Monday, September 30, 2019
Jekyll and Hyde Essay Introduction and Para 1
I am going to write an essay on Robert Louis Stevenson’s supernatural story, the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, which was the inspiration for lots of modern movies showing dual nature of mankind e. g. The Hulk, Two Face and The Nutty Professor to name a few. The story is told mostly in third person by Mr Utterson the lawyer, it is about the scientist Dr Jekyll and his â€Å"friend†, the hated Mr Hyde. Utterson suspects that Hyde may be bribing Jekyll when Jekyll changes his will to one where in the event of his death all his money and his house will be given to Hyde. However when Hyde disappears after brutally murdering the highly respected Sir Danvers Carew, Utterson is pleased, but when Jekyll starts acting weird and will not leave the confines of his cabinet Utterson becomes worried and after Jekyll becomes a recluse and starts making strange demands in a voice that is not his own, Jekyll’s butler and Utterson break down the doctor’s door to find Hyde lying dead on the floor from apparent suicide. The story is later explained in the novella through the testimony of Dr Lanyon, in which he reveals that he witnessed a transformation of Hyde to Jekyll and then explained in more detail by Jekyll. It turns out that Hyde was the result of one of Dr Jekyll’s experiments, where by drinking the ‘transforming draught’ he becomes the hated character who was the complete opposite of his usual self. Over time Jekyll found himself transforming without even drinking the potion, and when the drug ran out he became trapped as Hyde. Upon drinking the very last of the drug Jekyll writes, ‘I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end’. I thought this book was very interesting and would recommend it to all. This novel is all about the dual nature of mankind. Stevenson believed that every person had a good and bad side to them. The book says a lot about Victorian society as they were all meant to be very good people but really lots of them were corrupt inside. The characters inside this novel show his theory about this very well. For example Jekyll is a well respected man, who was ‘born to a large fortune’ and ‘fond of respect of the wise and good among my fellow men†¦ with every guarantee of an honourable and distinguished future’. Like most people in Victorian society Dr Jekyll was obsessed with respect and he also had an evil side to him. He hated doing â€Å"evil†things such as gambling and drinking so much that he decided to make a potion to split his personality in two. When he first became Hyde, the evil side of his personality he felt ‘younger, lighter and happier in body’ which is because his evil side would not be as developed as his good side as he has done more good than evil in his life. He enjoyed being Hyde because he could do evil things without consequence or people finding out, or so he thought. He felt he did not need to feel guilty about the things he had done as they technically weren’t him.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Essay on Assisted Suicide
The Ongoing Historical Debate Of Euthanasia The word euthanasia originates from two Greek words, meaning â€Å"good death†. In the most natural state, euthanasia defines a death positively sought after for mankind, in the act of dying and ultimately death. Unfortunately, the term historically and currently leads to debate and manipulation to insinuate a criminal act. World civilizations must remember the crimes of the past, and fear misplaced power as currently occurring in Darfur, however, the horror of genocide does not belong in the euthanasia debate.The arguments originate from cultural, religious and social values and dictate as well as interfere with the ability to experience a â€Å"good death†. For decades, the world has been experiencing a battle between the advocates and opponents of legalizing euthanasia. While the Euthanasia Act released November 2011 by the Royal Dutch Medical Association outlined new guidelines, there are histories and past cases that need to be studied to fully understand possible implications.The legalization of assisted suicide has increased debate regarding a slippery slope effect due to a turbulent history and the misguided dogma that it will lead to involuntary euthanasia. Historically, the ongoing controversy regarding the slippery slope effect and its pertinence to those who are curable, have surrounded euthanasia placing the experience of dying with dignity, for the terminally ill in jeopardy. An article titled, The Unleashing of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value, categorizes people who are to be eliminated.The book written by two Germans in 1920, Carl Binding, a doctor of jurisprudence and philosophy, and Alfred Hoche, a medical doctor, labeled burdensome people as â€Å"incurable idiots, mere caricatures of true men whose death create no vacuum. †The book and its contentions are later exemplified, by both the defense and offense, as the origin for condoning the genocidal Holocaust of Nazi Ger many in the late 1940’s. Consequently, Nazi Germany proclaimed that the origins of humane euthanasia began prior to Nazi terrorism.Advancements in knowledge and strict guidelines have increased since the early 1900’s; therefore history will not repeat itself, and the original intent of euthanasia can be realized devoid of a slippery slope effect. Slippery Slope arguments have been on the forefront in the euthanasia decriminalization debate since the 1930’s. In the 1930’s, a prophesized slippery slope included the potential for a lack of medical advances to discover a cure for incurable diseases. The medical doctor pledges the Hippocratic Oath to protect and prolong life, but also to relieve suffering.Slippery slope controversies are based on the supposition that despite the fact the law mandates restrictions, parameters will be blurred based upon human nature. The concerns should be navigated and acknowledged, but not dictate the fear of change. Controver sies surround the act of dying. Currently, medical development in technology has been increasingly successful in the treatment to prolong life and perpetually relieve pain. The question arises concerning the patient’s rights in making life-sustaining decisions.Public support of painless euthanasia for the terminally ill has increased dramatically. A survey conducted by Blendon and colleagues illustrated that 34 percent in 1950 were in favor, 53 percent in 1973 and 63 percent in 1991. The contemporary issue of assisted suicide exposes deep historical roots by Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras. The philosophers maintained favor of merciful death, yet condemned murder and suicide. While Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras historically acknowledged support of euthanasia in the advent of a painful terminal disease, all condemned suicide for other reasons.A branch of Ancient Greece, the Stoics and Roman Philosophy, also accepted euthanasia when pain from a terminal illness became intoler able. However, the initial reign of Christianity in the Roman Empire dramatically altered these views and judged euthanasia intolerable, based upon the Sixth Commandment of, â€Å"Thou shalt not kill†. Saint Augustine’s religious belief dictated that the suffering of an individual as pre- ordained by God and to deny that divine power as an unpardonable sin.The Renaissance period, following the fourteenth century, experienced a softening of belief, the Catholic saint, Sir Thomas More, advocated voluntary euthanasia for the terminally ill. He published, in Utopia, during 1516 that euthanasia as defined for the terminally ill would be a reality in an ideal society. Up until the end of the 1800’s and during the early 1900’s, physicians considered the discussion of euthanasia as a viable option for painful, terminal illness. Not until the advent and repercussions of Nazi Germany, Hitler and the Holocaust did the discussions concerning pro-euthanasia cease.The comfort of the term euthanasia and its intent became an evil crime of horror. The Holocaust claimed 6 million Jews and 3 million gypsies, under the erroneous premise of ethnic cleansing, forever altering the definition and intent of euthanasia. This act does not define euthanasia, it defines murder, yet has become a strong premise in the contemporary debate against humane euthanasia. The evil of Nazi Germany will not be forgotten and the fear of misplaced power should remain, however, it does not have a rightful position in the arguments concerning euthanasia for the terminally ill.The current contemporary issue regarding the Darfur Genocide profoundly illustrates misplaced power and genocide, not euthanasia. Tremendous medical and technological improvements during the late 1950s made it possible to sustain life in terminally ill patients and those in vegetative states for extended periods of time. These medical advancements brought quality-of-life issues to the forefront. The Patie nt’s Bill of Rights written in 1973 by the American Hospital Association grants the patient the right to reject medicine with informed consent.The United States Constitution also awards citizens the right of freedom of choice, and being in control of one’s life. Oregon became the first state to legalize assisted suicide through the Death with Dignity Act in 1998 and since then 460 people have died via this option. Washington passed the Death with Dignity Act in 2008 with 57. 91 percent approval under the voter initiative I-1000. As of March 4, 2010, 36 people have self-administered the lethal medication via physician’s prescription in Washington State. There have been 63 prescriptions filled, but some opted not to exercise this option, dying via their terminal illness.As of 2012 the only other state to legalize euthanasia for the terminally ill is Montana. The greatest misunderstanding relating to the Death with Dignity Act comes from a common misuse of the term â€Å"assisted suicide. †The power of language and the use of the word â€Å"suicide†exemplify a scare tactic used by those opposed to the law. Suicide identifies a desperate act and generally executed in secrecy. The connotations that are created in religion and moral values regarding suicide are not present. Suicide intentionally ends one’s own life, ending an open-ended life span.Death with dignity enables a choice to shorten an inescapable, impending and painful death of a person who desperately wants to live, but that option does not exist. The choice allows control and dignity in the process of dying. The Act provides a sense of peace, enables communication with healthcare professionals and loved ones; though there still will be sadness it can permit a celebration of one’s life. To support and legally allow a terminally ill person the option to choose the timing for the end of their life illustrates an act of humanity.The pain inherent in the ter minally ill is meaningless, eternal and doomed to dramatically increase. A valid measurement does not exist to determine the degree of pain experienced by an individual. Medications relieve a limited amount of the pain, however, medications have proven grossly inadequate in certain cases. A man suffering from prostate cancer said, â€Å"The medication puts me to sleep. As soon as I wake up there’s pain. If I can’t live free of the pain, I’m not living at all, simply existing. †Another patient suffering from pancreatic cancer stated, †I would never have believed that there could be such pain.I am a different person. It's like having a new set of neurons implanted in my brain, each one producing as much pain as it can. And here I am enjoying the best of American medicine. I am ready to go now. †Indisputably, there are increased advances in studies and medicine; however, there reaches a point when the excessive pain becomes unbearable for the p atient. Currently, the contemporary debate continues in the United States, especially amongst religious entities strongly opposing the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon and Washington states.Many religious traditions remain faithful to ancient teachings and beliefs concerning the physical side of life and death. Modern technology and science have discovered new insights and helped some leaders of faith to reconsider. Terminal illness and disease are no longer as large a mystery. Barbara Coombs Lee, President of Compassion ; Choices, a group for the advocacy of aid in dying, has fought against the Catholic Church and their staunch undermining of The Death With Dignity Act.The Catholic Church instigated a movement, To Live Each Day with Dignity; this movement’s intent aggressively increases the assault on end-of-life choices. For many Catholics, the Pope’s directive mandates the final word, a word that directs a judgment without introspection and self thought. Evangelical , Mormon, Protestant and unaffiliated religions also have profiles that dictate their vote. Religious proponents of The Death with Dignity Act religious proponents believe godliness does not exist in allowing a terminally ill person to experience needless suffering.The future of legalized euthanasia will be dependent upon the guidelines, boundaries and law in place to prevent the abuse of euthanasia and honoring it, as was originally intended, a â€Å"good death†. Euthanasia in its true form negates a criminal act as believed by certain cultural, social and religious entities. However, Scott Robinson states in, To Go Among the Saracens, â€Å"Yet the human situation is characterized, above all, by â€Å"forgetfulness,†or â€Å"heedlessness. †Historically, the criminal acts regarded, as euthanasia during Hitler’s reign must be remembered.The slippery slope effect concerning involuntary euthanasia exists as a misguided dogma in the historical debate of l egalizing assisted suicide. Consequently, an ongoing political battle will continue throughout the world concerning the contemporary issue of euthanasia. Scientifically, thorough research and philosophical analysis will progress, thus adding to the political dimension and enhancing a deeper understanding of the issue. Bibliography Admiraal, Pieter. â€Å"Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide. †Accessed November 12, 2012. http://biology. franklincollege. du/bioweb/Biology/course_p/bioethics/Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. doc. Barber, Melissa. â€Å"Death With Dignity Isn't Suicide. † Death With Dignity National Center, April 25, 2011. http://www. deathwithdignity. org/2011/04/25/death-dignity-isnt-suicide (accessed Novmeber 11, 2012). Simon, Rita J. â€Å"Euthanasia and The Right to Die: Overview. † ABC-CLIO Understanding Controversy and Society. http://issues. abc-clio. com/Topics/Display/913372? cid=41;terms=Euthanasia and the Right to Die (accessed October 1, 2012). Lafolette, Hugh. â€Å"Living On a Slippery Slope. †The Journal of Ethics. 9. no. /4 (2005): 475-499. http://www. jstor. org/stable/25115837? seq=1 (accessed October 1, 2012). McKhann, Charles F. Time to Die: The Place for Physician Assistance. Michigan: Yale University Press, 1999. http://washingtonstate. worldcat. org/oclc/47009260 Neumann, Ann. â€Å"The Nation: Keeping the Right to Die Alive. † The Nation, June 16, 2011. (accessed December 6, 2012). http://www. npr. org/2011/06/16/137217016/the-nation-keeping-the-right-to-die-alive â€Å"Religion and Spirituality. † Death With Dignity National Center. http://www. deathwithdignity. org/historyfacts/religion (accessed December 7, 2012).Robinson, Scott. â€Å"To Go Among the Saracens: A Franciscan Composer's Journey into the House of Islam . † Cross Currents. ( 2007): 417, 420. https://lms. wsu. edu/section/default. asp? id=2012-fall-PULLM-HISTORY-105-28593-LEC (accessed November 11, 2012). S. Frileux, C. Lelievre, M. T. Munoz Sastre, E. Mullet and P. C. Sorum, . â€Å"When is Physician Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia Acceptable?. †Journal Of Medical Eithics. 29. no. 6 (2003): 330-336. http://www. jstor. org/stable/27719114? seq=3 (accessed October 1, 2012). Schaab, Patrick. â€Å"Mercy killings or uncontrolled murder?. â€Å"The Timaru Herald, , sec.National, September 18, 2012. http://www. lexisnexis. com/lnacui2api/results/docview/docview. do? docLinkInd=true;risb=21_ (accessed November 13, 2012). â€Å"Washington State Transforms the Crime of Assisted Suicide Into a â€Å"Medical Treatment†.. † Patients Rights Council. . http://www. patientsrightscouncil. org/site/washington/ (accessed November 12, 2012). Yardley, William. â€Å"Report Finds 36 Died Under Assisted Suicide Law. † The New York Times, March 4, 2010. http://www. nytimes. com/2010/03/05/us/05suicide. html? _r=0 (accessed November12, 2012). â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 1 ]. Schaab, Patrick. â€Å"Mercy killings or uncontrolled murder?. â€Å"The Timaru Herald, sec. National, September 18, 2012. [ 2 ]. Schaab, Patrick. â€Å"Mercy killings or uncontrolled murder?. â€Å"The Timaru Herald, sec. National, September 18, 2012. [ 3 ]. Lafolette, Hugh. â€Å"Living On a Slippery Slope. †The Journal of Ethics. 9. no. 3/4 (2005): 475-499. [ 4 ]. S. Frileux, C. Lelievre, M. T. Munoz Sastre, E. Mullet and P. C. Sorum, . â€Å"When is Physician Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia Acceptable?. †Journal Of Medical Ethics. 29. no. 6 (2003): 330-336. [ 5 ]. Admiraal, Pieter. â€Å"Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide. Accessed December 6, 2012. [ 6 ]. Simon, Rita J. â€Å"Euthanasia and The Right to Die: Overview. † ABC-CLIO Understanding Controversy and Society. [ 7 ]. Yardley, William. â€Å"Report Finds 36 Died Under Assisted Suicide Law. à ¢â‚¬  The New York Times, March 4, 2010. [ 8 ]. â€Å"Washington State Transforms the Crime of Assisted Suicide Into a â€Å"Medical Treatment†. â€Å". Patients Rights Council. [ 9 ]. Yardley, William. â€Å"Report Finds 36 Died Under Assisted Suicide Law. † The New York Times, March 4, 2010. [ 10 ]. Barber, Melissa. â€Å"Death With Dignity Isn't Suicide. † Death With Dignity National Center, April 25, 2011. 11 ]. McKhann, Charles F. Time to Die: The Place for Physician Assistance. Michigan: Yale University Press, 1999. [ 12 ]. Religion and Spirituality. † Death With Dignity National Center. [ 13 ]. Neumann, Ann. â€Å"The Nation: Keeping the Right to Die Alive. † The Nation, June 16, 2011. (accessed December 6, 2012). [ 14 ]. Barber, Melissa. â€Å"Death With Dignity Isn't Suicide. † Death With Dignity National Center, April 25, 2011. [ 15 ]. Robinson, Scott. â€Å"To Go Among the Saracens: A Franciscan Composer's Jou rney into the House of Islam . † Cross Currents. ( 2007): 417, 420.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Growth of China as a Political and Economic Power Research Paper
The Growth of China as a Political and Economic Power - Research Paper Example Many members of global society believe that Communist doctrines are dangerous and a threat to the stability of society, asserting that Communism ensures growing power and influence of government as a dictatorial and oppressive social regime. However, Communism is based solidly on fundamental values related to Socialism ideology, which also ensures that the top priority for society and government is to ensure the well-being and enhanced lifestyle of all citizens under a system that ensures equitable allocation of resources to all members of society regardless of their class position (Lamb & Docherty, 2006). The aforementioned Communist dogma that drove Chinese economic, social and political ideology did ultimately serve as an oppression for adopting principles of globalization that were becoming underpinning strategies to most developed and Westernized nations. Capitalistic economies which promote free-market economic policy and private ownership of business was spreading rapidly across the world during the late 20th Century (Degen, 2008). This changed the dynamics of free trade between developed and developing nations, forcing China to adopt some of the principles of capitalistic ideology in order to remain competitive, improve national GDP, and develop strong political relationships with countries that would be contributing largely to improving the Chinese economy. The transition from Communist values to ideologies that are aligned with capitalism was the major, fundamental shift that made China, today, become such a potent economic and political power in the world in contemporary society.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Business Plan Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Plan Review - Essay Example The Company was established on February 1, 2007 and is seeking equity investors who can invest up to $100,000, in return for 20% equityThe new venture proposes to acquire a set of leased cars and offer them from strategic vantage points or car pods, from which customers will be able to accessThe car sharing venture will be commenced from one central nub, the South Bank area in Brisbane, from which it will be extended to other such nubs.The venture targets those customers who are environmentally conscious and proposes to work with two primary market segments – corporate customers who are likely to be frequent and heavy users of car share vehicles during week days and private customers who may use the cars less frequently and for shorter periods and be targeted for evening and weekend use, to achieve optimum utilization of the cars. It proposes to make customers aware of its services through its own website and also through a variety of advertisements and flyers. Additionally, i t will also align with the Brisbane City Council in ensuring that complementary websites are linked to its own website to generate leads from environmentally conscious customers.The Plan makes some provisions for potential risks. For one, it allows for the uncertainty in customer use and preference for car sharing by proposing to first lease the cars and prevent an initially huge capital outlay.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Essay Example According to the case study, China was an attractive location for Motorola company due to its large size, as such the company set out to enter the Chinese market through establishing an office for its products before the advent of mobile handsets. As mobile handsets began to gain popularity, Motorola concentrated on manufacturing the handsets and selling them in the Chinese market. This became a huge success amid China’s difficult social and political environment. Motorola became a market leader in the Chinese handset market by early 2000s. This success can be owed to the company’s understanding of the market as well as the needs of the people. However, due to high demand of mobile phones, other companies started to manufacture and sell mobile phones and as such reduced Motorola’s market share. This is why analysts showed scepticism in the continued dominance of Motorola in the Chinese market. Globalisation is the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies in a way that is enables individuals, corporations and nation-states to reach around the world further, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before (Griffin and Pustay, 2010). The main motivation behind Motorola’s entry in to the Chinese market in the late 1980’s was due to stiff competition the company was experiencing at home. There was need to look for business elsewhere other than America. The market had become saturated and the cost of production was going higher, therefore making less sales and profits. The best solution was to shift some of its manufacturing facility to China. This was an untapped market with a lot of potential for the products Motorola was manufacturing and selling. Motorola therefore established an office that represented its products in 1987 and employed over 600 people to sell the products. The case study says that later in early 1990’s, Motorola China electronics was opened as well
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Women's Clubs as Vehicles for Reform Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Women's Clubs as Vehicles for Reform - Assignment Example Betty Chapman an author, a historian, teacher and librarian, clearly shouts out the above mentioned issues in her easy women’s clubs as vehicles for reforms in Houston (Chapman 1885-1918). Women clubs in Houston have done a great deal in turning things around in Houston no matter the race or religion background. She stipulates how laws in Texas had prevented married women from the use of public property earnings in running their businesses. They were not allowed to sign contracts in their own name. Therefore, the Houston women’s clubs were obligated to fight for their rights and be allowed to earn from public property and conduct their businesses. These women’s grievances led to the Houston law reforms to allow women to have access to own their own businesses despite from being married (Chapman 1885-1918). Women’s clubs have led to tremendous reforms in Houston as Betty Chapman depicts and thus she calls them as vehicles for reforms because they have revolutionized how things are done. They have advocated for leadership as well as alimony payments to mention just a few. In conclusion, I do agree with Betty Chapman’s opinion of women’s clubs as vehicles for reforms because of the commitment they have to promote women in development. Without a doubt, women clubs should be advocated in all major states to help fight for the marginalized women and pave a better life for
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Charismatic Leadership Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Charismatic Leadership Theory - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that while charismatic leadership theory constitutes one of the major leadership theories, there is a great degree of variety in what research identify as the core elements of this theory. It follows that a multi-perspective approach must be implemented in articulating the various aspects of this leadership model. Charisma was first considered as a construct within a sociological context by the theorist Max Weber who considered it in relation to large-scale change enacted by skilled and mystical individuals in times social crisis; this is notable as Weber’s initial characterization of this theory considered it as requiring both a special individual, as well as an external crisis situation for the core of the charismatic process to occur, Later theories would emphasize less the external circumstances, as the charismatic traits of the leader and their followers. In terms of leadership, the theory was advanced by Conger and Kanungo who considered it in terms of a number of personality factors, including strategic vision and articulation, and sensitivity to environmental context. Since this precedent, charisma has been used and developed as a leadership theory in a variety of contexts. There are a variety of charismatic leadership theories, influenced by Weber’s original articulation of the concept, that incorporates psychological theories as key elements in the leadership model.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Trust and Equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Trust and Equity - Essay Example Even if the parties mentioned the word trust when transfer the properties to another, the court still needs to look into the true intentions of the parties. For the trust to be valid, the full intentions of the parties should be clearly stated in the trust agreement (see Re Adams and the Kensington Vestry (1884)2. The absence of a clear showing of the true intentions of the parties will negate the validity of the trust. In the case at bar, Sedwick merely told his wife that he is transferring the money to her account in case something goes wrong. The words in case something goes wrong is so vague and there is really no clear showing what Sedwick really wants his wife to with the money. According to the case of Knight v Knight (1840)3, for a valid trust to ensue, mandatory words has to be given directing the trustee as to what to do with the properties entrusted to it. In the case at bar, since there was no clear showing as to what is the true intention of the parties involved, the bequest of the money can arguably be construed as a form of gift (see Milroy v Lord (1862)4. Given these circumstances, the wife can assert her right over the property. On the other hand, Sedwick may still be able to recover the property by claiming that the bequest was incomplete (Jones v Locke (1865)5. According to the court in the case of Milroy v Lord (1862)6, it is necessary for the original owner of the property to perform all acts within his or her powers to divest him/herself of his/her rights over the property or money for the gift to be deemed as complete. The facts of the case show that the creation of the trust is valid. The three requisites of the validity of a trust according to the Knight v Knight (1840)7 are fulfilled. Note that the intention of the parties is clear (Midland Bank v Wyatte (1995)8, the subject matter of the trust is well established (Palmer v Simmonds (1854)9; Boyce v Boyce (1849)10 and the objects of the trust can be clearly determined (Morice v
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Decisions in Paradise, Part I Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Decisions in Paradise, Part I - Assignment Example sters’ affected country where main threats are natural calamities such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Typhoons/Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods and Volcanic eruptions. In addition, there are other possible threats of HIV, Petroleum spill, Avian flu and Terrorism. Secondly, the economic evaluation and assessment have made it clear that KAVA is heavily dependent on agricultural products. It becomes evident that there are very few industries and thus there is a huge business scope due to availability of cheap quality labor. The third issue is that my company is greatly affected from the goods and services produced and sold by KAVA because it is a provider of raw-materials especially cocoa. Fourth issue is about the fact that my company might find good business opportunities in KAVA if we take part in its construction and rehabilitation. Apparently, one of the major forces involved in problem formulation in Kava is its immunity to natural threats that I have already mentioned above. Furthermore, the potential risks associated with this country may include poor purchasing power because the country is heavily dependent on agriculture, tourism, fishing and other natural resources instead of manufacturing and selling of finished products. Undoubtedly, industrialization results in more jobs and better purchasing power that further leads to creation of a new market of various products. Secondly, in order to accomplish our goals and objectives of accomplishing a clear and distinctive image in the mind of Kava residents, a mammoth sum of money have to be allocated to initiate a solid Corporate Responsibility Program. The company may face some internal and external ground factors in execution of its program which will be developed on the principles of Corporate Philanthropy. In addition, Kava is turning out to be ‘melt ing pot’ so marketing and selling tactics or tools have to prudently employed to win the attention of potential consumers. Special attention has to be paid
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Arab Disunity Essay Example for Free
Arab Disunity Essay The Arab-Israeli tensions are a modern conflict, and a consequence of the two World Wars and collapse of British imperialism. The development and notion of Zionism in the 20th century, and massacres and scrutiny faced by Jews in Europe played a significant role in the formation of the Jewish State of Israel, which is the focal point of the conflict. Between 1948 and 1973, the Arabs and the Jews participated in several conflicts due to religious and territorial reasons. The disunity among the Arab countries, which openly opposed the formation of a ‘Jewish homeland’, played a significant role in their failures in the conflicts. However, the international condemnation of the Arabs due to ‘sympathy’ for the Jews also played a significant role in the Arab failure in relation to Israel. This essay will focus on the following conflicts: the 1948 Independence war, the 1967 war and the 1973 war. The 1948 was the ‘war of Independence’ after which the Jewish State of Israel was established. It occurred following the end of British mandate, and the withdrawal of foreign forces and government from the region. The Arab disunity was very evident during the 1948 war, as the Arab nations had various, contradicting personal agendas. There was a clear lack of trust, and each Arab country – including Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon – with each individual country aiming to capitalize and annex the area of conflict. Despite the formation of the Arab League in 1945, and a clear mutual goal to force the Jews out of Palestine; there was divisions among the Arabs. The Arabs had unanimously declared ‘jihad’ against the State of Israel and vowed to fight for ‘every inch of land. Despite the ceasefire in early 1948, the fighting commenced later the same year. The Arab population was significantly larger than the Jewish population, and had the militarily and physical advantage, with better weapons and population outnumbering the Jews roughly 40 million to 650,000, according the 20th Century History Course Companion by Oxford. But the lack of leadership and a unified plan of the Arabs resulted to the stationing of an army, which was significantly weaker than the Jews. Furthermore, the motivation for the Jews as that they were basically fighting for their survival whereas the Arabs were only motivated by personal gain. Additionally, the Jewish army consisted of veterans of the Second World War and managed to attain superior weapons in the form of tanks. Therefore when the individual Arab armies attacked due to a lack of a unified command; with the Egyptians from the West, the Saudis from the North East they were easily overpowered. This war clearly indicated the Arab disunity, and highlighted the various conflicting agendas of the Arab countries. There was no united front and the Jews capitalized with strong leadership and military tactics, and managed to form the State of Israel with relative ease in the context of the conditions. The two decades following the 1948 war had two significant changes; the first being several changes in leadership in the Arab world, thus reigniting Arab nationalism, and the second being the economic development of Israel. Following Suez Crisis of 1954, the relations between Israel and Egypt had deteriorated further. Prior to the war, there were tensions between Egypt, Syria and Jordan, however an Israeli attack on Syrian jets in 1967 reunited the Arab countries. The false information provided by the Soviets to the Arabs about the mobilization of Israel sparked the Arab-Israeli conflict. However, contrary to the statement, the superior Israeli military tactics and strategy were key factors rather than Arab disunity. Israel launched a preemptive strike on Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq, which effectively destroyed its weapons. This military tactic had been designed years prior, in the case of an Arab attack thus showing the Israeli militarily tactic superiority. As mentioned in the previous war, the Arab nations did not have a joint military plan thus losing several territories including Jerusalem. This was considered a ‘humiliating’ loss to the Arab cause, and significantly impacted the Arab morale. Israel had easily defeated four of its largest threats, however it can be argued this was largely due the preemptive strike on the air forces of the Arab nations, rather the Arab disunity. This war displayed the Israeli tactical and military superiority, and further displayed the role of America in the development of Israel. However, there was a minor element of Arab disunity due to tensions prior to the war but it did not play a significant role. The 1973 war was a limited war initiated by the new leader of Egypt Anwar Sadat against Israel. Sadat had also attempted to reduce the influence of the Cold War, which had been an element during the 1967 conflict, by removing Russian officials from Egypt and repairing relations with America. This war yet contradicts the statement, as Egypt and Syria had a joint military offensive strike on Israel on Yom Kippur, the Jewish holy day, and had managed to complete a successful ground offensive as well. However as the war progressed, the Israeli counterattack had begun to get more effective and managed to force the Egyptian and Syrian forces to retreat from Sinai and Golan, which were Israeli territories. The two sides were at a stalemate and the Arab allies; Egypt and Syria were united militarily and diplomatically which is contradictory to the statement and contrary the situation in the 1943 war. The looming threat of an oil embargo by the Arab countries, which was a military strategy used efficiently before, resulted to the intervention of foreign entities. Henry Kissinger, an American diplomat, stepped in for Nixon to negotiate an armistice – which was eventually successful with the Arabs accepting the armistice. This was a shorter war, and with the foundation being the Arabs being on the offensive. However it contradicts the statement, as this was the first war that the Arab countries had a joint military venture, and continued to do so during the war. Furthermore, this was a minor success for the Arab countries despite the stalemate and armistice as it strengthened Egypt and Syria’s position in the Middle East however it did not yield a territorial gain. Hence, Arab disunity was not evident with the exception of the fact that only two Arab countries participated in the 1973 war. To conclude, Arab disunity played a significant role in the 1948 war – which was arguably the most important. The Arabs had the definitive advantage in the 1948 war, however with the lack of a joint military front and strategy against Israel, it was defeated. The personal agendas, which contradicted each other, resulted to an Arab disunity and underestimation of the Jews, which allowed the State of Israel to be established despite all odds. However, in the conflicts following 1948, there was an element of Arab disunity, but it played a minor role and was not a key determinant of the wars or failure. Therefore, Arab failures can be considered to be a consequence of Arab disunity in the 1948 war, which reshaped the Middle East and provided Israel and Jews the upper hand over the Arabs conflicts following 1948.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility In Society Media Essay
Corporate Social Responsibility In Society Media Essay Corporate social responsibility is like; What you are giving back to the society? Any company or organization forms up in a society. The company interacts with the society and utilizes its resources and opportunities to gain benefits and profits. As a law of nature, its always Give and Take. You take something, then in return you have to return something as well. Corporate social responsibility dictates the company to do so. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY binds the company to conduct the business in an ethical manner keeping in mind the interests of the majority of the community. It also urges the company to respond positively towards the evolving social concerns and their expectations from the company. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY is more of a legal obligation; it goes for the ethical part. No doubt the company is there to get maximum profit for the shareholders, but there are other stakeholders, on which the company has direct impact like employees, consumers, suppliers etc a nd company needs to take account of their interests as well. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY formulates the balance between the interest of the shareholder as well as the stakeholders. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ensures that the company acts like a good and ethical citizen in the community. The most progressive companies have a social or ethical binding that they must atleast return something back to the society; afterall this is how a good business is being carried out. The companies following COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY have a basic theme of making this world a better place to live!Companies like Google, Intel, Disney, Exxon etc tend to go for more and more charitable as well as sponsored programs in order to promote the help in the social causes of the country or world. It is something more than getting profit in green bucks. Its more than that. Its about building a reputation and a good will among the general public and the society. If this reputation goes a bit down , it has a very negative impact on the company. The example goes on the Exxons Oil tanker spillage at Alaska a decade ago. Still people rate Exxon as the worst company despite of their extensive apologetic campaigns and $3.5 billions upon the clean up. But the people still state that Exxon as the killer company whos oil spillage killed millions of sea fish and birds. Now Exxon, a multinational company with soaring profits still cant manage to get things straight. This is one example; another example of Google. Now Google got kicked out of China due to violation of privacy issues in China. Chinese laws mount some privacy issues and google doesnt follow that, this is not a good social responsible aptitude of a citizen who actually came from abroad. The reason is that Chinese Information Technology Ministry kicked out Google and banned Google services and offices in China. On the other hand, Microsofts Bing is trying to take control of it by portraying itself a much more responsible ci tizen in the Chinese society. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY is comprised of certain models and theories; One of the most widely used models is Carrolls Pyramid. This pyramid describes the levels of Corporate Responsbility. The types of morality among the managers and directors of the organization. This pyramid shows the level of social responsibility of a company. At the start, the company; ethically as well as legally bound; to make profits for the share holders. The company has to obey the laws and regulations of the society. Recall the case of Google, it failed to obey the laws and regulations of the Chinese Government and it got kicked out. Next step is about the ethical responsibilities, here the company may have to forgo some of the profit share. The example goes of Unilever and Proctor and Gamble. Unilevers business Intelligence once went beyond the enemy lines. They started to collect the garbage from the Proctor and gambles research and development facility; bring it back to Unilever labs and try to r eengineer that. After some time, they got exposed and Unilever, apologized the Proctor and Gamble in a press conference and handed over all its own research on their waste materials. This is one case of ethical breakdown, the oil spillage in the ALASKA and another oil spillage by the coast of Australia back in 1980 triggered ethical dilemmas against the companies. As the company goes to Philanthropic responsibilities, it has to contribute to the society. Like Disney did for the kids and parents . Disney gives charity to certain institutions around the globe in an attempt to improve the quality of life. Now companies like Coca Cola, Microsoft, Google, Disney, Exxon etc they generate huge profits and their annual budgets are more than the budgets of third world countries. They try to give something back to the society in an attempt to make the society better. This model dictates that the social and ethical responsibility of the company goes beyond the mere compliance with the laws and regulations of the societies. The laws made by the society for the betterment of the society must be followed. Laws like Child Labour, workforce work environment not only ensures the safety of the people working in the company but also ensures the motivation and level of loyalty from them towards the company. The Carrolls Pyramid model defines the levels of morality of the managers. In order to be a successful COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY company, the company must have managers who are totally MORAL and they stick to the code of the ethical and moral as well as legal issues of the society and company. One way to get this is promoting an ethical and socially responsible culture within the company. This would help to promote the sense of ethical and social responsibility among the workers and managers which ultimately depicts the whole company. Company Background: A company founded in 1930s and now became a colossal in family entertainment. Disney; also known as Mickey Mouse Company; now own 11 theme parks around the globe. The company is currently a multinational. The company owns different TV Channel and still committed to their basic commitment of producing shows and movies for the kids of all ages. Disney enjoys the legacy of Mickey Mouse, Snow white and the white dwarfs, Cindrella, The little mermaid, WALL E etc movies. The movies which not only enjoyed by kids but adults as well. Disney is currently operating five major sections: Media Networks Disney enjoys a whole array of network channels across US and around the globe. The 31 channels collaborated with abc network and local channels in florida, Chicago etc makes the Disney a significant player in the game of business market share in Media Networks. The most favourite channel The Disney Channel which has programs for all ages, Phinneas and Ferb, Kimpossible, for kids and Hanna Montana, Suite Life on Deck for teenagers etc. In the market of media networks, Disney is giving a tough time to its competitors Parks and resorts Disney has a range of 11 theme parks in three continents of the world. These 11 theme parks are both owned and co owned. The first theme park was launched in 1952 and now Disney is 100% share holder in the market of theme park resorts. Disney has no such competitor in that. Interactive Media The Disneys interactive media is the one involved in the interactive websites and web portals for kids and parents. The interactive media involves secured web for the kids. The interactive media games like whenever the you log on the site, the mouse pointer changes and the flying Barbie along with tinker bell guides you the whole website. The interactive media is quite successful in attracting the customers and kids alike. Consumer Products Disney has very diversified set of operations, on one hand it has studio entertainment and on the other hand, its has theme parks and resorts. Disney also deals in consumer products, products bearing the logo of Disney. The products include a lot of variety, from goodies of successful movie characters to home dà ©cor items bearing the silhouette of Mickey mouse. The merchandise is another profitable section of Disney. Daily numerous people visit theme parks, they take the merchandise and its sales are high. Studio Entertainment The studio entertainment is no doubt one of the most profitable sections of Disney. Disney Animation, Pixar Animations etc are just a very few names of the distributors of Disney. Disney enjoys the memories of blockbuster and oscar winner movies like Snow white and seven dwarfs, Wall E , UP , Cindrella, The Lion King etc. The grammy award for best original soundtrack of 2008 awarded to Ratatouille; a movie in which a mouse wants to be a chef and it becomes a chef in the end. The Disneys studio entertainment surely gave out some very classic and memorable movies. Movies like UP who won 2 Oscars in 2010 was highly admired and loved by all age groups. A story of love, with comic and very unique plot tagged with extraordinary animation and colourscheme made the ultimate recipe of success. On the other hand, the classic movies like Pocohauntus, Mulan, The little mermaid, Pinnochio not only conquered the box office for quite a time but also gave out some positive messages to the society an d children. 3. Children and family: The cartoon characters as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Minnie, and Goofy, combined with the intelligent use of music, sound, and folk material, made the Disney successful among children all over the world. This success led to the establishment of the hugely commercial, Disney-controlled sidelines in publicity, publishing, and merchandising. For children fairy tales are produced like Snow white and seven dwarves, Alladin, Cinderella, Sleeping beauty etc. These fairy tales are told and executed beautifully so that children get entertainment and moral lessons. The latest hit of Disney is Wall-e which has won Oscar award and is very popular among children as well as in Parents and teenagers. Disneys Distribution Channels include Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios and Disney Toon Studios Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures and Miramax Films. Disney is fulfilling its social responsibilities by getting children aware of the code of ethics and rules of living in a society. On , 1957, Disney opened Disneyland in Anaheim, California, the most successful amusement park in history, with millions of people visiting it by 1966. The idea for the park came to him after taking his children to other amusement parks and watching them have fun on amusement rides. He decided to build a park where the entire family could have fun together. In 1971 Disney World in Orlando, Florida, opened. Since then, Disney theme parks have opened in Tokyo, Japan, and Paris, France. Disneys parks continue to grow with the creation of the Disney-MGM Studios, Animal Kingdom, and an extensive sports complex in Orlando. Parks and resorts depicts the company theme. Here characters of animations are shown alive and appropriate atmosphere is created for it by the help of experts. So, that children as well as Parents enjoy in Parks rather then sitting alone seeing their children playing. There are 11 parks some owned and some co-owned by independent entities on three continents. The Disney Corporation has also branched out into other types of films with the creation of Touchstone Films, into music with Hollywood Records, and even into vacations with its Disney Cruise Lines. In all, the Disney name now covers a multi-billion dollar enterprise, with business ventures all over the world. In 1939 Disney received an honorary (received without meeting the usual requirements) Academy Award, and in 1954 he received four more Academy Awards. In 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) presented Disney with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and in the same year Disney was awarded the Freedom Foundation Award. Nutritious food Disney aims to provide healthy and full of nutrition food to the children as the parents are now a days getting worried about their children health because of availability of junk food. Children are fond of junk food which is causing health problems like lack of energy, poor concentration, heart diseases and high cholesterol level. Disney is providing beverages and side dishes. For beverages milk is given and apples are given as side dishes providing full of nutrition food and Parents worries are finished. Except of that Disney is also providing treats and other kinds of foods for children. Several millions of meals in a year are being given in parks and resorts. Food has specific conditions like limitation on fat, calories, saturated fat and sugar. It is also offering birthday cakes, confectionary products and other kinds of sweets. Along with food items Disney is manufacturing different consumer products. From childrens writing tablet to their tee-shirts, home dà ©cor, books, magazines, interactive games, online websites etc. It is providing toys of different characters, other accessories, footwear even beauty kits, all of them are having brand name of Disney. Children are more attracted towards Disneys stationary, Disney home, their room decorated with Disney wall papers, toys, other house hold accessories manufactured by Disney. For online service Disney has made some groups like Club Penguin, Pirates of the Caribbean Online and Disney Fairies. They provide different interactive games and allow children to make their profile and make friends online to chat and play with them. Parents also have regular check on their childs profile and his activities. Work Places Safety and security measures are taken for customers as well as employees. Proper facilities are available for the safety of workers. Disney fulfills quality, ethics and social responsibility on the part of its employees. Disney provides social friendly environment to its workers so that they work with ease and provide better results. Disney also make sure that its employees maintain the decorum of social responsibilities and do not break the codes of ethics. Disneys best policy is engagement of employees. Disney has provided quality leadership to its employees. Starting fro the process of recruitment to the process working employees are focused on development and progress. The abilities of employees are tested and they are given work as per their capability. Workers talent is admired and they are given that work which they can do efficiently. Open Communication is done among employees in the form of meetings, questioners etc. Its helps in finding out the problems faced by the workers. Different surveys are done to know the employees working conditions and ways of improving them. Company provides opportunities to participate in decision making process, it helps to make employees come closer to the company and their loyalties are increased for the company. The members and workers of Parks and resort are sanctioned to participate in delivering magic to meet the customers requirements and expectations. They are allowed in innovation of new ideas to attract new customers at the same time retain the old ones. Disney provides employee benefits to its workers. These benefits include retirement and saving options which make the future of the workers secure. Other facilities are also provided like health and wellness programs for the security and well being of the workers. Disney facilitate its workers by the health programs having confidential health pursuits, so that employees know about their health and also their family health. The company also provides insurance policy so that in case of any accident the employee can get advantage from it. Employees also get other benefits. They have benefit of complimentary Theme park tickets. They get these benefits in Disney owned parks. Employees can get silver or main entrance pass for allowance of their entry and their dependants. They can also get benefit form other discounts given by the company. Employees at major occasions can go to the screening of the upcoming movie in the theater. Disney also provides child care financial scholarship to his workers. Disney also provides tuition assistance to the employees. Disney gives financial assistance for eligible employees who effectively complete trained courses that are related directly to post duties. Disney also work for the training and development of the employees by the help of effective leadership. This training lays emphasis on the communication, increase in effective communication not only among employees but also with the higher authorities. t innovation, innovative ideas and creative work is need of the century. So, Disney works on the creativeness of the employees. Time management, is also very important tool in practical life without it nothing can be done properly. So, it is also taught to the employees. Methodological and creative skills improvement, employees have the necessary skills but they need to polish it under correct supervision to make its proper use. Cultural awareness, it is important in order to survive in an environment. Code of ethics are the societal rules and employees should be aware of the moral values of the society in which they live and work. Disney also helps its employees in career planning and development. It helps its employees to attain its goals. Disney has a diverse workforce in which people from all ages, experiences, backgrounds, ethnic groups, and lifestyles are included which work for the company. These people forget their personal issues and work for the company. Minorities are given same chance depending upon their talent and skills. Disney has also worked for the safety and loss prevention. Proper safety measures are taken not only for the customers but also for the workers, suppliers and equipment. Disney has Television and Motion Picture Safety: Every script is read by safety professionals for the evaluation of possible risks and exposures. It also has worked for Media Network Safety: loss prevention is needed in case of availability of variety of entertainment and news content . Safety in Motion: For the reduction of potential losses resulting from body-motion injuries, this program is focused on dropping body-motion and musculoskeletal injuries special in case of park . More than 20,000 Cast Members have received this benefit. As a result, body motion claims have been reduced by 38% at the Walt Disney World Resort, with similar results at other business units. Not just employee diversity Disney has supplier diversity too. Number of minorities and women owned companies doing business with Disney have increased. Due to this Disney was recognized as Corporation of the Year by the Womens Business Enterprise Council West, the Southern California Minority Business Development Council and the Florida Minority Business Development Council and as Entertainment Company of the Year by the Greater Los Angeles African-American Chamber of Commerce. Disney has introduced Disneys International Labor Standards (ILS) program It is considered to assess and address the working conditions of the employees. The environment of their work, their difficulties are considered in this program. Report is made and is send to Audit committee of the Board of Directors to take necessary actions. 4. Criticism on Disney Corporate Social responsibility: Nothing is perfect, there is always a room for improvement. Disney evolved from the 2 room studio to a world level brand. Despite of the fact that it has a very impressive reputation among the consumers, some call Disney as the Devil Organization. Disney has to face many lawsuits but most of the lawsuits got settled up without going to the court. The critics claims DISNEY as its not the wholesome as it portrays. The shiny and attractive family pictures where kids and families are smiling and enjoying a quality time with the happy employees and a corporate social responsible feel doesnt tell the whole story. As there are two sides of any picture, the shiny and the attractive side has been shown by their Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report. The other side of the picture is quite dark. Disney has been a focus for many criticism from various groups like religious groups, ethnic groups, human rights, child labour etc. Each of the criticism is explained later in this section. Dis ney has always depicted itself as a corporate social responsible company and it has literally spilled money on that. The charity funds, the involvement of parents, the image of quality time spending with your loved ones etc are just a part of it. Disney has won many awards for their corporate social behaviour. Disney has resorts in 3 continents and in USA, the daily visitors count exceed 60000. On the other side, the theme park at Hong Kong is proving to be a golden egg laying hen for Disney. Disney claims to have special training programs and user manuals for the promotion of corporate social responsibility among the employees, from lower to higher level. Recently, Disney won Reputation award for Employees and Human resource capital satisfaction. But, is this really worthy enough to make Disney as a model organization in Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility? Is Disney the better than its competitors in terms of CSR? Is Disney literally portraying a true image of itself or its just another fairy tale? The answers of such questions and many more has been given later in this section. As Disney has major stakeholders; Children and Family Disney boasts the need of spending quality time with your family. It depicts the fact by showing family pictures enjoying together with a lot of happy faces. It shows that in this world of hassle and insecurity, you can still spend time with your loved ones and enjoy your life. Disney theme parks come up with a feeling of a fairy tale. Moreover, Disney boasts that its programs can be viewed by the Kids of all ages. Recently, Disney claimed in its 2008 Corporate Social Responsibility Report that it has taking some strong measures against smoking in films but in the reality, smoking is getting promoted quite effectively via Disney Cartoon and shows. In the movie, The Princess and the Frog, the villain smokes the cigarette quite stylishly. Same goes for Alladin and other movies. This sort of imagery creates a very negative image in the minds of the children. The children tend to take such things in a fun manner and they try to adopt it. The mind of children has been designed to learn but it couldnt differentiate to mark the thing as right or wrong. This is a fact which Disney should take account of. The depiction of smoking in movies, in any character or in any sense leaves an impact of the children. Especially when they try to adopt the character. Another critics point out some crucial issues for the mind and personality development of the children. Disney claims that it has shown Be yourself in the characters of the movies like Alladin , Pocohauntus, etc but critics pointed it out in a different manner. Critics claim that Disney movies promotes sexuality, religious and ethnic discrimination, homosexuality etc. Critics also back their claims with certain facts like, in the movie The Lion King, the characters Timon and Pumba Promoted the first gay cartoon couple living happily. Now this type of stereotyping leaves a very very negative impact in the mind so this sort of corporate responsible attitude is not acceptable at all. Moreover, the promotion of sexuality in the movies are the subject of criticism from time to time. The most critized movie over this subject of matter was Jessica Rabbit which not only dressed erotically but also her certain body parts got exposed during the movie. Certain religious and parent groups heavily criticize this and regarded this as demoralizing the whole generation. Jessica rabbit was the centre of attraction of literally Kids of all ages! Such irresponsible behaviour in character making and depicting for a cartoon for kids is not socially responsible. Such cheap publicity stunts and shortcuts brought Disney a good fortune but the social responsible aptitude is down the drain. Another issue is of the ethnic discrimination; as in the CSR Report of 2008, Disney presents the examples of Alladin and Cheetah Girls etc for the diversity and bringing tolerance in the minds of the people; however in reality, the Alladins Soundtrack depicted the difference. The soundtrack depicts the American Arab difference and discrimination policy. The soundtrack deceivingly portrays and states the barbaric nature of the Arab World. This goes same in the case of Lion King, in which the hyenas are depicted as downtown thugs of the streets of United States. The recent movie The Princess and The Frog; as per Disney spokesperson; is trying to develop a sense of tolerance and no discrimination among the children. This has been carried out in such a way that the princess in this film is black whereas all the princesses in the previous Disney movies were white. On the other hand, people call it as racism and still point fingers at the Disneys Think tanks. The above mentioned critics seriously point out the credibility of the Disney movies itself. The Disney has to do some serious steps in order to cater that. Disney should take some serious measures in order to cater issues like that. As far as the competitors are concerned, the DreamWorks Animation Studios Kung Fu Panda and Shrek depicted a more positive message about Be yourself without promoting sex or vulgarity or with other cheap shortcut. DreamWorks Animations Madagascar literally blew the house with laughters, an extreme comedy with an interesting story plot with no issues from parents or any religious groups. Dream Works Animation is literally playing its part in social corporate responsibility. Employees Work Force Disney is the role model of many companies in terms of corporate governance. Disney has proved time and time again that its not only socially responsible to the external stakeholders but it is also equally socially responsible to internal stakeholders as well. Disney has devised out certain User manual for the board of directors to practice corporate governance rules and regulations. Disney has no discrimination policy and it boasts of it widely. Disney ensured that the workers have the safer and user friendly environment for the workplace. The diversity among the employees and zero discrimination policy tolerates race, religion, ethnic group for promotion. Disney always tried to be the role model in employee satisfaction and organizations internal matters. In the corporate reputation, Disney scored the highest among employee satisfaction. Disney maintained its position in the corporate reputation; an independent research conducted by Reputation. On the other hand, there are some fingers rising towards the practices of Disney around the globe. Disney has 11 theme parks, some owned and some co-owned. These theme parks have employees, now the employees which are under the direct umbrella of Disney are reported to be happy, satisfied etc but the employees which are being outsourced to the third world countries, they are exploited in a very shameful manner. 101 Dalmations was the blockbuster hit for Disney Corporations, Disney collaborated with Mc Donalds and they started to give out toy figures of Dalmations in the Happy Meal. Even Mc Donalds benefited from the hit and its sale also rose due to the fact of involvement of Dalmations Goodies and Toy Figures in the Happy meal. These Dalmation figures were produced in Vietnam with a very low low vage of few cents per hour. The woman and children were forced by the local manufacturer to Disney to produce the toy items in such non-human conditions. The constant intake of Acetone and o ther volatile chemicals made the workers terribly sick. This is just one side of the story, one critic pointed out the fact of Disney T-Shrits. The T-shirts were outsourced to BURMA, where the same conditions were there. The whole money, just for the sake of low costing, was given to the third party which ensured the total exploitation of the labour. According to US department of Defence, a significant amount of drugs comes from Burma and Disney actually hired people over there to produce T shirts, generate the finance, and invest it in drugs business. Disney also boasts its policies about Child labour and the charities given to child labour etc.On the other hand, in above mentioned examples, a huge percentage of the labour was child labour. Now the question arises to Disney that how much is its Circle of Corporate Social Responsibility? Does the circle tend to be within the theme park or where people can clearly see? Disney is being held questionable for that but no comments or any sort of explanations except denials have been reported from the Disneys side. During the recession, Disney also had to downsize itself, the downsizing was disastrous for the theme park visitors. As, if there was on ride there were; lets say 6 people in the start; when the downsizing occurred; only 2 remained. On the other hand, the number of visitors daily increased in order to get the costs. A previous worker of the Disney mentioned that Disney had a policy of fixed number of visitors daily. Upon reaching that number, no more entrance policy was exercised but nowadays, the green is more than the human soul. The rides are over running and they are not being properly maintained; moreover, the lack of personnel to assist the visitors is becoming another problem. In order to properly portray what it is and what it really shows to be; Disney need some strict measures to take upon such third party labour issues. Moreover, the security measures at the theme parks and the training and development of the employees must be carried out.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
martin luther and Birth of Protestantism :: essays research papers
Thesis statement: Martin Luther was responsible for the break-up of the Catholic Church Martin Luther was a representative during the 16th century of a desire widespread of the renewal and reform of the Catholic Church. He launched the Protestant reform a continuation of the medieval religious search. From the Middle ages, the church faced many problems such as the Babylonian Captivity and the Great Schism that hurt the prestige of the church. Most of the clergy lived in great luxury while most people were poor and they set an immoral example. The clergy had low education and many of them didn’t attend their offices. Martin Luther had witnessed this himself, â€Å"In 1510 he visited Rome and was shocked to find corruption on high ecclesiastical places†During Luther’s early life he faced a severe inner crisis. When he sinned he looked for comfort in confession and followed the penance, the fasting, prayer and observances that the church directed him. But, he found no peace of mind and worried about his salvation. But reading St. Paul’s letters he came to believe that salvation came though faith in Christ. Faith is a free gift, he discovered, it cannot be earned. His studies led him to a conclusion that, â€Å"Christ was the only mediator between God and a man and that forgiveness of sin and salvation are given by god’s grace alone†(Martin Luther, 01). Historians agree that, â€Å"this approach to theology led to a clash between Luther and the Church officials, precipitating the dramatic events of Reformation†. To construct Saint Peters Basilica, Archbishop Albert borrowed money from the Fuggers (wealthy banking family). To pay for this loan Pope Leo X gave permission to Archbishop Albert to sell indulgences in Germany. An indulgence is a way to reconcile with God, by confessing your sins to a priest and perform a penance. By the later Middle Ages people believed that indulgence removed all their sins and ensured entry to heaven. The selling of indulgence troubled Luther, he thought people were ignorant to believe that they didn’t have to repent after they bought an indulgence. Martin Luther was a friar very devoted to the Church but after analyzing all these aspects he decided to do something about it. On October 31, 1517 he attached to the door of Wittenberg Castle a list of 95 theses or propositions on indulgences. These theses criticized papal policies and were objections about he church put on hold for discussion.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Essay --
In my group, I was assigned the task to include all other relevant issues so I considered other intermediaries to help with the payment and goods transaction as well as security for the e-Business. Intermediaries to use to support your ebusiness As our business is a virtual organization (pure-play), we would require intermediaries to perform the payment and goods transaction as we are not interacting physically with our customers. Payment system Paypal Under Paypal, payments are made using a user’s existing account or with a credit card anytime, anywhere. Besides that, money can be sent directly to an email address of another PayPal user. Cost Open an Account Free Send money Free Withdraw Funds Free for $200.00 SGD or more, $1.00 SGD if up to $199.99 SGD to bank accounts in Singapore Add funds Free Receive Funds 2.9% + $0.50 SGD to 3.9% + $0.50 SGD Multiple currency transactions Exchange rate includes a 2.5% fee** Reasons for using Paypal for payment It allows faster transaction for sending and receiving payments. Electronic Catalogue WIX and social medias As we would not have staff in a physical shop to entertain customer’s enquiries, we would be making use of sites such WIX and social medias such as Facebook and Twitter to help provide customers with information about the business as well as the product. Reasons for using WIX and social medias The websites are free of charge. Shopping cart software In order to help customers keep track of their items, shopping cart software is also included in the WIX website. Reasons for using WIX shopping cart This eliminates the need to purchase an external shopping cart software. Delivery of purchase Our e-Business would require an intermediary to deliver the items purchased by custo... ...uyer claims that they did not receive their goods, Paypal would cover for the full amount as long as business follow the postage requirement and show evidence that the item was sent to the buyer’s address. Reasons for choosing the security methods In terms of protecting the e-Business database, firewall is an easy and less complex method as compared to other security methods such as VPN and KPI which requires key encryption. It is also easier to obtain simply through purchase and customize through filters unlike VPN which has complicated set ups and KPI which requires a KPI security service to implement the structure. As for protection against fraud, Paypal’s security system would be suitable as we are using Paypal for handling payment transaction. Hence, it would be easier to claim from Paypal should there be any fraud as they would have records of our transaction.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Demanding Creativity: A Production-Oriented Approach to Teaching the Comedia :: Essays Papers
Demanding Creativity: A Production-Oriented Approach to Teaching the Comedia For a growing number of people in the twentieth century United States, the phrase "twenty-first century" evokes the current prominence and future promise of information-age technology. The wonders of e-mail, Web browsing, and "wired" classrooms have descended upon all of us, and these developments have made lasting contributions to the way we think, organize our time, plan our activities, and interact with other people.1 With each passing year, more and more groups and individuals embrace computer technologyâ€â€most notably, the Internetâ€â€for personal and professional purposes, and teachers, scholars, schools, and institutes seem to be at the forefront of this movement. In general, this trend remains in an incipient stage, as the mystique of the Internet has not fully given way to the established use of it, and as profound socio-economic disparities within our society keep the promise and implementation of any computer-based activity out of the reach of some educators and m any students.2 Even in the colleges, universities, and privileged school districts where the technological revolution has been solidly institutionalized for teaching and research purposes, there exist among today’s studentsâ€â€Don Tapscott’s "Net Generation" or "N-Gen"â€â€significant disparities in interest and familiarity with the medium that defines them.3 The twenty first century as a special moment in the history of the technologizing of society may indeed be overstated, but it is certain that Internet technology exercises a direct influence on select aspects of our society, and this phenomenon has affected and continues to affect the people and institutions of society that have remained at the margins of technologization.4 In particular, the process of creation and consumption of Internet technology in certain circles of United States society has emerged from and reinforced an image culture established during this century by the mass popularity of blockbuster cinema and broadcast television.5 The predominantly visual nature of information, ideas, and epistemology of cinema and television has defined image culture in the United States, and image culture, in turn, has transformed and marginalized the primarily verbal nature of information, ideas, and epistemology of print culture. As image culture has established itself in our society, there has been no lack of cultural historians who have taken to print in order to lament the demise of print culture. Neil Postman argues in Amusing Ourselves to Death that this century’s triumph of television over books has weakened the quality of public discourse and thus has rendered education ineffectual.
Monday, September 16, 2019
How are characters presented as disturbed in Macbeth, Laboratory and My Last Duchess? Essay
It is important to be able to define what ‘disturbed’ actually means in order to answer this question to a high standard of explanation. Disturbed is an adjective and it is the showing of symptoms of mental illness, severe psychosis and neurosis. It is also useful to consider the audiences of each poem or play to elaborate on explanations. Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is set during the eleventh century is about the emotional manipulation of individuals and the lust for power and the upmost authority over a victorious Scotland featuring an Elizabethan audience whereas Robert Browning’s poems, Laboratory and My Last Duchess, is about the overcoming of jealously and betrayal set during the Victorian era with a Victorian audience. Macbeth in the beginning of the play is a noble, humble and honourable person who, without question would sacrifice his life for the liberty of his King, Duncan. As the play progresses he attitude towards life in general changes completely, mainly due to the pressure that Lady Macbeth inflicts on him. However, Lady Macbeth has quite a surprising personality as she is not the stereotypical Elizabethan woman. Lady Macbeth is expected to be fragile, meek, innocent and comforting but in this unusual circumstance Lady Macbeth would very much rather â€Å"dashed the brains out†of an infant child. This is plain evidence to suggest that Lady Macbeth is of no stable condition. In addition to this surprising fact Lady Macbeth is cunning and bloodthirsty. She demands Macbeth in Act one, Scene Five to â€Å"look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t†. It is very common for a man to demand a female to pursue tasks but for a woman to demand a man, especially of something like sacrilege, is very unusual. This could mean two things, Macbeth is weak and is unable to depict his own decisions or/and that Macbeth is mentally deteriorating. Macbeth reason with Lady Macbeths orders in his soliloquy in Act one, Scene seven and from the things he points out such as â€Å"his faculties are so meek†gives the reader/viewer sympathy for Macbeth suggests that Macbeth is of a stable condition and is able to rationalize his views and interpretation â€Å"we will proceed no further in this business†. Lady Macbeth realises that herself and Macbeth in Act one, Scene Five are â€Å"too full o’th’ milk of human kindness†and therefore aggressively requests to the spirits â€Å"unsex me here and fill me here from the crown to the toe-top full of direst cruelty†. The tone and images that are tagged along with this quote are very dark and ‘cold hearted’, also notice the word used to describe the type of cruelty, ‘full of direst cruelty’. Not only does Lady Macbeth want to be cruel but she wants to be completely ‘full of’ the ‘direst cruelty’. It is at this exact point when it becomes possible to claim that Lady Macbeth is at the top of the spiral to insanity. The choice of language is compelling as if she felt no sympathy for King Duncan. Lady Macbeth uses harsh and violent sounding vocabulary to stress her ambitions â€Å"Hie thee hither†, the use of alliteration attracts the attention of audience signifying that she purposely wants people to know really how serious she is similarly in Laboratory the persona demonstrates her willingness to commit a felony â€Å"Grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste, pound at thy powder†, there is a use of harsh and violent sounding vocabulary and there is a use of alliteration to make an appeal to the audience. During the Elizabethan era a particular doctrine was in place because of the religious relationship involved with that patriarchal society, a feudal system was in place meaning that Sacrilege was unfaithful to such an extent that Hell was certain to be your destination. The fact that Lady Macbeth urges Macbeth to commit sacrilege is, without saying, disturbing because the King (especially at that time) is Gods representative and killing God just to achieve power is so insane that you could argue that she is ‘demon possessed’. Macbeth and the poem Laboratory are both similar in terms of the unusual language used, â€Å"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow†, a quote by Macbeth in his final soliloquy, in act five, scene five, before to his soliloquy Lady Macbeth had committed suicide which was inevitably an act of sin and therefore ‘the afterlife’ would be spend in hell for eternity â€Å"We’ld jump the life to come. But in these cases We still have judgment here†, which meant Macbeth and Lady Macbeth (at least Macbeth) were both aware that they had committed felonies during their current life including sacrilege giving the idea that Macbeth was aware of his wrongdoings telling us that Macbeth was not psychotically weak but instead attempted to improvise the situation so at least he had something to live for. This also gives the audience sympathy for Macbeth because he is able to rationalize his opinions and justifications. The persona uses similar unusual language to Macbeth â€Å"And her breasts and her arms should drop dead! †Stanza six, the repetition of the connective ‘and’ in the Macbeth and the Laboratory poem is used to emphasis their feelings and emotions. In addition to this the persona in Laboratory uses an exclamation mark at the end of her sentence revealing to us that she is certain that she wants this devil orientated scenario to occur in reality, on the other hand, Macbeth says his quote (mentioned above) in a calm, soothing manner. I am able to say this because Macbeth uses no form of extreme punctuation to object otherwise. This obviously is a difference suggesting that Macbeth is in fact sane because he is clearly pointing out that he has realised that â€Å"life’s but a walking shadow†. There are indeed multiple differences that make Laboratory and Macbeth very unalike indeed. The largest and most obvious variance between these two highly interpreted pieces of literature is that Laboratory is actually a poem of emotion and the outburst of frustration. The persona in Laboratory can be argued to be neurotic because of her intentions but these are just intentions whereas in Macbeth Lady Macbeths intentions are fulfilled, the killing of King Duncan. Laboratory is very much an extreme retaliation of revenge and hatred.
Component of Computer System Essay
Output devices: Monitor printer, plotter and voice output device, Modem, Automotive navigation system, Projector. Peripheral device that converts machine-readable information into people-readable information. Processing devices: CPU, Motherboard, Chipset, bus, RAM. Hardware components process information within the computer system. Storage devices: Hard disk drives and compact disk drives. Hardware components allow data to be stored within a computer system. Software components of a computer system have no physical presence; they are stored in digital form within computer memory. System software is an operating system designed to operate and control the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software. Utility software: anti-virus software, firewalls, disk defragmenters. Which helps to maintain and protect the computer system but does not directly interface with the hardware. Applications software: Web browsers, Office software, Games, Multimedia Software, Database Software, and Graphic Software. Designed to allow the user of the system complete a specific task or set of tasks. Different types of computer software. Programming software, system software and application software are the three main types of computer software used in computer networking. Programmers use the programming software to develop the programming languages necessary to run computer software. Compliers, interpreters, linkers and text editors are some of the basic tools used in programming software. System software offers a protective shield to all software applications. It also provides support to the physical components of computers. System software †¢ Operating system software(windows, Linux, Mac) †¢ Utility programs (anti-virus software, firewalls, disk defragmenters. †¢ Library programs †¢ Translator software (Compiler, assembler, interpreter) Application software is used for commercial purpose. The application software is widely used in educational, business and medical fields. Industrial automation, databases, business software and medical software prove to be of great help in the respective fields. Web browsers, Office software, Games, Multimedia Software, Database Software, and Graphic Software. Application software †¢ General purpose application software. †¢ Special purpose application software. †¢ Bespoke application software
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Global Market Entry Modes
Access to distribution network Contact with local suppliers and government officials Lack of control Lack of trust Conflicts arising over matters such as strategies, resource allocation, transfer pricing, 8. WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARIES Greater control and higher profits Strong commitment to the local market on the part of companies Allows the investor to manage and control marketing, production, and sourcing decisions Risks of full ownership Developing a foreign presence without the support of a third part Risk of nationalizationIssues of cultural and economic sovereignty of the host country 9. Strategic Alliances Greenfield Operations Offer the company more flexibility than acquisitions in the areas of human resources, suppliers, logistics, plant layout, and manufacturing technology. Types of Strategic Alliances Simple licensing agreements between two partners Market-based alliances Operations and logistics alliances Operations-based alliances The Logic Behind Strategic Alliances Defe nd Catch-up Remain Restructure Cross-Border Alliances that Succeed:Alliances between strong and weak partners seldom work. Autonomy and flexibility Other factors: Commitment and support of the top of the partners' organizations Strong alliance managers are the key Alliances between partners that are related in terms of products, technologies, and markets Similar cultures, assets sizes and venturing experience A shared vision on goals and mutual benefits 10. Timing of Entry International market entry decisions should also cover the following timing-of-entry issues: When should the firm enter a foreign market?Other important factors include: level of international experience, firm size Mode of entry issues, market knowledge, various economic attractiveness variables, etc. Reasons for exit: Sustained losses Volatility Premature entry Ethical reasons Intense competition Resource reallocation 1 1 . Exit Strategies Risks of exit: Fixed costs of exit Disposition of assets Signal to other m arkets Long-term opportunities Guidelines: Contemplate and assess all options to salvage the foreign business Incremental exit Migrate customers
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Of Power and Time Essay
Time The article by Mary Oliver is very deep and passionate in a way you can’t help but relate to, in a way you almost understand where the writer is coming from. Through out this article the writer explains through out a poem of how it is to be a writer. The article fails to revolve around any specific thing but does so with descriptive elegance. Oliver is talking through her poetry and saying that she is her own self, and she will write down what she intends to. Through her article she throws around the words â€Å"ordinary†and â€Å"regular†, she doesn’t appear to be referring to herself in anyway, perhaps it is her idea or memory she is indeed referencing. The start of the article begins with the author just walking up on a crisp morning. Someone calls on her and she is forced to abandon the thought she had on her mind. She continues to talk about the things that drive you away from your concentration, like privacy, pencils, paper, and erasers. She describes how you can have an idea or thought on the very edge of your mind and just the slightest thing can drive it away, even if it’s the thought itself. She ponders upon the idea that a thought can drive away the same thought, then simultaneously switches to memories of her as a child ad how she is really still the same. â€Å"most of my education was intended to make me feel comfortable within it†(Mary Oliver). Mary Oliver then suggests that all of her education was not merely for her life use but just for comfort, which her education and views her discomfort as a benefit. She seems to have a backwards view on things most wouldn’t look at. She says that â€Å"The extraordinary is what art is really about†, (Mary Oliver) suggests that she herself does not wish to be ordinary? In her thinking, you have to be a risk-taker type of person to be extraordinary. She is recklessly working away at 6 a. m. in the morning regardless of any social calls. She’s trying to say that no matter what happens, it is up to her to get the poem written like as if she is completely devoted to it. She describes her attachment as loyalty towards the poem. When Oliver says to rejoice if she does not turn up for a meeting or event, she is trying to say; be happy for me, because I will be writing poetry. In Mary’s eyes, the most regretful people are those who felt the call to be great but didn’t act upon it. Mary Oliver is a difficult writer to understand but through it all, one could see what she is truly trying to say. Bibliography Oliver, Mary. â€Å"Of Power and Time. †Blue Pastures (1995).
Friday, September 13, 2019
Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 5
Project management - Essay Example This puts a strain on the little human resource available as all the activities have to be attended to simultaneously. The resource histogram shows the relationships of resource distribution between activities A, B, and D which use the same resource and overlap. Access levels are determined by the level of importance of the task. For instance, between the fourth and the twenty fourth days of September, task A will utilize eighty five percent of the human resource, while tasks B and D will use five percent and fifteen percent respectively. The histogram indicates the order and times in which the tasks will be handled. Task A will take place between 4th and 24th September, task B between 27th and 30th November, and task D between 30th of November and the 15th day of December. The scheduling method used is resource-limited scheduling. In this case, there is a stain on the available resource which has to be shared between activities that run simultaneously. The method involved creating a balance such that no activity is starved of these crucial resources when it is being implemented (Hartmann 117). The resources are carefully distributed such that, at any one time, the task with the greatest demand for the resources gets them in earnest. The two most notable stakeholders of the project are the auditors and clerks. They represent the best interests of the project and provide the project team members the needed support throughout the life of the project. The clerk should ensure proper documentation of the project. They should effectively facilitate cooperation and dialogue among the team members of the project so that it eases the effective operation of the company. A good piece of advice that the accountants should take would be to ensure that the project operates within the budget and the allocated time slots. This would ensure effective operation and completion of the scheduled phases. The
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Acquisition strategies in the plastic pipes industry - the case of Dissertation
Acquisition strategies in the plastic pipes industry - the case of Wavin Group - Dissertation Example One of the most important challenges for modern organizations has been the identification of the strategies that can help towards the stabilization of the organizational performance – either in the short or the long firm. Acquisitions have been proved an effective strategic tool for the support of a firm’s position in its market. However, the success of acquisitions is not always guaranteed; there is always the risk of failures especially if the relevant plans are not well designed or in case they are not effectively executed. For this reason, it would be wise for strategic managers to use acquisitions along with other strategic options in order to secure the stabilization (at a first level) and the growth of a particular organization. An indicative example of such methodology is the strategic framework used by AXA (Consultancy Firm) when handling the re-structuring of PWPipe – a leading firm in the plastic pipes industry of USA; in the case of PWPipe the consult ants of AXA decided to implement primarily a series of strategies for supporting the firm’s existing operations – this was mainly achieved through the update of the firm’s IT systems; at the next level, acquisitions were used in order to stabilize the firm’s growth (AMX International, 2011). The proposed study focuses on the use of acquisitions as strategic option by firms in the plastic pipes industry; reference is particularly made to Wavin Group, a key player in the global plastic pipes industry.... h firm, aiming to increase its influence within the global market (Builders Merchant Journal, 2007, Wavin Labko, 2008); in 2010, the expansion of the firm was continued through the acquisition of the Swedish firm KWH Pipe (European Plastic News, 2010). It is made clear that acquisitions has been extensively used by Wavin Group in order to improve its position in the global market; in accordance with ‘Michael Del Pero - vice president in FocalPoint Partners LLC - a lot of plastics M&A announcements were expected in the second half of 2010 because of the tax changes in USA’ (Esposito, 2010). However, in the case of Wavin, the tax rules cannot be considered as the only criterion for choosing acquisitions as a key strategic option – taking into consideration the firm’s relevant activities in the last decade, as explained above. In any case, the plastic pipes industry is a prominent market sector; in fact, in accordance with a relevant report, the specific indus try is expected ‘to advance at the fastest pace up to 2014’ (Bombourg, 2010). The identification of the potentials of acquisitions to support the further growth of the particular industry would be particularly important indicating the potential value of the specific strategic option for firms operating in other industries – which face severe pressures due to the expansion of the globalization and the recession. C. Literature Review The use of acquisitions as a strategy for achieving a continuous growth or for facing the strong market pressures has become a common phenomenon the last three decades (Hitt et al. 2009, 183). In practice, acquisitions can be described as ‘the use of cash outflows for purchasing the net assets or property plant, and equipment of the acquired business’ (Tortiorello 2008,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Group marketing project (SPSS) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Group marketing project (SPSS) - Assignment Example The research report under discussion is a group effort which aims to understand the current level of customer loyalty for the Samsung brand and the drivers behind it. The relationship between these drivers and the current perceptions has also been studied to identify the most important factors influencing it. On the basis of the findings, recommendations for improving the current level of loyalty and for attracting and retaining a higher user base have also been suggested. The nature of study is quantitative and involves interviews conducted with 100 respondents (including Samsung users & non-users) within the area of Bangor, Gwynedd. A comparison of means on the basis of gender and age reveals that there is no significant impact of these factors on the way people have rated the perceptions for Samsung’s products. However, there does exist a somewhat significant difference regarding user ship for a few attributes. The results indicate that around 56% of Samsung users believe Samsung products to be well made. Among the non-users, the response is mixed. This percentage is relatively positive but when compared with other attributes, Samsung should focus on improving the other perceptions further through good customer service and marketing efforts to drive up the overall customer loyalty. On an overall basis, when looking at the different attributes, consistency in quality and good value for money pricing are highly positive. Usership and gender also have a significant association with value for money pricing. Overall 55% respondents regard consistency positively and 58% of Samsung users and 56% females consider it good value for money. It is mainly because of the positive perceptions for these attributes that the overall value of Samsung products is considered excellent. Consistency in quality is the most influential driver here and then follows the good value for
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Case Study - Essay Example Keywords: moral awareness, ethical dilemma, utilitarianism, ethical decisions, ethical approach, moral judgment CASE STUDY ETHICAL DILEMMA Problem Karen Hathaway is in a dilemma trying to decide who shall be the best candidate who deserves the promotion, among the three managers who are vying for the same position. All of the potential candidates are highly qualified for the coveted position in the company. The decision she has to make is very critical in order to ensure that the company is placed in the hands of only the best manager. She is being pressured by her superior and upper-management people to promote their own bets. She has also been informed by her immediate superior that making the wrong decision would not be good, either internally or externally, and will affect her work performance and credibility. Karen is now facing an ethical dilemma on who among the three candidates is most worthy to receive the promotion. Input The three candidates are the following: The first ca ndidate is Carmen, who is 34 years of age, an African American, recently divorced and, a single parent to an only child. She graduated in the lower half of her college class in Northwest State. She has been with the company for four years and in the industry for eight years, with average performance ratings, but is notable for her high energy level. As a superior, she has experienced some difficulties in managing her staff. Aside from this disadvantage is also her child’s poor health condition. Clinching the promotion will be a big help to manage her financial condition. In the event that Carmen gets the promotion, she will be the first African-American female manager at this level. Karen has known Carmen only a short time, but she has never had problems with her and they have become friends as Karen has once baby-sat Carmen’s daughter during an emergency. The drawback in promoting Carmen will place Karen in a tight situation as she might be accused of having biases an d favouritism. The second candidate is Ralph, an American, 57 years of age, married with three children and graduated top half in his class from a private university. He has been with the company for twenty years and in the industry for thirty years. He has been classified as a steady performer in the company, receiving mostly average ratings, with average to very low energy level. He was lauded in his work performance when he was able to produce many of the company’s top sales performers in the past. He has been not been promoted from his current position because of his refusal to relocate. This promotion would be his last before retirement, and his colleagues believed that he should be next in line because he has earned the position as an employee of the company for 20 years. In fact, one senior manager stopped Karen in the hall and said â€Å"You know, Karen, Ralph has been with us a long time. He has done many good things
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