing to personal computers attached by local area networks (LAN). The ability of software applications to identify and correlated pertinent data in a data warehouse allows businesses to introduce unidentified financial or physical resource births and therefore drive unatta ched suitable serviceance where there had been none. However, along with the ability to grow lives and organizations, or so information system investments can become risky, costly, wasteful mistakes. To take up over these challenges, senior management personnel involve to be able to succeederfully evaluate these investments to ensure the put return on investment (ROI) (Laudon Laudon, 2006).strategic Business ChallengeYou can pick up all management book and you can read about the significance of growing a strategic devise, and ideas about how to both develop and implement your purpose. On the other hand, you ordain also find articles that you imply that strategic broadcastning does not work because it is impossible to develop a long term plan in this ever changing business environment. In my opinion, the truth lies somewhere in between.Strategic planning can definitely help you get prepared on what you expect to accomplish over the next years, what things you exit nee d to accomplish those goals, and exactly how to go about accomplishing your goals. The trouble is that the benefits of strategic planning can be easily lost. These plans fail primarily because of what happens later on the process of strategic planning. In general, a great effort goes into creating and developing a strategic plan, which is then speedily put away and forgotten, even by the people that created it. The goal of strategic planning lies not just in the development of the plan, but also in its implementation. Implementing the strategic plan will tho work if you are clear about what this plan can bring to you and the organization.The strategic plan call for to have value, not notwithstanding to the organization, but also to the employees. The bottom line is that the plan demand to be used by anybody. A strategic plan needs to be used as a decision-making tool from the top of the organization all the way to the bottom. Chief Executive Officers ought to be able to use it to make decisions on the direction of their business, mergers, or staffing. Managers should also be able to use it to make decisions for the priorities of their departments goals and objectives, and to align the work of their department with the overall goals of organization. Lastly, every employee must be able to use the plan to recognize his or her own goals, and where they fit in big scheme of things. When implemented correctly, a strategic plan helps to add meaning and focus to not only every individual, but the organization as a whole (Information Systems, 2010). worldwideization ChallengeThe globalization of information technology warrants special attention by business executives, government officials and scholastic researchers for a multitude of reasons. First, is that information technology and systems are high-technology industries of considerable size and with significant authorisation for stimulating economic growth and jobs. The immediate growth in global trade and the rise up of an international economy require information systems that can pay off both the production and merchandising of goods and services in many another(prenominal) different countries. Second, access to the most up-to-date computer and telecommunications technology is central to belligerent success in nearly all industries. Government policies which deliberately or inadvertently retard technological progress in the production and use of computers, information systems and telecommunications have important economic effects. Third, given language barriers, cultural, and political differences among dissimilar countries, this focus often resulted in confusion and the breakdown of central management controls (Laudon Laudon, 2006). To overcome these challenges, it is imperative for organization to develop global hardware, software, and information systems standards. Additionally, organizations must be able to create global accounting and reporting methods and design worldwi de business processes.Information Technology Infrastructure ChallengeThis ill-tempered challenge for businesses deals with how organizations can develop information technology infrastructures that can sustain their goals when business situations are changing at a rapid pace. senescent infrastructure is obviously a huge issue in many industries that only gets bigger as time goes on. Some equipment may have had external upgrades or facelifts, but in most cases, it is over 70 years old. many another(prenominal) organizations are left with expensive and unmanageable IT platforms that cannot right away adapt to innovation and change. Additionally, a competitive business environment and the pressures of the global financial situation weigh increasingly on companies minds (Information Systems, 2010). To battle this challenge, some organizations may be required to redesign its organization and develop a new information technology infrastructure to survive in this competitive business w orld.Ethics and Security ChallengeOrganizations must eternally be cognizant that their information systems are used in both an ethically and socially responsible manner. Although information systems have provided many benefits, they have also created new ethical and security issues that must be addressed. Every improvement in information technology can be tied in with at least one ethical dilemma. From Facebook to ordering merchandise online, computer users are ignorant of the delicate balance between ethical behavior and profits. Businesses, software and hardware developers, and individuals must think about what is ethically correct when using information technology on a daily basis. The firsthand issues essential to the world of information technology are the individuals expectation of privacy and the providers ethical duty to use its applications responsibly (Information Systems, 2010). The challenges organizations will face will be how to apply high-quality assurance standard s to their information systems, as well as to their products and services. Additionally, they will have to develop information systems that are not only secure but that are still escaped to use by most individuals.Digital FirmsA digital debauched can be exposit as, One in which nearly all of the organizations significant business relationships with guests, suppliers, and employees are digitally enabled and mediate (Laudon Laudon, 2006, p. 11-12). The unattackables primary business processes are performed by digital networks encompassing the whole organization or connecting several different organizations.A core or primary business process can be defined as the minimum single tasks to be accomplished to provide a certain level of reliability in produce, without any thought to hardware, software, or performance. When a core process is put into practice, anything can be added to make the process more efficient, but nothing can be removed. On the other hand, a business process can be defined as, The set of logically related tasks and behaviors that organizations develop over time to produce specific business results and the unique manner in which these activities are organized and coordinated (Laudon Laudon, 2006, p. 12).Digital firms are extremely regnant because they can sense and react to their ever changing surroundings very much faster those traditions organizations. Because of their quick reaction and the fact that they are more universal than the traditional firm, digital firms are much more able to birth in unstable times. Because these new firms are completely digital, there hold up much more opportunities for them in the global business word.The net is quickly becoming the information system infrastructure of preference for electronic commerce. It offers organizations an easy way to connect with other business and individual at an implausibly low cost. Additionally, it offers a complete and uncomplicated set of technologies and technolog y standards that can be implemented by any organization. Organizations can use Internet technology to drastically cut their extend toment costs, time searching for buyers and deal outers, and collection information on products or services. This information is at the fingertips of anyone with a computer and access to the Internet.One example of a powerful digital firm has to be EBay. Following 2001, there were a high number of dotcom businesses that failed, but there were a few that held their ground, like eBay. The success of eBay is based on its capacity to transform many splintered, predominantly local markets into global ones at a comparatively low cost to its users (Simonsohn, 2010). People have incessantly had a basic need and an appeal in buying and selling used objects and collectibles items. Prior to eBay, people would have tried to sell their undesired items through family garage sales, classified ads, and flea markets. Nevertheless, the amount of people accessible to sell these items to was limited due to the fact that face-to-face proceedings were almost always required.Another great example of a powerful digital firm would be Google. Google isnt just legendary for producing and providing useful services, but it has also acquired a few innovative businesses and integrated them. These include YouTube, Blogger, Picasa and Jaiku. Google used its digital footing to take advantage of opportunities in the global business world, making them one of the most powerful businesses to date (Google, 2010).Types of Information SystemsFor most organizations, there are many different requirements for data or information. Senior managers continually need up-to-date information to help aide in their business decisions. Mid-level managers may need a bit more perioded information to assist them in monitoring and managing a multitude of different business dealings. Lastly, supervisors and employees with operating(a) roles need information in order for them to per form their everyday jobs. Consequently, organizations lead to have a number of information systems operating at the corresponding time. The three I will be discussing are the management information system (MIS), decision-support systems (DSS), and the transaction treat system (TPS).Management Information SystemA management information system (MIS) management information system (MIS)System used to extract data from a database and compile reports that help managers make routine decisions. obtains data from a database to compose reports, such as detail reports, summary reports, exception reports, and financial statements to assist managers in making crack decisions. The different types of reports depend on the specific information a particular manager may require. A MIS is largely involved with internal sources of information. MIS broadly speaking receive data from the transaction processing systems (TPS) and reduce it into a chronological sequence of management reports. MIS repo rts generally are used by mid-level managers and operational supervisors (Laudon Laudon, 2006).Decision-Support SystemsA decision support system (DSS)decision support system (DSS)Interactive system that extracts, integrates, and displays data from multiple sources to help managers make nonroutine decisions. is an interactive system that gathers, displays, and combines information from mixed sources to help managers make non-routine decisions. DSS are explicitly designed to help management make decisions in circumstances where there is doubt about the potential results of those decisions. DSS are made up of tools and procedures to help gather pertinent information and analyze decisions and alternatives. DSS often requires the use of complex spreadsheets and databases to produce what-if models (Laudon Laudon, 2006). traffic impact SystemsThe majority of organizations day-to-day activities are documented and processed by its transaction processing system (TPS)transaction processing system (TPS)Information system used to cross-file and process an organizations daily activities or transactions., which collect input data and changes them into output information meant for a variety of users. Input data are called transactions which are transactionsFinancial and nonfinancial events that affect a businessevents that affect a business. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) are intended to process everyday transactions accurately and efficiently. A business may have several transaction processing systems to include billing systems, payroll and tax payments systems, production and purchasing systems, or stock control systems to handle all movements into and out of the organization (Laudon Laudon, 2006).Challenges constitute by Information SystemsAlthough the many different types of information systems are available to an organization and can be extremely beneficial to its growth, there are some management challenges. Some of these challenges include the tension relat ed to calculating and building the information systems, the need for training for both management and employees, and the need to establish which information systems is the most critical, therefore which system receives the majority of the funding. For an organization to overcome these challenges they need establish exactly what is needed in impairment of information systems. Next, they need to schedule and provide proper training to all company personnel, so they are familiar with the systems. Finally, they need to develop a method of accounting for the cost of the systems and their priority.Key Enterprise ApplicationsMost organizations fence in an rapidly changing, aggressive, global environment. Operating in a global environment forces an organization to concentrate on the most cost-effective implementation of its processes, client service, and speed at which their products or services are brought to market. To achieve these lofty goals, it is essential that the organization fre ely exchange useful information across different functions, levels, and business departments. By incorporating all its processes, the organization can more effectively exchange information between departments, customers, and suppliers. The four key enterprise applications are enterprise systems, supply chain management systems, customer relationship management systems, and knowledge management systems.Enterprise SystemsEnterprise systems hold in the vital business processes of an organization into a separate software system. entropy from a variety of functional areas are centrally housed and maintained where they can be retrieved and utilized by other functional processes. This alters an organizations work flow. nowadays information can effortlessly run throughout the organization, increasing synchronization, efficiency, and decision making. Enterprise systems are extremely tricky to employ successfully and once employed, are especially hard to change. Enterprise systems, also kn own as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems solve problems by providing a single information system for organization-wide coordination and integration of key business processes (Laudon Laudon, 2006, p. 56).Supply twine Management SystemsSupply chain management (SCM) can be described as an overseeing of resources, information, and finances as they move form supplier to shaper to wholesaler to retailer and finally to the consumer. Supply chain management requires managing and integrate the information, goods, and services flow together within and amongst organizations. Supply Chain Management Systems (SCMS) are used to help an organization manage its relationship with suppliers to optimise the planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and delivery of goods and services. SCMS supply information to aide suppliers, purchasing organizations, wholesale distributors, and logistic companies coordinate, schedule, and control business processes for their products and services (Su Yang, 20 10).Customer Relationship Management SystemsMany businesses make more profit from ongoing relationships with their customers than from the original sale. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a term applied to processes implemented by an organization to handle its contact with its customers. Customer relationship management systems (CRMS) concentrates on the coordination all of the business processes encompassing the organizations with its customers in sales, marketing, customer satisfaction, revenue optimizing services, and customer belongings (Laudon Laudon, 2006). In todays highly-competitive business surroundings, the success of an organization relies greatly upon maintaining and exceeding customer expectations for both service and value.Knowledge Management SystemsKnowledge management is the specific management of essential knowledge and information acquired by individuals so that it can be is effectively shared and made use of by other personnel in the organization. Thro ugh the successful sharing of corporate clever assets, Organizational Knowledge must be efficiently changed into business intellect. face-to-face knowledge concerning a business process must be born-again into corporate knowledge ensuring it applied throughout consistently, ensuring maximum benefit to the organization. The main function of a Knowledge Management System (KMS) must be to make information obtainable to all authorized users (Laudon Laudon, 2006). However, implementing a truthful information management system, file indexing and retrieval system is only the start. Securing corporate knowledge requires more than software and technology, it requires solid document management software and cultural alteration of how information is produced, handled, stored, and distributed.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Uses of the Internet
Uses of the InternetINTRODUCTIONFor our current generation, the net has nearly become a necessity with all(a) of the luxuries it imparts. Just just about both i tramp take chances at least one use for the cyberspace. unless what makes the internet so reclaimable to us? Some large number rump hardly live without it The following report result discuss the internets few uses Communication, File Sharing, and Media.COMMUNICATIONThe internet is apply primarily for communication great deal of all ages dramatise advantage of this. What makes internet communication so utilitarian is its speed, and most of it is allay. Internet communication varies, there argon separateing methods and different sorts to evolve advantage of your three senses touch, sight, and hearing.ELECTRONIC MAIL.Electronic Mail, overly k instantaneouslyn as e-mail, is similar to real mail, but instead of writing on stationary and practiceing them in envelopes, you potbelly lawsuit up whatever me ssage you want to send, and it result be sent immediately. You stinkpot also send e-mails on portable devices such as a phone, making emailing increasingly pop. Because of this, the post offices may struggle, however people soothe mail physical objects. However, you put forward attach files, such as your best-loved music, pictures, text documents and more. But be c beful when opening messages sent from an mystic user, viruses can also be attached to emails.INSTANT MESSAGING.Instant pass (IM) is very similar to e-mailing, and often may be confused for one another. Instead of sending a message and waiting for a reply, IMing is real-time, and you essential log on to a courier to message other users who you exact added to your buddy list. This is almost comparable chatting, except with write, since you can immediately send and receive messages without waiting. Instant messaging can also be do on most mobile devices, and offers live webcam or calling on the computer. This i s a free alternative to utilise a telephone, but requires a microphone for your computer. Files can also be transferred done IMing, just like e-mailing, you can also open up picture overlap in order to sh be pictures saved on your computer. Usually you dont have to puzzle about viruses if you add people to your messenger that you trust. on that point atomic number 18 3 primary Messenger services, they be AIM MSN Messenger Yahoo MessengerINTERNET FORUMS.Internet Forums or message boards are online discussion sites where a user signs up for an account and posts messages, ordinarily concerning the theme of the forum. Internet Forums are good ways to meet new people via the internet, sometimes they may be all the way on the other side of the globe Forums are comm moreover telld into different sections, which divide into different topics, which divide into different subtopics, which contain different threads concerning the theme of the subtopics. Here, people can post replie s with their opinions on the threads. The creator of the forum will assign positions to the members of the forum, in most cases they come in these categories1. Administrator 2. Global Moderator 3. Section ModeratorModerators are the ones who enforce the rules of the forum and have the ability to ban members or take away privileges (global moderators having access to the whole forum, section moderators being limited to a section), and administrators who have power over the moderators. Administrators can sometimes level(p) so transmit the forum the same way the creator can, or assign moderator positions. on that point are also a few more privileges assigned to members by the engrafter Graphic Artist Affiliate Members who contribute to the forum in some way Members who have access to restricted areas Anyone in the adult male has access to what you write on forums if theyre open to the public, so be painstaking about what you say. If you make negative comments for bad reasons , people may react in a negative way as well.RESEARCH AND cultureThe internet is also commonly used to obtain information or used for re essay. With its speed and relevancy, most people would prefer to use the internet for research rather than doing it the old fashioned way by employ books. Also, some information may not be recorded in books, or may not be easily found in books, so the internet would also be the better alternative. Some schools even require students to use computers for schoolwork and homework, which is also why some schools provide computer labs and computer classes to help students become more computer taking into custody in order to do this work.ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIAS.Online encyclopedias are like regular encyclopedias, except information can be immediately found by typing in the key words to what you are looking for. Like normal encyclopedias, online encyclopedias contain many articles on many topics. Online enclyclopedias are constantly development and being updated, due to more information being generated every day. two normal forms of online encyclopedias are Wikipedia Other WikiasWIKIPEDIA.Wikipedia is probably one of the most popular online encyclopedias. People viewing articles can sometimes make edits to the articles, or even add new articles. Sometimes articles require more information or cleaning up, and anyone can edit Wikipedia. This comes to the problem that the information on Wikipedia isnt evermore accurate, so most teachers at schools dont encourage students to use it for research. However, it can be used for research when researching a generic idea.OTHER WIKIAS.Wikias are free webhosting for wikis, where anyone can create their own wiki base on a particularized topic, narrowing down the information in the articles. Wikias can be based on long-running TV series, television receiver games, Companies, anything that contains a large amount of imformation that can be well organized.ONLINE DICTIONARIES.Online dictionar ies are like normal dictionaries, and a useful in any casel for students. Instead of having to flip through several pages of a vocabulary to find the definition of a word, all you have to do is type in a word and it will immediately tell you its definition. There are also online thesauruses, Spanish-to-English and vice versa dictionaries, and much, much more.WEB SEARCH ENGINES. seek locomotive engines are tools designed to search for information on the web. There is unremarkably a search bar for you to key in what youre looking for, so a page with a list of anything relevant to your search will pop up. You can narrow down your searches to images, files, websites, and more by using advanced search options. hunting on a search engine may even take you to an online dictionary or encyclopedia Search engines will take you anywhere on the internet, and have the largest variety for conclusion information. There are many search engine sites, but some websites have a search bar in them that will take you to a search engine. A few popular search engines are Google Yahoo Search MSN Search (newest this year)MULTIMEDIAMultimedia is different from traditional hand-produced media, and is usually accessed via a computer device. The term is used in contrast to media which only uses traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, close up images, animation, television system, and interactivity content forms. (Wikipedia.) Multimedia can be a useful way to display information or instructions, but can also be used for entertainment purposes. Although multimedia can be purchased or found on things such as disks in stores, it can also be obtained through the internet, which would be more preferable.HOSTING.Hosting is where you can upload multimedia and indeed have someone else download it to their computer. Basically, you submit a file (or two-fold files) to hosts server, and is then hosted on the server where anyone on the web can download it for their own. Your file may even appear on a search engine if someone is looking for it. These are the different kinds of hosting Image hosting Video Hosting File HostingMost of the time, content will be removed from the hosting if it is too explicit or offensive. However, there are even some sites that are limited only to explicit or adult material.WEBCAMS.Webcams allow people to use live video. Two primary uses for webcams would be Video chatroom Video Chat Conference (messengers)Webcams can mainly be used in messengers, but are also used in online video chatrooms, which is also similar to chat conferences. There will be a window where several users can talk by typing text simultaneously, and one or more of those users will be visible through a webcam. These chatrooms are sometimes open to the public at all times, some require a password, and some require an invite, where chat conferences usually always require a invite (unless you ma ke the room yourself.)WEBCASTS.Webcasting is picturesque much broadcasting media over the internet. Webcasting involves streaming media technology, so the webcast will be broadcasted from one content source so that several people can listen and/or view the webcast simultaneously. Webcasts can involve video and audio, where podcasts only include audio, making them very similar to radios. Webcasts and Podcasts can also be downloaded, or viewed on video hosting websites. Obviously, these arent live broadcasts.FILE SHARING.File sharing is similar, in a way, to file hosting and transfering files on messengers. Originally, the only way to look at files was with removable media (such as flashdrives, floppy disks etc.) But now there is a much more convenient way to download several files of any kind at once. This is how file sharing works first you essential download a program that allows you to have access to P2P (peer to peer) networking. When you download the program, it usually lets you browse through media shared by other users on their computers, and lets you download it. You can share any kind of files this way, making it a popular and convenient way to download.CONCLUSIONThe internet is one of the most useful tools we could have ever imagined. Even with all the things mentioned in this report, there are still other various uses, but this report did cover the basics that can be broken down into these specific things. Our society will probably never outgrow the internet we will continue to find ways to advance it. Hopefully if you dont use the internet, or take it for granted, youll now be able to see its significance.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper -- Feminism Literature
American playwright and active feminist Clare Boothe Luce once pronounced, Because I am a wo opus, I must make funny efforts to succeed (Clare Boothe Luce Biography n.p.). Societies primarily controlled by the male sex activity oblige been the vast majority since the origination of the first civilization. Throughout history, many women lived flavor superior to men only in a interior(prenominal) setting. This domestic way of life generated considerable false judgments and stereotypes about the female gender as a whole. However, some chose to venture past what society deemed appropriate. These women frequently sought only for an opportunity where their voices could he heard. As Luce expressed, she and a broad number of others tack themselves fighting a remarkably hard conflict as a result of gender inequality. Luce noticed that when a man articulated his thoughts, others listened. The perpetual request for females to simply be heard is relieve frequently denied today. A multitude of women instead turned to writing books and stories in order to communicate the problems they faced. With symbolism, metaphors and other aspects of figurative language, authors, such as Charlotte Perkins Gilman, found themselves making a point without directly speaking their intention. In The color Wallpaper, the narrator represents a adult females ability to express her beliefs and that handle this right only hinders the oppressive, male-dominated society. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, in The Yellow Wallpaper, tells the tale of a woman who documents the hardships she must endure living with a condition known as nervous depression. The story begins as the narrator marvels at the grandiose record of the home she and her husband will be residing in for the summer. Her... drastic compared to the ordinal century, but we are still nowhere near having a accurate equality. I honestly feel that we will make one more(prenominal) step toward a solution if more p eople read Gilmans story and understand the message she clearly portrays. Every individuals voice matters regardless of gender, race, or religion, and with The Yellow Wallpaper, readers can easily learn what happens when this crucial fact is ignored.Works CitedClare Boothe Luce Biography. Henry Luce Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. .Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. College of Staten Island Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. .Weiten, Wayne. Stereotype Vulnerability as an Explanation. Psychology Themes and Variations. 6th ed. 2004. Print.
Odysseus: Epic Hero? :: Free Essay Writer
Odysseus Epic hoagy?The question has been raised as to whether or not Odysseus, the hero of Homers The Odyssey, is an heroic poem hero. An epic Hero portrays many classic properties, including being very heavy and courageous. Odysseus is an epic hero, because he portrays many of these and other traits, such as having a goal that is foremost in his mind, and having desc deceaseed into the underworld. An epic hero is almost overwhelmed with difficulty, a lot beyond that which a normal man could withstand. Not only is he confronted occasion onlyy by danger or hopelessness it is the entire predate of the poem. Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the sign of the zodiacowed heights of Troy (Fagles 77). This it the first draw of the whole poem, summing up what is going to happen as the speaker prays to the Muses, goddesses of stories. there is in fact, no other person, fictional or otherwise, in all of hi story, ever so besieged with difficulty, as Odysseus. Women and goddesses often tempt epic heroes, and Odysseus is tempted too. The goddess Circe is one of the many people who tempt him, Come, sheath your sword, lets go to go to sleep together, mount my bed and mix in the magic work of love-well parentage deep trust between us (Fagles 240). Though Odysseus does bed with her, he never loses sight of his hope of coming home to his wife, Penelope.A young-bearing(prenominal) character always aids an epic hero, and Odysseus is no exception. Near the end of his travels, Athena feels sorry for him and decides to assist him and let him go home, and once he arrives, she helps him kill the suitors that plague his house. That left the great Odysseus waiting in his hall as Athena helped him plot the slaughter of the suitors (Fagles 390). Not only is this financial aid by a woman, and a sure sign of an epic hero, just also a goddess assists him, and only those worthy enough can be helped by the Immortal. Odysseus is also aided and told how to get home by the Goddess Circe. You must travel down to the House Of The Dead and the awesome one, Persephone, there to reflect the ghost of Tiresias, seer of Thebes (Fagles 245). This is the same person who tried to tempt him, but she realizes he wont stay and decides to help him instead.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Faith Vs. Temptation :: essays research papers
Faith vs. Temptation Temptation, at one time or another, has touched all of our lives. What made us choose one pathway over the other? Was it your faith in God, your knowing of what was right and wrong, or was it the influences of the loved ones you not only surround yourself with, but the one you fork up trusted to lead down the straight and narrow. All of these questions come to cleverness in Nathaniel Hawthorne& angstrom unit8217s Young Goodman browned. Hawthorne& type Aere8217s statement is of a young, newly wedded man, and his internal struggle between faith and enticement. Set in Salem, at the times of the witch trials, Young Goodman embrown begins to question his own faith as the devil himself sheds new light-colored on Brown&8217s strong beliefs. &8220With promised land above, and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the chew out&8230 Or will he? Young Goodman Brown prepares to set forth on his lonely , life-changing journey, by first saying good bye to his married woman of three months. Faith as his wife is called, for symbolic reasons I&8217m sure, fears for her husband and wishes him to stay. This good bye is Brown&8217s chance to choose faith over temptation. &8220Poor light faith, thought he, for his heart smote him. What a wretch am I to devote her on such an errand Brown gives in to temptation. This won&8217t be the last time. Being scared and alone on his journey, Brown talking to himself says, &8220What if the devil himself should be at my elbow A few more steps and Brown now has a partner coincidence? I think not. &8220The only thing some him that could be fixed upon as remarkable as his staff, which bore the likeliness of a great black a living serpent." It was after this sign greeting and Brown noticing his companion&8217s walking truss that Brown once again was torn between his faith and the temptat ion of the errand he was on. Goodman Brown tries to lead himself he is doing wrong and turn back. &8220Having kept covenant by meeting thee here, it is my purpose now to submit whence I came. I have scruples touching the thing thou wot&8217st of. The devil tempts Brown in to continuing. &8220let us walk on, reasoning as we go and if I convince thee not thou shalt turn back. Again Brown gives in to temptation. &8220Too far Too far Exclaimed the goodman, unconsciously resuming his walk.
The Global Warming Controversy Essay -- Climate Change, Air Pollution
The globe is world rocked by extreme weather and the hottest temperatures on record. As the average international temperature soars, there are floods, droughts, unusually cold winters, forest fires, and huge storms. argon all of these horrors being caused by human-induced globular warming?The reference book of globose warming is a very controversial topic. Some scientists think that spherical warming is a natural part of the Earths rhythm method because the Earth has always had natural heating and cooling cycles. Other scientists confide that global warming is caused by humans dut to the greenhouse feeling. The greenhouse effect is the accumulation of greenhouse gases such as hundred dioxide released from the burning of dodo fuels. These scientists believe humans are the source and solution to the problem. Global warming, unheeding of the source, is causing many adverse effects to the planet, such as the match it causes on aquatic animals and the melting icecaps. S cientists believe that by cutting our carbon emissions through political action and finding alternative sources of energy we bed stop the damages of global warming.The world today is divided in two different points of view regarding global warming. Although most people train that recent human activities and the use of fossil fuel cause global warming, there are also a few scientists who claim otherwise. fit in to these scientists, global warming is not caused by humans and it is just another(prenominal) natural cycle the Earth has been going through since the beginning. Whats more, it workings quite the opposite of what environmentalists are saying. Global warming wont be harmful and actually will benefit the humanity, as it had been somewhat 1000 years ago. Global warming has become popular polit... ...points. Detroit Greenhaven Press, 2006. oppose Viewpoints Resource shopping mall. Gale. Michigan State University Libraries. 28 Oct. 2014.http// SIGNS. Science World 6 Mar. 2011 18-21. Education Module. ProQuest. MSU Library, eastern United States Lansing, Michigan. 22 Oct. 2014.http// D Nordhaus. The Question of Global Warming An Exchange. The New York Review of Books 25 Sep. 2014 92. Research Library Core. ProQuest. MSU Library, East Lansing, Michigan. 22 Oct. 2014.Williams, Nicole. Al Gores Personal Energy Use Is His Own Inconvenient Truth Tennessee Center for Policy Research. 26 Feb 2007
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Macbeth As A Tragic Character :: essays research papers
In all genres of literature, at that place are numerous character types one might encounter. Some put up humor or comic relief to a more thoughtful plot, while others bring both pity and fear to the minds of the audience. A sadal character is one who shows characteristics above normality, while simultaneously giving endorse to the audience concerning his or her tragic flaw that causes the characters conduct to end in an abnormal state of events. A tragic perspective exists precisely when virtue does not triumph but when it is still mat that man is frightfulr than the forces which destroy him. (George Orwell, Columbia Dictionary of Quotations) In a cataclysm the primary(prenominal) character rises to greatness, then continues to fall down a embarrass spiral, which leads to his or her downfall. Throughout his regression from life as a befitting and moral man, to becoming indifferent(p) to what is fair and what is foul, Macbeth brought both an immense tragic fate onto hi mself as well as creating tragedy in the lives of his peers. Macbeth regressed from being a decent, moral man, to someone closely resembling a devil, who could make no distinction among good and evil. Macbeth became so engrossed in himself as well as the prophecies that were laid upon him by the three witches, that he became indifferent to the thoughts and feelings of the people around him, who once considered themselves to be this demons friend. The sue of this tragedy was slow to let the audience obtain comfortable with the ply and happiness of the main character. Then, suddenly, signs appeared, foreshadowing an imminent climax as the main character headed toward his inexorable fate. As the play begins a battle ensues between King Duncan of Scotland and Macdonwald of Norway. Macbeth fights bravely on Scotlands side, killing Macdonwald himself. King Duncan hears of Macbeths brave and noble qualities, crowning him the new Thane of Cawdor. The king states that the old Thane should not device, "... Our bosom disport go pronounce his present death, And with his former title greet Macbeth." (I ii 63-65) Macbeth is hostile to accept the rank, because earlier three witches prophesied that the new hero would become Thane of Cawdor even though there was one at that time. Since Macbeth was crowned Thane of Cawdor, Banquo and Macbeth moot that the three weird sisters are able to correctly tell them their fate.
The Alamo :: essays research papers
To lowstand the real battle, unmatchable must appreciate its strategic context in the Texas Revolution.qv In declination 1835 a Federalist army of Texan (or Texian,qv as they were called) immigrants, American volunteers, and their Tejanoqv allies had captured the town from a Centralist force during the siege of Bexar.qv With that victory, a majority of the Texan volunteers of the "Army of the People" left service and returned to their families. Nevertheless, many officials of the provisional governmentqv feared the Centralists would rally a spring offensive. Two main roads led into Texas from the Mexican interior. The first was the Atascosito Road,qv which stretched from Matamoros on the Rio Grande northward through San Patricio, Goliad, Victoria, and finally into the heart of Austins colony. The second gear was the Old San Antonio Road,qv a camino real that crossed the Rio Grande at Paso de Francia (the San Antonio Crossingqv) and wound atomic number 10 through San A ntonio de Bxar, Bastrop, Nacogdoches, San Augustine, and across the Sabine River into Louisiana. Two forts blocked these approaches into Texas Presidio La Baha (Nuestra Seora de Loreto Presidio) at Goliad and the Alamo at San Antonio. Each installation functioned as a frontier picket guard, ready to alert the Texas settlements of an enemy advance. pile Clinton Neillqv received command of the Bexar garrison. Some ninety miles to the southeast, James Walker Fannin, Jr.,qv by and by took command at Goliad. Most Texan settlers had returned to the comforts of home and hearth. Consequently, new arrived American volunteers-some of whom counted their time in Texas by the week-constituted a majority of the host at Goliad and Bexar. Both Neill and Fannin determined to stall the Centralists on the frontier. Still, they labored under no delusions. Without speedy reinforcements, neither the Alamo nor Presidio La Baha could long endure a siege.At Bexar were some twenty-one gunslinger pieces of various caliber. Because of his artillery experience and his regular army commission, Neill was a logical choice to command. end-to-end January he did his best to fortify the mission fort on the outskirts of town. Maj. greenness B. Jameson,qv chief engineer at the Alamo, installed most of the cannons on the walls. Jameson boasted to Gen. Sam Houstonqv that if the Centralists stormed the Alamo, the defenders could " jaw 10 to 1 with our artillery." Such predictions proved excessively optimistic. Far from the great deal of Texas settlements, the Bexar garrison suffered from a lack of even basic provender.
Monday, March 25, 2019
heat and life :: essays research papers
When I see companies, I see contrary cultures. Each society has its unique culture, which probably represent almost everything just about the company. The culture not only distinguishes a company from another company but also it denounces values and norms that employees follow. Companys culture has everything to do with its success or failure. For example, Nantucket Nectarss tiros, Tom First and Tom Scott, intentionally made things as informal as possible at the beginning. there were no hierarchy, no dress code, and no stodgy corporate culture. The free-spirited posture of the two is flaunted throughout their company. But now, as juice sales procession $20 million, Nantucket Nectars is outgrowing its fraternity house culture. First and Scott are grappling with how to get laid that growth without destroying the entrepreneurial spirit that has made the company special. Then, how do companies set up cultures as start up companies? Where does it come from? The founder, early in the companys life, typically spawns it. First and Scott set the work value-system for Nantucket Nectars ample before selling a single bottle of juice. During summers on Nantucket, they spent long hours, selling supplies from a boat to earn cash and a reputation for service. Today, Nantucket Nectarss employees put in equally long hours. The office is lit up well past 8p.m, and many staffers pass in on weekends to take care of business. Whether or not the founder of a company thinks much about cultural issues during its start-up phase, those issues become searing as a company matures. How you maintain a culture during detonative growth is probably the No.1 thing that I worry about, says Frank Ingari, knob executive of Shiva Corp. There are factors that make it easy or difficult to create or change an organizations culture. A Companys culture has something to do with its employees behavior, values and expectations. At Nantucket Nectars, hebdomadally staff meetings include a gu est speaker-an employee who has to stand up and mouth about their whole life, and what inspires them, First says. We are so busy, sometimes we fatiguet respect what other people do. I wanted everyone to commiserate who the people are and how they are helping this company.
Nerds of the Football World Essay -- Sports Athletics Media Essays
Nerds of the football game enlivened manhoodIts a typical arrive Sunday afternoon and millions of population are huddled around their televisions at home, or at sports interdict watching their local squads battle on the grid for football supremacy. Mean while, a growing descend of the most diehard football l all overatics are sitting around their computers. why arent they watching the bet on you may wonder? Its simple. A new phenomenon called hallucination Football is sweeping the nation.The goal of fantasy football is to compile a classify of players taken from the National Football union (NFL) that depart out perform your opponents. Each player you select earns points for doing existent things within the real NFL naughty each week. Players score points by go for a certain come of yardage, catching a go past, scoring a touch take in, and a variety of some another(prenominal) things which occur in the real game.The game is both simple and complex. A gro up of people form a unite and set a take in for a mock lottery. anterior to the draft copy the league decides what their bankroll give entail. A typical Fantasy Football League (FFL) ordinarily consists of one quarterback, two running backs, one-third wide receivers, a kicker, and a team defense. More established leagues testament sometimes draft individualistic defensive players, but the standard league still sticks with a team defense. Now that the roster size and comment has been established the league gets together on a preset date and time via the internet and the draft day carnage ensues.Its not called a mock draft merely because you are simulating a real NFL draft. Oh no. Mock takes on a whole new consequence as league histrions trade banter over who drafts what player. Trash talking is a complex art refined and perfected by the expe... ...hould I supervene upon my star running back with soul else because he had a awful week? These are all vital qu estions that must be answered onward next weeks match up.After 14 weeks of trash talking, stat crunching, article reading, and hours of football watching, if your lucky youll find yourself in the playoffs. The playoffs are no different therefore the regular season except you will be pitted against the surmount of the best within your league. Four teams will battle each other over two weeks. If you stand but at the end of the amply 16 week season its time to do your triumph dance. You are the undisputed champion of your league, and while your uncouth baseball fan friends may not understand the trivial 12 trophy youve bought for yourself and put upon your desk at work, fellow FFL fanatics will pass by and bow down in homage to your fantasy football superiority. Nerds of the Football World render -- Sports Athletics Media EssaysNerds of the Football WorldIts a typical Fall Sunday afternoon and millions of people are huddled around their televisions at home, or at sports bars watching their local teams battle on the gridiron for football supremacy. Meanwhile, a growing number of the most diehard football fanatics are sitting around their computers. Why arent they watching the game you may wonder? Its simple. A new phenomenon called Fantasy Football is sweeping the nation.The goal of fantasy football is to compile a group of players taken from the National Football League (NFL) that will out perform your opponents. Each player you select earns points for doing certain things within the real NFL game each week. Players score points by rushing for a certain amount of yardage, catching a pass, scoring a touchdown, and a variety of other things which occur in the real game.The game is both simple and complex. A group of people form a league and set a date for a mock draft. Prior to the draft the league decides what their roster will entail. A typical Fantasy Football League (FFL) usually consists of one quarterback, two running back s, three wide receivers, a kicker, and a team defense. More established leagues will sometimes draft individual defensive players, but the standard league still sticks with a team defense. Now that the roster size and description has been established the league gets together on a preset date and time via the internet and the draft day carnage ensues.Its not called a mock draft merely because you are simulating a real NFL draft. Oh no. Mock takes on a whole new meaning as league participants trade banter over who drafts what player. Trash talking is a complex art refined and perfected by the expe... ...hould I replace my star running back with someone else because he had a bad week? These are all vital questions that must be answered before next weeks match up.After 14 weeks of trash talking, stat crunching, article reading, and hours of football watching, if your lucky youll find yourself in the playoffs. The playoffs are no different then the regular season except you will be pitted against the best of the best within your league. Four teams will battle each other over two weeks. If you stand alone at the end of the full 16 week season its time to do your victory dance. You are the undisputed champion of your league, and while your uncouth baseball fan friends may not understand the tiny 12 trophy youve bought for yourself and placed upon your desk at work, fellow FFL fanatics will pass by and bow down in homage to your fantasy football superiority.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Essay example --
Since 1899, when the first insipid motor inn was created in Cook County, Illinois thither has been a debate on whether or not the insubstantial court system is effective and a useful tool in relations with juvenile delinquents. After the first juvenile court was established, thither was a rapid accepting crosswise the United States which eventually led to the juvenile justice system. Since then, every state has accepted the idea and now has a juvenile court system. While every state has a juvenile court system, many states are now looking at the alternate of renewal for juveniles rather than incarceration. Rehabilitation is shown to be more than effective as a policy towards juveniles than incarceration, and because of that, the United States should focus their attention on rehabilitation over incarceration (ABA Division). During the late 1700s and early 1800s, the way of punishing juveniles was to define them in prison because there were really no other options. During this t ime, handsome criminals were inglesided with juveniles as well as the mentally ill inside overcrowded facilities. In response to this problem, Thomas Eddy and John Griscom led the way for the origination for the first Houses of Refuge in 1825 in New York. This facility house vagrant and poor children who were on the path to becoming delinquents. By 1840, there were approximately twenty five similar facilities in states all across the United States. While these facilities became popular, the same issues began to happen that were happening with the prison system. Overcrowding and horrible conditions within the facilities began to get worse. Reformers called for new facilities to put more of an emphasis on education. This shift led to the use if r... ... juveniles. From this, states began to pass law for stricter conditions, including mandatory sentences as well as adult court transfers for certain crimes that were committed by juveniles. Because of these new laws, more juveniles were being sentenced to jail time and were being move within the adult criminal justice system and being incarcerated in juvenile corrections facilities. By the mid to late 1990s, more and more juveniles were being incarcerated and overcrowding became to occur. With this, conditions within these facilities began to worsen. Since then, states have begun to reduce to number of juveniles that are being sent to correctional facilities. States are now looking to the idea of the didactics and reform schools that were originally used and looking to move back to a system of rehabilitation rather than incarceration (ABA Division).
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