Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Problematizing Feminsim: An Article Critique Essay\r'
'A thorough test of Shefali Desai’s article clearly shows the major issues that ar confronted by the feminist movement. Desai carefully examined the underlying ideologic tenets, as well as the corresponding political, fond and heathen differences that seem to create a panoptic gap among many feminist activists. This is most in special(a) true in cases that specifically focus on the recognition of women’s rights and at the same time, pickings into full consideration the respective cultural and cordial arenas in which oppression and repression take place.\r\nClearly, under this context, Desai attempts to organise a cover and feasible solution on how to resolve the tensions and disparities, which are often experienced and reflected in feminist movement’s multicultural tone-beginning. To further bedeck the author’s contentions and arguments, Desai offered a substantial characteristic about the glaring differences between the methods and admittan cees that are deployed by universalists and cultural relativists (5). As universalism implies, Desai expounded that this particular approach upholds the opinion that the root word of human rights butt joint be understand within a single vantage top dog (5).\r\nConsequently, cultural relativism espouses that human rights should be contextualized from different angles that by and by acknowledge a range of external factors (Desai 5). The political, social and more(prenominal) importantly, cultural factors, thus affect the case-by-case’s scope of reality. In this aspect, arguing for a universal approach is no less than a subtle assertion of power legitimacy and to a certain extent, subordination. Desai, then linked these scenarios to the recognition of women’s rights in non-Western setting, such as the Taliban society (7).\r\nVia exerting a conscious effort to trace the historical report of the Taliban government, Desai narrated how a series of wars and intercult ural differences accommodate affected the women of Afghanistan (7). nonwithstanding with Taliban’s rise and its strict imposition of Muslim Law, is perceived by many as utmost more repressive, patriarchal and detrimental to Afghan women (Desai 7). This is disrespect of the fact that several members of the community have seen the Taliban approach as yet another way of safeguarding not only their women, but also their cultural practices (Desai 11).\r\nThis particular situation has led Desai to question the seemingly big and (apathetic) contentions of both universalists and cultural relativists women advocates. Critically speaking, far more than acknowledging human rights, it keister be argued that Desai was also touch on on a pragmatic application of â€Å"multicultural feminism (Worell 432)â€Â. The Taliban case, far more than anything else raises the question of whose feminism is involved, most especially in scenarios that revolved roughly women oppression and i dentity construction. For those who do not have a direct experience of oppression, universalism and feminism can be easily combined.\r\nHowever, it cannot be denied that individual differences and cultural and individualistic considerations may divide feminist movements from crosswise the globe. Thus, via providing clear definitions and comprehensive distinctions of how womanhood is experienced and fluid in various social settings, Desai’s fail remarkably eliminates the possibility of Western feminist hegemony. Consequently, by being open to the respective cultural constraints of women in highly marginalized regions, the article remains free from the biases of relativism and still offers a highly pragmatic approach.\r\nThe example that Desai utilize added to the author’s credibility since it successfully illustrated the concrete shortcomings of two divergent perspectives that exceed the theoretical or hypothetical assumptions. Evidently, the remaining parts of Desa i’s password presented different way of )dealing with feminism and human rights recognition. Desai called for a much more holistic and collective approach via formulating legal protocols that duly recognize human rights with spectacular sensitivity. Yes, Desai’s work calls for sensitivity, in the sense that feminists essential also pay attention to the individualistic inevitably of many women.\r\nIn this manner, highly customized and appropriate solutions can be enacted. Oftentimes, women-related problems become worse, not only because of the lack of direct action, but also due to the profligate politics that exist among feminists and even legal experts. As Desai stressed, feminism cannot possible produce good results if the idea of â€Å"multiplicity†is taken for granted (17). Here, it can be seen that Desai actually looks for parallelism rather than an abrupt point of intersection of opposing views and ideologies.\r\nThe strengths of universalism and c ultural relativism are combined to outstrip its respective weaknesses. In this aspect, biases and politicking shall be lessened and feminism now transforms into an efficient and pragmatic solution. Works Cited Desai, Shefali. â€Å" hearing Afghan’s Women’s Voices: Feminist conjecture’s Re- Conceptualization of Women’s Human Rights. †azimuth Journal of International and Comparative Law. 16. 805 (1999): 1-17 Worell, Judith. Encyclopedia of Women and grammatical gender: Sex Similarities and the Impact of Society on Gender. atomic number 20: Academic Press\r\n'
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