Saturday, August 31, 2019
Gangsterism in the 1920’s
â€Å"The Roaring Twenties,†; what a perfect aphorism. It was certainly roaring with music and dance, but it also was roaring with gangsters. In the aspect of gangsterism, the thirties were also roaring. Americans in this time period tolerated criminals, especially those involved in bootlegging. Bootlegging is the smuggling of illegal substances. Bootlegging could have possibly been tolerated because of the recent outlaw of alcohol during this time period, known as the Prohibition. Gangsters were involved in bootlegging, prostitution, gambling, organized crime, and racketeering. Al â€Å"Scarface â€Å" Capone, Bonnie and Clyde, and John Dillinger were the headliners of this era. Gangsterism provided a risky job but maximum rewards in a time when jobs were scarce and our country was in the midst of a depression. When Congress passed the eighteenth amendment, alcohol was banned in every way from America. People who were addicted to alcohol and even those who were accustomed to the casual drink still had a demand for it. Many would pay top dollar for a drink, they didn’t think obtaining alcohol would be too immoral because it was legal just a few years back. Citizens would hold private socials and would serve alcohol to all of the guests, this was usually done by the wealthy because of the high cost of alcohol. This opened up many opportunities for those who were willing to take risks and bootleg illegal alcohol to the country. With money flowing like water to many of these gangsters, greed began to grow rapidly among them. They began to explore more demoralizing fields of work. These gangsters began to open speakeasies, which were like old west taverns with prostitution, gambling, and of course, drinking. Speakeasies always had cover charges ranging from five dollars to twenty-five dollars, depending on the price of alcohol at the time. America’s obsession for alcohol allowed the owners to charge any price they wanted. Thousands of speakeasies were located in Chicago, which meant that tens-of-thousands of speakeasies were spread around the country, with most in the large cities. So many Americans were sneaking around under the law that moral values began to dwindle. Gangsters moved up in the ranks and began more vicious crimes such as murder and massive theft. Most of these crimes were necessary to keep business alive. Murder was widespread because some people who would be paid to keep quiet would talk, in return they would be dealt with†¦very harshly. In 1929, gangsters from across the country gathered in Atlantic City, New Jersey to meet with one another. Leaders from all of the major crime syndicates attended. At the meeting, they made agreements on boundaries and a their â€Å"government†to make sure relations between groups were peaceful. Anyone who broke these rules were, again, dealt with†¦very harshly. One of the most famous crime bosses ever was Al Capone. His nickname was â€Å"scarface. †which is used as a nickname in many mobster movies. He had his own army†¦seven thousand strong. He owned ten thousand speakeasies, and he was involved in all of the traditional gangster activities such as prostitution and gambling. Many politicians and police officers were on the payroll of Capone. Because of his one-hundred million dollar annual income, he had no problem maintaining this kind of lifestyle. Capon’s most famous quote is â€Å"When I sell liquor, it’s bootlegging. When my patrons serve it on silver trays on Lake Shore Drive, it’s hospitality. †In 1929, a rival boss, Bugs Moran, began to infringe on Capone’s territory. He sent some of his â€Å"boys†, disguised as police officers, to one of Moran’s drop-off spots for alcohol. They disarmed Moran’s men and then sprayed many rounds in to their bodies, ending Moran’s career as a gangster. This is known as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. After the Massacre, Capone’s freedom and iron-fisted control was on the decline because of the Public Enemies List. Law enforcement tried to nail him for any offense for which they could get proof, the only one was tax evasion. Capone served eleven years in prison and left wrecked by syphilis. He died peacefully in his home and was buried next to his father and grandfather in Chicago’s west side. Other criminals took advantage of corrupt law enforcement and went on sprees of killing and looting. Bonnie and Clyde are two famous sidekicks who drove over the country committing murder after murder and robbery after robbery. After eight years of ludicrous behavior, the couple was gunned down outside of Arcadia, Louisiana by law enforcement. Because it was as if the law was a minority, the couple’s bodies were displayed as if they were prizes. Another criminal was John Dillinger, he was a pioneer in organized crime. He would time switching of guards, find escape routes, and always have a safe house. He had many informants on the â€Å"inside†that were paid to assist him. One particular time in Wisconsin, the FBI and police officers had him surrounded in a lodge and charged in to capture him and he mysteriously vanished eaving the government embarrassed. Dillinger was finally killed when he and his girlfriend were exiting the movie theatre and was met by several rounds of ammunition fired by awaiting law enforcement. Law enforcement of the day was struggling badly. It had police who were under the payroll of organized crime, police who would participate in illegal activities themselves, and morale was hard to come by. Police would not cooperate with one another and share information. The men with the still-good hearts had a desire for personal glory, the hero. he Federal Bureau of Investigation began massive manhunts to destroy gangsterism, and they finally were successful by sending many undercover agents in to the mobs themselves and secretly in to the speakeasies. The success is remembered by an image the FBI has today. It is known as the country’s premier law enforcement agency. Gangsterism was a powerful part of the twenties and thirties. Gangsterism was caused by a domino effect, beginning with Prohibition. Unlike most at the time, they received the Prohibition with open arms. It meant monopoly on liquor, which meant opportunity for money. Greed and lust for power fed these â€Å"czars†of cities, commanders of armies. Prohibition ceased after 1933 with the passing of the twenty-first amendment, which legalized alcoholic beverages. Gangsters began to fade along with their prominent source of income†¦liquor. Some of these gangsters were thrown in jail and others quit before they could be caught. When Capone was apprehended, he said, chuckling, â€Å"All I ever did was supply a demand,â€
Friday, August 30, 2019
Tenor in Email Communication
Today we will be discussing â€Å"tenor†in workplace emails. We will: 1) explain what tenor and how it is reflected in workplace emails, 2) why using proper tenor in the workplace is important, and 3) provide tips as to how you can successfully determine tenor for use in your own workplace emails. (First Slide) What is tenor? Tenor is the tone of a form of communication that reflects the relationship between the speaker and their audience. In regards to email, it is the relationship between the writer and their recipient. Every person uses different forms of tenor on a daily basis, whether they are in the work place, at home or even with friends. Tenor is present in an email and can be reflected in a number of ways. It is most evident in the formality of the speech used and the words chosen in the communication of ideas. However, the tenor of an email can also be affected by the subject matter of an email. More serious or pressing issues often call for a more formal use of tenor. (Second Slide) Why is tenor important? Also read: The Other Side of E-mail Tenor is an important element of workplace communication for a number of reasons. Firstly, the tenor used in an email demonstrates one’s level of respect for who they are speaking to. In the workplace, it reflects the level of respect one shows for their superior, co-workers or even direct reports. This is evident in the politeness and mannerisms displayed in the email. Calling your friend â€Å"dude†may be normal in their company, but calling your boss the same may be taken as offensive or undermining. Secondly, tenor can display your dedication or seriousness about issue. While some subjects may discussed light-heartedly, such as an office event, while other require more a serious tone, such as discussing grievances or personal absences. Mistaking tenor in the workplace can have a number of negative effects. It could possibly damage your work relationships and create tension in the workplace, reduce the effectiveness of workplace communication and processes, as well as reduce your chances for advancement in a company. Always remember to consider if your words could be misinterpreted before you click send! (Third Slide) So how do you determine the proper tenor to use in your email? There are 3 simple questions that you can use to evaluate your relation to the recipient and effectively gauge the proper tenor in an email. These questions are as follows: Ask yourself – What is the recipient’s position in the company? Are they a superior? A co-worker? A direct report? While these employees all share different roles, they can all be treated with different tenors. While your boss requires a highly formal level of tenor in your communication, a co-worker may not. – What is the subject matter of the email? As we have already mentioned, the subject matter of the email you are writing may also have an effect on the tenor you should be using. For instance, consider the co-worker mentioned above. On a day-to-day basis, a co-worker may not require a highly formal tenor in communication. However, while discussing this co-worker’s grievances, bereavement leave or other personal matters, a more formal tenor may be required to spare their feelings and show your respect for their situation. – Another good question to ask yourself is: Who will have access to the email? Although you may think the email you just sent is only seen by the recipient, this may not always be true. The last thing you want to happen is for your boss to see an email that you wrote and think that you may have disrespected another employee by using informal tenor. To end this conference, we would like to suggest some tips for determining and executing proper tenor in workplace emails. 1. Always use more formal language in your initial message. Once your recipient replies, it will be easier to determine what tenor is appropriate. It is better to err towards the casual side after an exchange of emails. 2. When in doubt, mirror it out! Mirroring is a valuable tool in determining workplace tenor. When mirroring, one simply replies to an email with the same tone as the sender. In other words, send email you would like to receive and you will do no wrong. 3. Always think before you send! You may think you are communicating one message, but your recipient may read another. Always be sure to re-read you emails and consider if your words could be misinterpreted.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Paradise Lost: Sympathy for Satan
Sympathy for Satan John Milton spent years trying to think of an idea to base his epic on; an idea that would make his epic last centuries and never be forgotten. His desire came to life since his work lives in history, along with Homer, Virgil and Dante. Finally, he found a muse in God and in the dawn of creation; rather than in earthly matters. John Milton’s intention while writing his epic was not to make Satan a hero, however, many people perceive such an idea. Instead, he simply wanted to display his optimistic view of life; the fact that goodness is not goodness unless it resulted from a struggle to overcome evil.Thus, Milton focuses Satan and his dishonorable deeds in order to highlight God’s kindness and goodness. Moreover, â€Å"Paradise Lost†includes Satan’s side of the story. Throughout the epic, many traits and characteristics that Milton attributes to Satan make him seam appealing or forgivable. One source of Satan’s fascination for us is that he is an extremely complex and subtle character. It would be difficult, perhaps impossible, for Milton to make perfect, infallible characters such as God the Father, God the Son, and the angels as interesting to read about as the flawed characters, such as Satan, Adam, and Eve.Satan, moreover, strikes a grand and majestic figure, apparently unafraid of being damned eternally, and uncowed by such terrifying figures as Chaos or Death. Many readers have argued that Milton deliberately makes Satan seem heroic and appealing early in the poem to draw us into sympathizing with him against our will, so that we may see how seductive evil is and learn to be more vigilant in resisting its appeal. Milton devotes much of the poem’s lines to developing Satan’s character. Satan’s greatest fault is his pride.He casts himself as an innocent victim, overlooked for an important promotion. But his ability to think so selfishly in Heaven, where all angels are equal and love d and happy, is surprising. His confidence in thinking that he could ever overthrow God displays tremendous vanity and pride. When Satan shares his pain and alienation as he reaches Earth in his soliloquy, we may feel somewhat sympathetic to him or even identify with him. But Satan continues to devote himself to evil. Every speech he gives is fraudulent and every story he tells is a lie.He works diligently to trick his fellow devils in Hell by having Beelzebub present Satan’s own plan of action. These characteristics are presented throughout Satan’s first and final soliloquy in â€Å"The Fall of Satan†; â€Å"Here we may reign secure, and in my choice to reign is worth ambition, thought in Hell: better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven†. Satan is far from being the story’s object of admiration, as most heroes are. Yet there are many compelling qualities to his character that make him intriguing to readers.
Financial Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial Business - Essay Example This type of financing is known as Debt financing. Businesses also raise funds by offering their stocks or shares to different financial institutions including banks and insurance firms, governments and general public at a defined ‘Par or Stated’ value with or without a premium depending upon the market prices. A firm can issue a maximum number of shares that are known as Authorized shares and can’t exceed that limit. Shares issued are known as Outstanding shares. Dividends are paid to shareholders who have owned the shares. Short term loans can be either ‘secured’ that means that specific assets such as inventory are pledged as collateral or they can be unsecured that means the firm has not promised any assets as collateral. These loans are usually acquired from different financial institutions such as commercial banks, insurance companies or from financial groups such as private investors, individuals with savings and small/medium banking institutions at relatively higher interest rate to meet their current needs of finance. A commercial paper is an unsecured debt (in other words a ‘promissory note’) taken by businesses to finance the inventory purchases and various short-term liabilities such as wages, rent, fuel etc. Undoubtedly, they mature in less than 9 months or 270 days and have a lower interest rate than what a bank normally charges from its clients. Only the large businesses with extensive financial resources, strength and power are able to sell commercial papers compared to small and medium scale enterprises, which do not enjoy extensive capital resources. Sales of stocks and bonds are a major source of finance for public limited companies, multinationals and large scale corporations. The sale of shares results in cash inflows for the issuing firm and the buyer receives an ownership in that firm. Whereas, the sale of bonds receives an interest payment (calculated through the interest rate) along with the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The paradox of choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The paradox of choice - Essay Example Little does it nurture talent, as the developers put more emphasis on meaningless areas at the expense of personal talent development? Call it formal or informal, the system is set in such a way that little is doable by any party to make education more talent focused. As Robinson argues, every person is born with deep natural capabilities, unique in every person. However, the formal education is keen on suppressing the growth and development of these. He observes that the best way of b ringing personal development to young people is by cultivating these capabilities in an urgent, manner for economic, cultural and economic reasons. Proposing on how this can be done, he notes that dominant approaches to the said talents are the best way of nurturing talents. Marginalization of education system has transformed students to education slaves. Many people languish in silence on the extreme torture that they undergo in a curriculum that does not allow them freedom of choice. A student has to follow the system, to the later, and work hard to achieve define targets and goals. Further, Robinson extrapolates that the current form of education has terribly failed in offering answers to the specific problems that we face. Instead, it creates alternatives which barely get to answer the kind of challenges that we are faced with in life. In most countries, observes Robinson, the system is set in relevance to national policies and cultural attitudes entirely set in the past. The disadvantages of these systems are that they promote standardization, creating a narrow view of intelligence in comparison to the diverse and personal human talents. They also promote compliance whilst cultural progress and achievement depend on imaginative cultivation of creativity. Education systems are linear and rigid in change, while human talents are organic and are largely unpredictable. Thus, Robinson seeks to differ with the current system of education, arguing that it does not promote talent de velopment. True to this, education does not give room for personal development. Students are locked in bitter disagreements with the system that has little flexibility on the importance of various subjects taught in class and their relevance in life. A closer look at the system reveals that little is done to help a student grow individually, and personally. All syllabuses are designed in line with national goals and development agendas for the country. Classes meant for recreational and personal development are given less value. What happens to the most talented students who are poor in curriculum? Few schools focus on talent. In fact, there are no government sponsored institutions to nurture talents. The few that are in existence are Non-Governmental Organizations sponsored, or others are private institutions, owned and operated by individuals who share a similar thinking with Robinson. How many schools focus on training footballers or athletes in the world? Focus shifted from purp osive learning that is intended at instilling skills and behavioral change to instilling knowledge that is aimed at running the wheels of a country’s economy. It is startling how various people who have had an opportunity to develop their talents have had great careers that have subsequently catapulted them to fame and immense wealth. Gillian Lynne is an example of such people. She was a poor student in school,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Low density polyethylene Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Low density polyethylene - Research Paper Example In recent years, another dimension of environmental aspect has been added to reduce the global warming and related factors. (LDPE PERP 2010, p4) This paper deals with mainly the production processes of LDPE and its effect as life cycle assessment. Production Processes Installed capacities of LDPE based on production processes employed can be presented schematically as per the following diagram. Source: The technologies based on tubular and autoclaves reactors are used for the polymerization of ethylene. Polymerization process is carried out at high pressure between 1500 and 3000 bar and at temperature between 120 and 320 degree centigrade. A large variety of grades are produced using a single reactor line. Tubular Reaction Process The major outlines of the process can be described as per the following. Ethylene feedstock is compressed and mixed with the recycled ethylene and co monomer such as ethyl acrylate, vinyl acetate, or methacrylic acid. The mixture is then pressurized in the tubular reactor at certain pressure. Polymerization of the monomer takes place in the presence of organic peroxides. Reactor has several zones to increase the conversion rates. Per reactor pass conversion rate is found to be between 15 and 35 percent. The separation is done in two stages. The mixture of ethylene and polyethylene enters the high pressure separator and splits into an ethylene rich gas and polymer rich liquid. The polymer rich liquid at the bottom of the high pressure separator is taken out to the low pressure separator. The ethylene gas leaving the separator is sent back to the compressor and again mixed with fresh ethylene. The liquid stream is taken to the extruder for making the pellets of the polymer compound. (Pladis 2006) ExxonMobil has a long history of working with tubular reactors to manufacture LDPE. As claimed by ExxonMobil, tubular technology has a lower operating cost than autoclave tec hnology. Currently, 14 plants are in operation based on tubular technology as provided by ExxonMobil giving production output of 2500kta at different locations. (LDPE tubular†¦2010) Autoclave Process The compressed ethylene feedstock is mixed with comonomer such as ethyl acrylate, vinyl acetate, or methacrylic acid. Then the mixture is allowed to enter secondary compressor where it is compressed at very high pressure of 45,000 psi before entering autoclave reactor. Initiator accelerates the polymerization process. The molten polyethylene is taken out through separator and taken to extruder for making pellets and further processing. (Lyondellbasell 2010) A typical flow diagram of autoclave process for producing LDPE can be represented as per the following. Source: Tubular versus Autoclave Reactor Processes Both, tubular and autoclave, are proven processes but there is s ome subtle difference in the product structure of resins produced from these processes. The difference lies in the level and type of long-chain branching. The autoclave process provides more long-chain branching compared to those provided by tubular reactor. That is due to higher level of backmixing possible in case of tubular reactor. In contrast, tubular reactor provides little backmixing as the reaction flow carries the polymer down the tube as reaction progresses; however, such subtle
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Local Rivals of Endeavour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Local Rivals of Endeavour - Essay Example The culture of the Chinese companies may significantly be different from the national culture of the country where Endeavour is located. Aside from Mikes obvious egotistic attitude, some factors may have been part of the conflict between Mikes coordination with the senior personnel among the Chinese contractors. Dealing with Asian companies requires certain people skills that know how the differences in the culture and these differences in the international socio-cultural environment can also play a part in Mikes offenses that have caused the conflicts, then the delays. The theories relating to judgment suggest that when there is a certain standard, a person is being compared to that standard which influences the judgment. Mike is a star engineering student. With the owners being engineers themselves, they know the standards that Mikes talents meet which has affected their judgment. With this standard, they thought, being a star engineering student will transform into a very much valued employee - one that contributes a lot of value to the company. Mike lives up to a certain degree of very high standards. However, not knowing that such standards in the university will not transform into standards of being a great manager. There is also a point that because one of the owners view Mike as himself, the standards are further distorted. The team fails to work well because the group dynamics have been distorted by Mikes attitudes. In order for a team to function well, there should be some harmony among the members in the form of good communication and the huge variance of personality between Mike and the other team members. However, Mikes attitudes especially when he has been consulted for some technical things has made communication worse - when the other members bring up a legitimate problem such as in the case of the Chinese contractors, Mike becomes defensive.Â
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Business Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Business Decision Making - Essay Example The term often is ambiguous in this case and different respondents will interpret it in different manner. For instance, some of the respondents will answer that they use library services 5 times a month while other may respond twice a week. It is difficult to quantify data from such types of response. To make this question more reliable, it should provide multi choices in the form of common time horizon: Once a Week 2-5 times a Week 6-10 times a Week More than 10 times a Week Question 2) How many books or publications have you borrowed from the library? 0 1-5 5-10 10-15 20-50 50-100 This question has three flaws inherent in it. Firstly, the answers are overlapping as we find some of the answers in more than one option. A respondent who has borrowed 5 books is unclear on whether it selects the option 1-5 or 5-10 since both of them contain the same answer. Secondly, this question neglects many of the options in between the answers. It leaves out the category for 16-20 and more than 100 books. Finally, this question requires the respondents to perform mental arithmetic. It’s difficult for the respondents to memorize that how many times they have exactly borrowed books or publications from the library. The answers should be wide in range. For instance, it should start with the option of less than 10 rather than 0. Question 3) The last time you visited the library, what was the purpose of your visit? Search for a book Search for a periodical Get information from a librarian Study peacefully This question also provides limited information regarding the answers. It neglects several other alternative options which are not provided in the list of answers. To make it easier for respondents, there should be an option for â€Å"If Other than Please mention below†Question 4) Were your needs satisfied? Yes/No Now this question forces the respondent to answer either their needs were satisfied or not. There can be a case that few needs were satisfied while other s were not, so how does a respondent answer under such circumstances. This should not have been treated as a dichotomous question but rather it should have answers in the form provided below: Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question 5) How satisfied are you with the quality provided by the library and the attitude of the library staff? 1 2 3 4 5 This question lacks additional details regarding the rating scale. Some individuals might consider 1 to be excellent while other might consider 5 to be excellent. Therefore, a note should elaborate on the details of the rating scale. Secondly, this question asks about two separate elements in a single question which is inappropriate. The quality and attitude of the library staff are two separate things and they should be treated separately. Question 6) What do you dislike about the library? This question assumes that all the respondents dislike something about the libra ry. Hence, it is compelling the respondents to think negatively and find some negative aspect about the library. The question should have first asked whether there are any issues inherent in the operations of the library. If the answer had been yes than it should have asked what you dislike about the library. Question 7) Are there any improvements that could be made to the library to provide a better service? Yes/No This question simply asks whether improvements could be made to the library but it does not discover the improvement initiatives
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Regulation Of Auditing Profession In UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Regulation Of Auditing Profession In UK - Essay Example He says that the need to furnish useful information to shareholders with due integrity nurtured the growth of auditing professionalism in the UK. Anderson et al. (1996) corroborate that in the United Kingdom, the professional accountants from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales generally performed the external audit of all the listed companies even before the legal requirement was actually imposed on companies to get their financial statements audited from qualified accountants. It therefore suggests the need and criticality of auditing profession in the UK corporate environment, where the shareholders are desperately relying on the profession to carry out a check on the utilisation of their investments. Auditing profession in Britain captures every sector of the society and dominates the regulation no matter how often this profession has been found to be involved in corporate scandals. Regardless to what happens to both the sides i.e., the shareholders and ma nagement, this profession remains to be the beneficiary class (Sampson, 2004). The level of professionalism demonstrated by the auditing firms enhances the importance of a keen eye that needs to be placed over the auditing profession in the form of regulations. Cousins et al. (2000) emphasise that the shareholders and investors coming from the general public in UK have been victims of corporate scandals owing to audit failures and the oversight of auditing firms. The auditors in UK are proficient enough in their profession to play around.... onal accountants from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales generally performed the external audit of all the listed companies even before the legal requirement was actually imposed on companies to get their financial statements audited from qualified accountants. It therefore suggests the need and criticality of auditing profession in the UK corporate environment, where the shareholders are desperately relying on the profession to carry out a check on the utilisation of their investments. Auditing profession in Britain captures every sector of the society and dominates the regulation no matter how often this profession has been found to be involved in corporate scandals. Regardless to what happens to both the sides i.e., the shareholders and management, this profession remains to be the beneficiary class (Sampson, 2004). The level of professionalism demonstrated by the auditing firms enhances the importance of a keen eye that needs to be placed over the auditing profession in the form of regulations. Cousins et al. (2000) emphasise that the shareholders and investors coming from the general public in UK have been victims of corporate scandals owing to audit failures and the oversight of auditing firms. The auditors in UK are proficient enough in their profession to play around with the standards set by the regulatory bodies. Hence, it is increasingly important to continuously revise the efficacy of standards in protecting the shareholders' interest. One of the major causes behind such exploitation of professional influence is to a great extent brought about by the concentration of 'auditing power' among a few firms in UK. Arnold and Sikka (2001) illuminate that UK accountancy profession is highly dominated by a handful number of firms
Friday, August 23, 2019
Neighborhood Environment is Directly Correlated with Crime Assignment
Neighborhood Environment is Directly Correlated with Crime - Assignment Example It was found out that inequality among the black community has a high correlation with violence. Racism is also found out to be among the contributory factors in the commission of crime in this country. Another is inequality of criminal law reflecting a competition of values and interests instead of representing a consistent application of societal values. For instance, cigarette and alcohol are allowed to be sold anywhere in the world however marijuana is not because it is dangerous to one’s health. Such reason obviously represents inequality in criminal law since all three poses danger to the health. With this inconsistent societal value and application of law, the marijuana is outlawed. One reason individuals in low crime neighborhood commit crime is the rational incentives that the individual gains from doing criminal acts. People who are occupying the lower strata in the society are generally the people with lower income and wealth. The temptation of gains from committing crime is greater. In addition, when they are caught, they have nothing to lose but gained material incentives. It should also be noted that this type of individuals do not fear being arrested nor fear the law, more so that they do not give importance to their family, friends, and their informal relations. Another reason lies on the loopholes in the duties of law enforcers. Police officers have the tendency not to maintain consistent surveillance in neighborhoods with low crime rates. On the other hand, people who have the social skills are the people who are successful in their life thus even if they live within high crime areas; they have the prudency to exercise sound judgment in their decisio n not to commit crime. Individuals who have the proper education are equipped with the social qualities needed to adjust to the challenges of life. Since crime rates depend on several factors,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Uses of Computer in Schools Essay Example for Free
Uses of Computer in Schools Essay Computers are-machines that accept incoming data process them and produce outputs-depending on the users applications. Present time, we are so much associated with these devices that without them we would not be able to live the way we do. They play a crucial role in everybodys life. They bring a major socio-economic revolution not only in India but also in the whole world itself. From pocket calculators to personal computers (PC), food processors and microchips entering through VCRS at home, their uses are manifolds. The computers are employed to assist men in business organizations, in space and other researches and in many other walks of life. The personal computer (PC) is marching into the office where it is improving productivity by replacing paper works, customer services and job satisfactions for some. Why Computers are used widely? The computers process informations that come in all shapes and sizes from any fields so accurately that, some people may call these Informatics The Science of Informal ion Processing, i.e. the methods of recording, manipulating and retrieving informations. It may be from a mathematical equation to a companys work-force necessary to produce a payroll or from meteorological department to forecast tomorrows weather or from space research to project a new space craft. Whatever may be the case, why computers are used widely? The following characteristics that make the computers very popular for its multifarious uses may give the befitting reply. (i) Speed First, the computers are regarded as high speed calculators. They can process voluminous data within a fraction of second which no human being could do earlier. If we want tomorrows forecast today, meteorologists can use the computers for necessary calculations and analyses. The units of speed of a computer are the microsecond, the nano (10)-9 second and even the picot second. (ii) Storage As human brain can store the knowledge in memory and can able to recall it, the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer can do the same job without any failure. But the internal memory of CPU is only large enough to retain a certain amount of information. So, to store each and every information inside the computer, an Auxiliary or Secondary Storage Device is being attached outside the memory of the CPU. (iii) Accuracy The computers are much popular due to their high speed along with consistently very high accuracy. Sometimes, the machinery may give errors, but due to increase in efficiently error-detecting techniques, these seldom lead to false results. Most of the errors in computers are due to human himself. (iv) Automation Once a programme is in the computers memory, it will start processing the input informations; thus leading to automation. (v) Versatility The computers are versatile in nature. They can perform any task given to them provided they are well programmed, (vi) Diligence Being a machine, a computer is very diligent in its duties. It never suffers from human fatigue and tiredness or lack of concentration. It can perform thousands after thousands calculations with exactly same accuracy and speed as the first one without any rest.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Salem witch trials Essay Example for Free
Salem witch trials Essay Fear of Devil-worshipping and witchcraft swept through Salem, Massachusetts, like a plague. During the years of 1692 and 1693, more than 200 peopleâ€â€men, women, and even childrenâ€â€were accused of witchcraft (Blumberg). Words of friends, neighbors, and even complete strangers put many peoples lives in danger. Nineteen people were hanged, one person pressed to death, and four known deaths occurred in prison. The accusations, the trials, the executions, and the events leading up to and after the deaths, kept Salem, Massachusetts on its toes in this mass paranoia. It was 1689, according to Blumberg, when Reverend Samuel Parris became the first ordained minister of Salem Village. The attempt to search for a new minister had failed, since the town of Salem had split to form small outskirts known as Salem Farms and the original Salem Village, and several Reverends and ministers before Parris were opposed against, or strongly disliked by the people. Parris answered to the call of ministry and moved to Salem Village with his wife, daughter Elizabeth Betty Parris, age 9, niece Abigail Williams, age 11, and his Barbados slave, Tituba and her husband John (Gribben). Gribben wrote about Parriss daughter and niece spending time alone with the Barbados slave, Tituba, while unattended by any other adults. Parris trusted the slave for he had known her since he had bought her, and she was lazy and petulant. Parris did not see Tituba as a threat and left the girls in her watch many times. As time passed, more girls would come and spend time with the Barbado s slave. Tituba would tell the girls stories about Barbados, and of the witch doctors that lived there. The girls were interested and asked many questions concerning the topic of magic and witches. Tituba, who hardly believed in sorcery herself, had given in and showed the girls how to break an egg, so just the egg white would be suspended in a bowl of water to show who their future husbands would be. These lessons continued in secrecy with Tituba. Several girls were torn between the risk of the situation and the discussion of witchcraft. Abigail Williams saw this as a mere game, and was very mischievous. Elizabeth on the other hand was rather nervous about the situation and guilt began to eat away at her. The guilt had a strong effect on the younger girl. She became rather distracted, and confused. She babbled nonsense, woke up screaming at night, and became weak, refusing or even forgetting to eat. But her guilt did not give her the courage to report to Reverend Parris what was taking place, and so the meetings continued. It was until a girl, who had to know what trade her sweetheart would be, saw a coffin suspended in the egg white of the bowl, that all hell broke loose. It was then that Elizabeth broke and began to fall into strange episodes or fits of convulsive seizures, blasphemous screaming, and trance-like states (Gribben, Salem). Tituba began to fear foul play and witchcraft had befallen the young girls. She baked a witchs cake that contained the urine of Abigail and Elizabeth and fed it to a dog, hoping the tormentor would be revealed. The dog became distracted and ran o ff, leaving Tituba with a feeling of hopelessness and paranoia. It wasnt until days later that Tituba had been blamed for the witchcraft. Elizabeth was in the middle of a violent fit. Tituba sent Abigail to fetch Reverend Parris while she tried to calm the crazed girl. The Reverend came in and tried to calm the girl as well. He sent for a doctor, but the doctor could not place the cause of fits in Elizabeth or Abigail, who showed the same symptoms days later. The doctor told Parris that the Evil Hand was among them, and left. When Elizabeth began to come to after one of her many spells, Parris asked the girl who it was that hurt her, but she didnt answer. He looked about the room and settled on Tituba. When he asked if Tituba had caused this, Elizabeth repeated the name before going silent. Tituba confessed and Parris had Tituba arrested (Gribben). This wasnt the end of their paranoia; in fact it was only the beginning. Several other Salem girls began having similar fits, and among them was Ann Putnam. Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne were accused of witchcraft, after the Barbados slave Tituba. Sarah Good was just a homeless beggar, and Sarah Osborne was an elderly impoverished woman (Blumberg). The three girls were taken to trial; however, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne tried to claim their innocence. They were found guilty and taken to jail. Tituba, on the other hand, confessed to practicing and showing the girls witchcraft. Tituba claimed to have seen the Devil and signing his book, and also told of other witches in Salem Village who were seeking to destroy the Puritans. As more and more girls began to suffer from this witchcraft, more and more people were being blamed for the black magic (Blumberg). Most of the people were accused were well known, and some were even liked. The most damning accusation was against Martha Corey, an important member of the Puritan congregation. This accusation sent the Puritan community of Salem Village into a frenzy, fearing that Satans evil had reached the heart of the community (Salem). The accusations didnt stop though; men, women, and children were still accused and the paranoia was at its highest. Dorothy Dorcas Good was the first and only child at the age of four to be accused of witchcraft. Her timid answers were seen as a confession and she was arrested with her mother, Sarah Good. Dorothy stayed in jail for eight months before she witnessed her mother being taken and hanged (Linder). Accusations began to pile up, and many people were arrested, but no executions had been made until early June. Bridget Bishop was the first person hanged for witchcraft on June 10th, 1692 (Blumberg). After her death, many more witches were put to death by the gallows, on a place soon to be known as Gallows Hill. Five people were hanged in the month of July, five in August, and eight in September. A total of nineteen people had been killed by the gallows (Blumberg). Martha and Giles Corey were both accused of practicing witchcraft and arrested. Giles Corey refused a trial and by the law of their church, had large stones placed on him until he agreed to one. He never did, and was eventually pressed to death with large stones on September 19, 1692, three days before Marthas hanging (Salem). The trials to condemn the accused varied. There were five ways for the people to claim their innocence, but many people were found guilty despite their attempts. The first trial was reciting the Lords Prayer (Witchcraft). If one could not recite the prayer, it was said that Satan was at work and blocked ones tongue from speaking the Word (Gribben). A former pastor, George Burroughs, was accused of witchcraft and tried. He failed his trial in court, and as he was taken out to the gallows, he stopped before the crowd and recited the Lords Prayer word for word. The crowd was taken by shock, but Cotton Mather told them the man had his time in court and he failed. G eorge Burroughs was put to death at the gallows (Linder). The second trial was the search for physical evidence such as warts, birthmarks, moles, and blemishes. These marks were said to be places on which demons suckled on witches to gain their power. The testimony of the accusers against the witches, spectral evidence, and the confession of the witches themselves, were the last three trials against the accused to convict them of witchcraft or send them home (Witchcraft). However, many were convicted and most were found guilty. Some people saw that the confessions were a way to escape the gallows, but would spend time in prison instead for practicing witchcraft (Linder). Many were still found guilty and put to death by hanging. According to Linder, as many as nineteen accused witches were hanged on Gallows Hill and one man was pressed to death in 1692. The dead are listed as followed, along with their date of death. Bridget Bishop, the first person hanged, died on June 10th, 1692 . Five women died on July 19th, 1692. The women were Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth Howe, and Sarah Wildes. Four men and one woman were hanged on August 19th, 1692. They were George Burroughs, Martha Carrier, John Willard, George Jacobs, Sr., and John Proctor. Giles Corey was the only death that occurred by being pressed to death on September 19th, 1692. On September 22nd, 1692, Martha Corey, Mary Eastey, Ann Pudeator, Alice Parker, Mary Parker, Wilmott Redd, Margaret Scott, and Samuel Wardwell were hanged. The last four known deaths did not have a known date, but the following people died in prison: Sarah Osborne, Roger Toothaker, Lyndia Dustin, and Ann Foster. Two dogs were also killed, for many believed that Satan could take form of the hounds (Witchcraft). The hysteria, convictions, and condemnations began to seize and die down in the winter months (Salem). Governor Phipps called an end to the witch trials, and relieved all those remaining in prison, after hi s wife had been accused of witchcraft (Blumberg). Over 250 years after the Salem witch trials, the state of Massachusetts found the trials to have been unlawful and the names were cleared of charges. The state gave money to the heirs of the deceased, and apologized for the trials that had taken place (Blumberg).
Selling Crack In El Barrio Sociology Essay
Selling Crack In El Barrio Sociology Essay Society sets standards for us to strive toward, and offers a limited set of accepted means through which we can reach these standards. Unfortunately, the means accepted by society are not available to everyone. The lack of equal opportunity in our society compels certain groups to resort to deviant behavior in order to achieve their goals, or even just to survive. Deviance or deviant behavior is behavior that goes against accepted formal and informal social norms. Crime falls into the category of deviance that goes against formal social norms, or written laws and regulations. Groups that engage in deviant behavior are generally stigmatized by society, and in turn, are subject to marginalization. One such group is the immense subculture of drug dealers. A subculture is a group that has cultural values and behavioral patterns distinctive of a particular group in a society. In his account titled In Search of Respect, ethnographic researcher Philippe Bourgois goes into the depths of this subculture and examines why drug dealers live the way they do and how their occupation is a not just a personal choice, but a product of society. In addition to illustrating the social production of blocked opportunities for residents in Bourgoiss ground breaking book, he also provides an interesting new insight into the street culture found in New York City by examining the effects of illegal drugs on a minority group. Specifically, the book focuses on the experiences and lives of Puerto Rican crack cocaine dealers and users as well as their friends, families and girlfriends, each of whom Bourgois depicts as victims of circumstance. In doing so, the author vividly details and analyzes the effects of structural inequality and social marginalization in the United States. Bourgois, with his wife and child, moved into a tenement apartment in a small neighborhood in New York City named East Harlem in 1985. To residents, this neighborhood was simply known as El Barrio. To conduct his study, Bourgois and his family spent the next five years living among the harsh realities of the ghetto streets. The purpose of this was to infiltrate, assimilate, and participate in the daily workings of the community as much as possible to gain a better understanding of the circumstances these poor and suffering Puerto Rican residents faced. As such, the ultimate goal was to gain entrance to a network of Puerto Rican crack dealers as well as their network of relatives and acquaintances. During his five year stint in El Barrio, Bourgois engaged in intensive participant observation among the informants who allowed him to penetrate the secretive culture of the underground economy. He provides the reader with verbatim narratives taken from his conversations with drug dealers, police officers (who occasionally mistook him for a drug addict), and drug users Bourgois uses the account of his subject and friend named Primo to illustrate the circumstances of drug dealers and the reasons they resort to illegal jobs. The norms of drug dealers include street sales, drug houses, violent crime, and respect associated with the status of a drug dealer. Having the identity of a drug dealer attributes a sense of power and pride to a man, even if it is just in his neighborhood. It prevents him from having to bear the humiliation of being degraded or belittled by a superior while working at a legal job. Bourgois book focuses on a relatively unexamined section of the drug industry, the local dealers, some of whom are, or have been drug users. He notes that most of them started out in legitimate work, often prematurely by truanting from school, not a difficult thing to do in the inner city. However their entrepreneurial skills have not enabled them to escape from the most vulnerable wage sector. The poorest jobs fail to satisfy them while their backgrounds make it impossible for them to sustain contact with more promising possibilities. Still they are unwilling to lie down to the system. They have made the most of their limited opportunities by finding a niche in the illegal drug market. Although nobody is more aware than they are of the ultimate hopelessness of this, nevertheless in the meantime it gives them the buzz, the status and the income their yuppie contemporaries find a few blocks away in Wall St. very well-written, as the author uses a plain, easy-to-read and understand style. He is arguing that answers to societys most pressing issues are a lot more than mere blame-the-system or blame-the-victim approaches. It is far too common for liberals and conservatives, respectively, to blame society or to blame pathological, flawed individuals for social problems. As Bourgois shows in this book, the truth is often a combination of the two. Even his informants admit that they blame no one else but themselves for the situations they are in. The book starts off with Bourgoiss own experience of how there is an apartheid present in New York working against his subjects The amount of poverty in this portion of our country is much higher than that in most other areas. Bourgois argues that this neighborhood, which is well known for high rates of violence, does not have widespread violence occurring amongst all of its members. The higher crime rate, argues Bourgois, occurs for the most part within the factions of the underground economy. Some insight into this economy would explain the reasons for higher rates of violence. This book is a summary of the events that occurred during Bourgois stay in El Barrio. The original purpose of the book was to write a first-hand account of poverty and ethnic segregation in the heart of one of the worlds largest cities. Bourgois was swept into the area drug economy because of the abundance of information from the dealers and their families who all lived within the immediate area. The problem was so prevalent that the focus of th The amount of drug dealers or crack houses is an indirect result of the lost jobs in Harlem. Bourgois states that many of the unemployed in the inner-city are not successful in finding work because they lack the skills of working efficiently with people that they dont already have an every day relationship with, something that factory jobs provided. Factory jobs that moved out of the inner-cities left the large minority groups without a collective workplace where everybody knew their task and how to complete it. The current availability of jobs within the inner-city is mostly within the service sector. These jobs are individualized jobs where independence is required rather than a group effort. The jobs pay little and arent generally respected. This tends to lead many people within this community to become involved in the drug economy. Bourgois argues that, to reduce the violence within the drug community, we should consider the decriminalization of drugs. This would force small time dealers out of business, eliminating the need for them to commit violence amongst themselves, while making the s Bourgois states that there is a strong feeling of community among the people living in El Barrio. Those people not involved in the drug market rarely encounter violence themselves because the dealers have nothing to fear from them. Bourgois states that, during the day, children are safely left to play in the streets unattended by their parents. At night, when the legitimate working force of the community is eating dinner or asleep, is when the brunt of violence takes place Bourgois portrayal of the dealers and their families makes it difficult for the reader not to feel sympathy and compassion towards them. His argument is well defined and persuasive due to the fact that he moved his family to the area in which he was studying and had the courage to get in and really interact with the people of this community. The way in which he writes also compliments his argument by drawing the reader in and making him feel like he himself were there. Many may not agree with the solution that Bourgois suggests, but everyone who reads the book will re-think their own views before discussing t This is an incredibly well written ethnography, its very accessible and could be read by anyone. Really illustrates the problems of people in ghettoised areas, with restricted access to the job market and a stigma attached to them. Stigma is a mark of infamy or reproach. Drug dealing is stigmatized because norms of drug dealing completely clash with the norms of society, most obviously by going against written laws. Consuming or possessing illegal drugs is a crime, but the The only jobs that provided enough money for the Harlemites to survive on, with out having to engage in some other illegal activity, are high risk construction jobs, which were ran by racist mafia backed unions (ch. 4 pg. 162), or entry level jobs in the F.I.R.E. (finance, insurance, or real estate) sector (ch. 4 pg.142), where the impoverished Puerto Ricans did not have enough cultural capital or the proper ethnic background to survive in the positions being offered. Although the world of the underground economy is very chaotic, it all seems to revolve around one thing, crack. Everyones daily life, that is anyone who is not a member of the poor legal working class, is organized around crack, whether one is fighting rival crews for a spot to sell, or just hanging out at the local crackhouse waiting for a handout. It is prevalent on both the violent and non-violent spectrums of the culture. Obviously, the dealers had the most respect of everyone, and were looked up at by youngsters. To survive financially outside of mainstream society, one must manipulate all of ones available resources to make a livable income. So, in the underground economy this can mean any thing, from taking advantage of the welfare office, to selling drugs, or robbing people, all of which were employed by most of the subjects in this book. The only act that stood out to me, as being a ritual was the act of getting high. While getting high served two fold, it served as a method to deal with the reality of not being able to be in control of any part of ones life, and it severed as a way of opening up the lines for communication, as most of all the testimonials occurred over liquor and some sort of drug. What caught the eye of the youngsters were their nice shoes and the respect everyone had for the dealer. So at the earliest time possible, the young kids would try and emulate what they have seen as an acceptable, and viable way to get money and respect. Selling drugs, being violent, and robbing people, all were skills that they learned at school (ch.4pg.194). Bourgois eventually found his way to a storefront called the Game Room where video games provided a cover for the sale of crack cocaine. It was the manager of this establishment, Primo, who became Bourgoiss friend and primary informant about life in El Barrio. Through this intimacy, Bourgois seeks to tell us some things about the symbols and symptoms of urban ghetto life, the Achilles heel of the richest industrialized nation in the world by documenting how it imposes racial segregation and economic marginalization on so many of its Latino/a and African-American citizens. (Bourgois: 1995a; 14) Bourgois painstakingly records and analyzes the exploits of these elements of Puerto Rican diaspora. The culmination of such fieldwork is collected in ethnography about the urban underground economy and social marginalization Speaking fluently the minority language, he lived for five years in El Barrio and also travelled to Puerto Rico to trace the connections between there and Amerikay. His analysis starts in Puerto Rico, a Caribbean island at the end of the Cuban ±Dominican chain and therefore of strategic importance to the United States. Colonization by the US has The concentration of Puerto Rican immigrants in East Harlem has access mainly to the poorest service jobs in New York City. East Harlem is a classic ghetto which no self respecting New Yorker would think of even driving through. Yet, as Bourgois notes, the majority of East Harlem inhabitants have nothing to do with crime, far less drugs. It is the removal of all local industry, e.g. garment making, which has exposed a social infrastructure that is too weak to support the present massive levels of unemployment and casual labor.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
An Inspector Calls :: English Literature
An Inspector Calls' is based in 1912, before the first and second world war, before the sinking of the Titanic and before women had any rights. An Inspector Calls 'An Inspector Calls' is based in 1912, before the first and second world war, before the sinking of the Titanic and before women had any rights. 'An Inspector Calls' was written in 1945, Britain was enduring the final year of The Second World War and the country was united in one community, together they were fighting for Britain. JB Priestley liked what he saw; people were putting aside their class and background and ignored their prejudices in an attempt to help their country. The only problem was Priestley knew after the war, that Britain may return to its previous state. Therefore Priestley wrote a play, based in Edwardian Britain when class mattered and reputation was everything. Priestley set the play in Brumley, an industrial town where, like most places in Britain, the rich and poor rarely met. The only places the two classes became more integrated were the bars where prostitutes and rich men would meet. But these places were another world, a form of escapism for family men yearning for more excitement, they had double standards and these double standards appear throughout the play. The story is about the Birling family and their involvement with a young woman who tragically committed suicide, each member of the family had their own input to her downward spiral, and it started with Mr Birling. 'A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own..' and it is with that there is knock at the door. Inspector Goole enters the Birling household (and in my opinion acting as Priestley's alter-ego), causing unrest amongst some of them and no affect on others. The mood changes from a happy, celebratory atmosphere to a tense and mysterious one. Maybe this could be shown in a change of lighting, being more intense as apposed to before when the family were rejoicing the fact of their daughter's engagement. When the inspector begins to interrogate Mr Birling he refuses to accept any responsibility for Eva Smith's death, he gives no thought to his actions and this is obvious as he shows relatively little remorse or guilt. However, Mr Birling has an honest approach to life, not ashamed by his refusal to give Eva Smith a raise 'I refused of course,' and seems surprised why anyone would query his actions. Money in this era was a precious thing and all Eva Smith was to Mr Birling was a problem, which must be rid off immediately, especially since it could
Monday, August 19, 2019
Edward Saids Orientalism Essay -- History Colonialism Orientalism Es
Edward Said's Orientalism Western civilization, generally speaking, is extremely egotistical and has the view that Western culture is superior to all others. They believe they are more civilized and more educated than the rest of the world and because of this, stems the idea that it is the duty of Western civilization to take other, less developed societies under their wing. These concepts of supremacy and domination are closely related to Said's ideas of Orientalism. In his book, Orientalism, Edward Said explains in detail exactly what he believes the word Orientalism means. He tries to prove his concepts through the words of statesmen, including Britain's Evelyn Baring Cromer. Cromer's words reflect the concepts introduced by Said. According to Said, one definition of Orientalism is that it is a "style of thought based upon an ontological and epistemological distinction made between 'the Orient' and the 'Occident'." This is connected to the idea that Western society, or Europe in this case, is superior in comparison to cultures that are non-European, or the Orient. This means that Orientalism is a kind of racism held toward anyone not European. Said wrote that Orientalism was "a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient." This Western idea of the Orient explains why so many European countries occupied lands they believed to be Oriental. This first concept of Orientalism is blatantly reflected in the words of Evelyn Baring Cromer. Cromer was England's representative in Egypt between 1882 and 1907. He believed in European supremacy and called Egyptians, and all other people he considered Oriental, subject races. He justified European occupation in Egypt with this idea of superio... ...e. This idea is shown through Cromer's words as well. Two quotes perfectly show what Said is trying to get across to the reader. Cromer states: I content myself with noting the fact that somehow or another the Oriental generally acts speaks and thinks in a matter exactly opposite to the European. From this quote he concludes: Europe is always in a position of strength, The Oriental is irrational, depraved, childlike, "different", thus the European is rational, virtuous, mature, "normal". Cromer believes that the Orient would be nothing without Western Civilization. He embodies everything Said means by the term Orientalism including having a superiority complex and over generalizing a large group of people into one category. Cromer clearly is the epitome of what it is to be an Orientalist since he obviously agrees with what Said means by Orientalism.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Skate Lesson :: Essays Papers
A Skate Lesson Have you ever sat down in the park during the summer? Chances are you will see little children, teenagers and adults in-line skating. If you have no experience in-line skating, you may think to your self "I wish I could do that!" Well, don't just wish, do! After reading Alfie's "A Skate Lesson" anybody may enjoy in-line skating. Safety is the most important consideration when learning how to skate. Safe skating is enjoyable skating. Beginning skaters should purchase proper padding, as the risk of injury is quite high. Investing in quality padding will ensure that your first experience will focus on skating, not pain. Proper padding equipment includes: helmet, wrist guards, kneepads, and elbow pads. Quality padding cost about 15-30 dollars per pad, so budget 60-120 dollars for the whole package. It is very important that you slip on your padding before you strap on the skates. Kneepads and elbow pads have elastic bands that hug closely against your body. Since these pads need to be slipped on, they can't be put on after your skates. Now it is time to choose a pair of skates. Even though you are a beginner, it is important to purchase a quality pair because poor quality skates do not offer a great deal of comfort and flexibility. I recommend skates by Rollerblade or Roces. Rollerblade has good skates for beginners because the boot has a flexible ankle. Also, it is equipped with a special easy to use braking system called the ATB brake. The ATB brake works when you are in motion and want to stop. To stop, simply straighten your knee and leg to become perpendicular to the ground and the brake will come in contact with the ground. To put on the skate: make sure that the tongue is inside the boot, wear long socks plus don't forget to put the pads on first. Learning how to skate can be a wonderful experience if it is done with a friend. The benefit of skating with friends will make the experience more interesting and exciting. If you or your friend were to fall you know that there will always be someone there to laugh at you. They will always be helpful and shout out jokes and encouragement when needed. The mere presence of a friend will make learning a lot more fun then if you were by your self.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Nelson Mandela’s Fight for Freedom
Imagine yourself growing up in a country where you might get thrown in jail for drinking from the wrong water fountain; where just because of your skin color, you get paid less money than your neighbor who has the same job; where you can’t even walk on the same sidewalk just because of the pigment in your skin. For Nelson Mandela, this situation was a reality. This style of living began in 1948 and, thanks to Mandela, ended in 1994. Problems began when the National Partyâ€â€dominated by Afrikaans-speaking descendants of the Dutch settlersâ€â€came to power in South Africa. Segregation and mistreatment of the less superiorâ€â€non-whites–became a government policy called â€Å"apartheid,†which means â€Å"apartness†in the Afrikaans language. Nelson Mandela refused to bow down to the unjust of the government. Instead, he became one of the most important warriors in the battle to free South Africa. â€Å"We are at the beginning of an arduous and protracted struggle for a better quality of life. In the course of this struggle, we shall have immediate success; we shall have setbacks; but we shall certainly progress, inch by inch, towards our goal,†Nelson Mandela wrote in his book, In His Own Words. Most of Mandela’s life was filled with many battles, tribulations, and hardships. Born on July 18th, 1918 in Umtata, South Africa, Rolihlahla Nelson Mandela studied to become a lawyer. He then joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944. The ANC formed in 1912. It is a multiracial, nationalist organization that intended to extend voting rights to everyone in South Africa. This organization was also aiming to end racial discrimination. Even after thirty years of peaceful petitions to the government, the ANC never achieved any concessions. During the apartheid, blacks and whites had different laws that they were to follow. Blacks were not allowed to vote in parliamentary areas, for example, and they were limited in their use of most public places and institutions. Under apartheid, Africans, Europeans, and Indians all lived in separate homelands called â€Å"Bantustans. †While selected jobs were saved for whites, the leaders justified their rulings by guaranteeing that Africans would have full rights in their Bantustans. These full rights would grant Africans to have the poorest homes, schools, and hospitals. A majority of Africans disliked this system of apartheid. This also included Nelson Mandela. Protests were led by multiple leaders including Mandela. Some protests even ended deadly. For example, on March 21, 1960, an organization called, the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), called for a protest against the laws. In Sharpeville, a crowd of unarmed petitioners surrounded the police station. The police opened fire in the crowd and killed sixty-nine people, while wounding many more. The government was fighting back; not even caring that the laws that they issued, and the consequences that were given for not following the laws, may or may not be proper. Protestors could also be arrested. For instance, after the South African government declared a State of Emergency, the ANC was banned. This meant that its members could be arrested and imprisoned for up to ten years. However, these activists were willing to accept the idea of imprisonment or even death, for equality was the only thing that was on their minds. Though Nelson Mandela was eventually forced to take action when the government banned the African National Congress (ANC), he remained non-violent. Mandela’s method of fighting back was a powerful weapon: his speeches and protests. He had a strong belief that all people, no matter what race, were equal. â€Å"South Africa belongs to all people, not to one group, be it black or white. †Because Mandela was so dedicated to his belief in equality, he had to pay a high price: his freedom. Mandela and his fellow leaders believed that not only should they continue to fight against apartheid, but that they should take up arms against the government. Mandela alleged that there were only two choices to make: surrender, or fight. On August 5, 1962, Nelson Mandela was arrested. He was disguised as a white friend’s chauffer. At this point in time, the government was arresting all black leaders that took part in the Anti- Apartheid movement. So, in an attempt to avoid being arrested, Mandela was forced to live apart from his family. He moved from place to place to avoid being detected by government informers and spies. Usually during important events, like rallies, he would often disguise himself as a chauffer or a gardener. Mandela was nicknamed, â€Å"the Black Pimpernel,†because he was so he was so successful at dodging the police. However, he was not successful enough. After being arrested, Mandela was charged with inciting strikes and illegally leaving the country. He had often traveled to countries in North and West Africa to gain support. He also traveled to England where he met politicians. Throughout his trialâ€â€the Rivonia Trialâ€â€Mandela carried out his own defense. In the end, Mandela was found guilty and sentenced to prison at Robben Island for five years. This jail was bleak, unwelcoming, and depressing. It is about 7. 5 miles off the coast of Cape Town. Robben Island was one of the harshest prisons in South Africa. The island was bitterly cold in the winter and scorching hot in the summer. Prisoners could only wear short trousers with no shoes. The imprisoned were to sleep on mats that lay out on their cell floor. Mandela’s cell was less than thirty-two square feet. He was confined to it for sixteen hours each day. Even while Mandela was in prison, he still gave hope to the people who carried on the struggle against Apartheid. Mandela was brought to court once more with all of the leaders of the ANC. All were charged with sabotage and attempting to overthrow government offences, which would have resulted in a death sentence. When Mandela spoke at the trial, he said that a free, ideal society was what he wished to live for and to achieve. â€Å"†¦ If needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. †No matter what the officials did to Mandela, he knew in his heart that no matter what the outcome was, he would indeed be free in the end. The judge sentenced the defendants to life imprisonment. The government anticipated that the prisoners on Robben Island would be forgotten. However, they were proven wrong. The anti- apartheid movement continued and a new movement to free Mandela even occurred. This movement actually went global. Nelson Mandela became the most famous political prisoner in the world. Leaders such as Desmond Tutu and Steven Biko continued to speak out against apartheid. Some, including Biko, paid with their lives. Some white South Africans even joined the anti-apartheid movement. Over the next months, outraged Africans rioted all over the country. Many were not willing to wait for change. During the 1980’s, the South African government offered to release Nelson Mandela multiple times. Each time the government asked, Mandela refused. In 1982, Mandela was moved from Robben Island to Pollsmoor Prison which is on the mainland in Cape Town. In 1985, Mandela was offered freedom on condition that he stopped campaigning for the ANC. Again he refused because he believed that he still was not technically free since the apartheid was still going on. â€Å"I cherish my own freedom, but†¦I will not give any undertaking when you and I, the people, are not free. †On February 11, 1990, Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years. This day marked the beginning of the end of apartheid. In less than five years after his release, Nelson Mandela was granted the Nobel Peace Prize and was also elected the first African president of South Africa. In 1994, the apartheid officially ended when Nelson Mandela was elected the first black president of South Africa. Today, because of Nelson Mandela’s self -sacrifice, the apartheid has been outlawed. Everyone in South Africa has equal rights and can now live comfortable, productive lives. Many see Mandela as one of the most important people in world history, and one of the strongest warriors. Even after the troubles of the apartheid are long forgotten, Mandela’s personal triumphs will be remembered. â€Å"I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal the view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my walk is not yet ended. †Because of Nelson Mandela and other leaders, laws telling people what jobs they could hold, or where they could live based on the color of their skin were abolished. In 1997, observers noticed that most South African blacks continued to live in desperate poverty and in terrible conditions. Black schools still lacked basic necessities like books and chalk. Some schools didn’t have any windows. However, for the first time in years, the South African government was trying to correct the problems of racial inequality. It would take large amounts of time and money, but South Africans felt great hope that the deed of creating equality would be fully achieved.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Memo Short Report
The recent conflict in FinanceGates Project was definitely harmful to the overall success of the project and the spirit of cooperation InternetGates Company tries to promote among its employees. From my viewpoint as that of a third party, I see the issue as a communication problem created by barriers that often stand between employees from different backgrounds. The solution can action directed at improving communication skills of our employees in various departments. Frank Brown, Marketing Manager for FinanceGates, as it turned out, had long been confident that the course taken by the project is completely wrong and doomed to fail. His impression of the ideas put forward by the Project Manager, Brian Graham, had long been negative, as he believed them to be both ineffective and unrealistic. However, for lack of communication skills expressed in shyness and fear to lose rapport with the boss, Frank was reluctant to share this with him. In this conversation, however, he simply exploded, telling Brian Graham all the negatives he had in mind. I personally witnessed this conversation and can reproduce it fairly precisely as it was etched upon my memory. Frank began by reporting about his findings during the preparation of the marketing plan. As he was sharing his insights, Brian once again expressed his dissatisfaction over delays in Frank’s work. He stated: â€Å"Once again, you are not able to meet the deadline for your marketing plan. I just remind you that our company places special emphasis on meeting deadlines, as I have already told you more than once†. Frank seemed very frustrated by this remark and began to justify himself by saying that facts that would support the current direction of business are very hard to find. In essence, what he has produced so far was a brief study of the market that showed limited opportunities for the kind of product the company expected to sell – and therefore turning it into a plan will be difficult, not impossible. In his speech, Frank complained about the boss â€Å"limiting his initiative†and lacking â€Å"flexibility†. The boss was listening to Frank’s tirade silently, showing signs of anger with his facial expression. However, he did not interrupt Frank who seemed really carried away with his emotions. When Frank seemed done with his speech, Brian said: ‘Okay, I have listened to you, and now you will listen to me. You have to be ready with your plan in three days. If you have nothing to show on Friday at noon, we will have to talk about your prospects in this company. Because one thing I want everybody to follow is take a positive attitude toward work and strive to complete every assignment with maximum quality. You do not seem to have it, but maybe I am wrong.†Both parties in the conversation obviously had their â€Å"skeletons†in the cupboards and reasons why they wanted to conceal part of the information. I know, for example, that Franks is driven by the perceived lack of rewards in this position. He confided in me at one point that in our organization he feels underpaid and misses the trappings of a managerial position, as in the previous job he was head of a marketing department. His past record also involved numerous conflicts with superiors as he sought to defy their authority; this was the way he learned to interact with superiors and it is not easy to abandon. His habits include arguing with the boss, not being cooperative. In turn, Frank expects all superiors to hostile and critical toward him. His barrier to communication can be described as â€Å"stereotyping†that â€Å"causes us to typify a person, a group, an event, or a thing on oversimplified conceptions, beliefs, and opinions†(Erven, n.d., p. 3). Frank stereotypes all superiors as people with enormous amount of power they use to oppress subordinates. His stereotypical, habitual strategy is to offer resistance. Brian’s problem is most probably lack of understanding for human nature. Poor listening skills contribute to communication barriers. In previous conversations, he could have noticed Frank’s unwillingness to support his ideas, but never paid attention. It seems to me frequently that he places too much emphasis on authority and too little on persuasion. In this case, his mistake was forcing an employee to do something in a rude manner, without asking for cooperation and testing willingness to help. To remedy the situation, both Brian and Frank require counselling that will help them change their communicative styles. Instead of showing quick aggression, they should both opt for communication patterns that will provide the room for the other person’s self-esteem instead of being confrontational. Brian, for instance, can change his attitude to subordinates to a more positive one, beginning to see them as people who are inherently good and are trying to accomplish their tasks effectively instead of accusing them of being lazy or inadequate. For Frank, it can be recommended that he, too, stop seeing the boss as an enemy and rather as one who can provide assistance to him. I also propose that InternetGates organize a training for project managers and, if possible, their teams focusing on communication. The topics could include communication styles, communicative strategies, barriers to effective communication, and how to overcome them. Learning more about differences in cross-cultural communication will also be relevant to our employees since we are an international company. Trainings would provide managers with a background in communication that would help them resolve day-to-day conflicts that arise out of misunderstandings. Sincerely, Peter Black References Erven, B. Overcoming Barriers to Communication. Retrieved August 9, 2006, from Hampton, J. (2006, May 8). Barriers to Communication. Retrieved August 9, 2006, from
A PR plan for ageless
The plastic industry has been growing over the years and has gained much popularity especially in the cosmetic surgery where the consumers, for example can undergo to have a tummy tuck, especially after giving birth. This has been tremendous increase on the demand for plastic surgery especially among the female sex.In the beginning or earlier onset of this practice, most people viewed plastic surgery only meant for people who have been burnt, born with birth defects, accidents trauma and hence the introduction of cosmetic surgery took a lot of time to convince the potential consumers that its for enhancement or repair of their physical body outlook.More and more people have embraced the whole cosmetic surgery concept especially after the introduction and screening of reality shows, for example. Extreme makeover, the Swan etc. this reality shows, has been an eye opener to the views (who are the potential clients) that it is safe and the physical results are amazing to the clie nt/participants of the show.In the US this industry has been becoming and other countries are following and practicing the cosmetic surgery especially in the Latin, Asian countries. This industry has generated a lot of revenue fro the US and hence the other countries are following and what to introduce and encourage growth in the industry.The Ageless organization plans to expand their market globally and one to the country that it has chosen is; MexicoMEXICOThis is a large country that borders the US to the north and has a large population of over 100milion people. The plastic surgery industry is not new to the country, because many of the locals have undergone some slight surgical procedures. For example breasts enhancement, reshaping of the nose etc.This country is perfect for our organization because of the demand of reputable and professional plastic surgeons. This is due to the increase of unscrupulous people who refer themselves as plastic surgeons for the sake of making money from their patients while not doing the surgery we. There has been an increase in cases, where some consumers have undergone a cosmetic surgery.For example tummy tucks and have ended-up with more surgical complications e.g. incomplete tummy tucks due to infection.The public relations will focus in communicating the positive side of cosmetic surgery, for example most people assume that this industry is only meant for the rich, celebrities e.g. musicians, actress but this is not true. The ageless will offer cosmetic surgery at affordable prices for its consumers compared to the other practitioners, hence anyone seeking for the service can be able to afford it.The cosmetic surgery helps people to fix any birth defects or abnormalities that the potential consumer is uncomfortable with e.g. reshaping of the nose, face lift which will be preformed incase where there is premature formation of wrinkles due to financial stress, effects of facial creams etc.The public realtions has decided to focus their main attention of communication to the female gender. This is because this the largest and willing consumer who opt for cosmetic surgery to fix their physical problems. The communication strategies will mainly focus on women who have already given birth. After careful analysis, it was found out women who have given birth seek for affordable cosmetic surgery to help them fix some of the aftermath physique problems for example decrease of stretch marks by use of raiser dermatology technique removal of excess skin especially at the abdominal area etc.Most of the market segments i.e. the women; it has been observed that immediately after giving birth, they gain baby fat of which after vigorous exercise plan they are able to shed-off the baby fat still resulting to loose skin, the breasts drooping and this shatters their self-esteem. The breasts drooping and this shatters their self-esteem.The women don’t feel beautiful or sexy for their husbands. This outcome has resulted to many marriages been affected since there is no sexual intimacy. The women feel that they can no longer wear bathing suits e.g. bikinis or small tops because of the physical outlook.The cosmetic surgery will help the women get back their youthful body through for example tummy tucks (where the excess skin is removed, breast enlargement by adding of breast implants) and the groove back in the marital bed.Strategies for communicationThe PR will engage the use model hierarchy –of- effects for the communication and creation of publicity to the targeted consumers.  In this model, the buyers purchase decision is proceeded by steps such as convictions about the service benefits through various means for example testimonials from women who have undergone cosmetic surgery to fix problems that resulted form pregnancy.The preference for the brand i.e. ageless brand, liking and been the preferred choice brand. Knowledge rela ting to the to the benefits and features of the service after an awareness of the service has been gained through the use of classified advertisements, publicity etc.The basic model implication of this model is that function of persuasive communication should be handled deftly at every stage of the consumers adoption process. In this model it will embrace some of the tools that will be used in the launching of the company and the service that it will offer. Â
Thursday, August 15, 2019
American Ganster
The film introduces us the life in the Harlem during the 1970s. Denzel Washington plays Frank Lucas and was a typical member of the gangster who prowls the city to kill somebody for a fee. Although he was a ruthless thug he was loved by his people and always had time to take his mother to church. With his cold-blooded and unrelenting character he was hired as the personal driver and right-hand man of Harlem’s drug magnate, Ellsworth â€Å"Bumpy†Johnson. Unknown to him this would lead his life to wealth and then to chaos.For the review, the setting of the movie is perfect and it portrays the real ambiance of the 70s during the time that drugs are rampant and uncontrolled. Director Ridley Scott has indeed perfected this movie to make sure viewers can feel the real surroundings, how the people in Harlem interact and how Frank Lucas and his men ruled over the city. Ridley also properly selected the actors for their role and installed in them the personality that matches th eir role. The movie is believable because it was based on a true story and relays to us the true event and situations during that period.The thesis of this movie can be found in its context. The title itself shows a wider picture of a nation that is disintegrating because of prostitution, illegal gun and drug trade which was rampant during the 6Os and 70s. The significance of the story connects when the US is making war with Vietnam and instigates political influence of President Nixon and his agenda with other countries. Political instability created unsecured connection between nation and this time Vietnam became the source of illegal drug trading and eventually entered the main heart of New York.The Harlem, however, was a place where police cannot penetrate and control because gangsters have been able to arm themselves and repel any force that goes into their territories. The influence of drugs and money has infected the law and New York became inhabited by corrupt police officer s and state officials who are under the payroll of the drug lords. Drugs dictated the status of life and gangsters were ruling everything and everybody. The main theme of this movie is also apparent. Drugs create evil men and evil men create drugs.It is a continuous process and has been a social disease for over a century. What makes drugs to be the roots of evil is the money involve in the trade. Drugs and money always correlate and money can buy and move everything regardless of any political or judicial obstacle. All kinds of crimes emanate from greed of money and money comes from drugs easily. Incidentally, the moral fiber of our law cannot be taken for granted. Somebody out there does not agree with the broken judicial system and will ways to put a stop on this.In this case, Russel Crowe who plays the detective hunts Frank and put him in prison. He plays his role effectively by subjecting Frank to interrogation and strategizes everything to pin him down. Although the illegal tr ade has already infected the police force, it was the incorruptible Crowe who have uprooted the tree that is bearing the fruit. In the end, the good prevails over evil (Scott). Viewers rated this movie with four stars if the basis for the perfect score is five.Accordingly, this movie was like the modern â€Å"Scarface†which story was also based from illegal drug trade, crime and vengeance during the 1930s gangster era. Although the events in this film were not totally different compared to Scarface, the movie also revolve in the subject of illegal trading, crime and corruption. The only difference is the plot of the story which happens in small suburban black area and most of the major stars are also black. Scarface is a fiction but American Gangsters is based from a true story.My own personal view for this film is positively higher than four stars because it caught my interest from the beginning of the story up to its end. It does not compel you to watch the full movie but glued you to the screen absorbing everything that you see. It happens in a real drama and every scene was grippingly awesome and interesting. Denzel Washington, Russel Crowe and the director as well as the people who made this film must be applauded for the job well done. Work Cited American Gangster. 2007. Ridley Scott, et al. , November 2, 2007.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
My Learning Experience Essay
How is it precisely, that people learn things? As you know, when being taught something it is presented through our five senses. Studies indicate that when it comes to the succession of entirely grasping the concept of something, how that information is presented is a governing factor. Furthermore, when you apply this concept to everyday life it is apparent that college educators should present information in a way that is best suitable to the content rather than the student. On my spare time, I like to disassemble and reassemble whatever computer devices I may have in my possession. About a week ago, I discovered that it is possible to get a custom colored added to your Apple iphone. Yesterday, I decided that I was going to learn how to disassemble my iphone. So naturally, when my custom purple parts came in the mail, I decided it was time to go to work. I approached the tasks by using what is known as the â€Å"Scientific Method. †This method is a form of learning style and includes the preliminary steps such as: visual research, recording data, formulating a plan and finally, executing your hypothesis on a test subject. Learning how to do this task is not easy, because I did not have a physical teacher and I was inexperienced with the mechanical design of the Apple iphone. I followed a visual tutorial that I found on Youtube on the disassembly of my specific phone. I watched the video once before determining that if I followed the guide in complete synchronization, that I would be able to apply the proper parts and make the phone look better than before. Which was a custom purple front and back-plate that I ordered online. Next, I put the video on widescreen and tried my best to mimic the guide as he move through the tutorial. I managed to completely disassemble my phone to the smallest of its components due to the effects of the visual interpretation I stored in my head from watching the video. Surprisingly, looking at the phone in pieces made way more sense than looking at it as a whole because you could see how every little piece adds up to its functional design. In my hands on experience, I learned how many things worked on the device without having read a manual. Furthermore, when I began to reassemble my iphone, I felt so confident in my ability that I closed out the tutorial that I reassembled without any help. Furthermore, when I was taking the iphone apart it took me about an hour to fully disassemble it but when I put it back together it took half of the time. This was made possible because of the video of the virtual instructor that I found on Youtube using the â€Å"Scientific Method†. I memorized every piece of the iphone because I had a vivid picture of the tutorial in my mind. This just goes to show how the use of a learning style is a governing factor of whether something is fully learned or not. The articles â€Å" Ask The Cognitive Scientist†and â€Å" The Myth of Learning Styles†, by Daniel T. Willingham are informational collaborations on the study of cognitive science and its relation to how the human mind learns. On the other hand, the article â€Å"Learning Styles Fact and Fiction†by Derek Bruff slightly differs from the arguments posed by Willingham’s articles. The article â€Å" Ask the Cognitive Scientist†, analyzes whether visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners actually need to be learned though visual, auditory, and kinesthetic instruction. Indicated studies suggest that to learn new material effectively depends on the modality of the content. In other words, it is how new knowledge is introduced to a person that affects whether that material will be able to effectively be learned. In fact, some topics may call for more than one modality to be used. Furthermore, the article â€Å"The Myths on Learning Styles†questions the accuracy of learning styles by illustrating four different theories on learning styles. In summation, the article illustrates that a certain number of factors that vary from person to person and are known to affect learning styles. These factors include ability, background knowledge, interest, and intelligence. The authors argue that the belief in learning styles continue to persevere because learning styles have become common knowledge or a widespread acceptance. In addition, most of the general theories on learning styles are true. However, people need to take into account the differences in learner ability. Overall, the author focuses on the belief that students have different many factors involved when it comes to learning but there are no difference their learning styles. On the other hand, the article â€Å"Learning Styles Fact and Fiction†by Derek Bruff argues that the analysis of the learning styles illustrated by the other two articles may be true, but they area not precise. Furthermore, pinpointing a student’s learning style through test does not have an affect on how well they will learn through various other activities. According to the article, there are precisely three main important factors about modalities drawn from cognitive science. These three factors include are that visual thinking tools help everyone, using the best modality or modalities for the content, and that people learn new material best when they encounter numerous times in numerous different ways. Overall, the incorporated studies illustrate the concept that how information is presented to a person effects how effectively a person learns that information. My experience further displays how the use of an effective learning style as a means of approach when dealing with a task I’m not experienced in is a tremendous contribution to whether information presented to a person is fully understood or not.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Case Study--Canyon Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
--Canyon - Case Study Example Though being highly staffed to serve its purpose, it was not well integrated with the other departments. This explains why, despite indicating the fastest growth, it accounted for the lowest contribution to profitability. All the three departments are interdependent as Michael Tompkins, assistant general manager at Lenox), said. Some recommendations in one department required an elevated level of service in another department. The spa clubs lacked a strong health and healing component and the synergy between the spa clubs was still a little tenuous. The Canyon Ranch would serve better in the place of a personalization strategy. The ranch should engage in real time personalization. It should customize every customer’s experience at the place. Having what the client need, when it is needed, would engage them in a personalized interaction in real time. Clients tend to tune out anything that is not relevant to them. By integrating the three departments, the services offered will be much easier to access which means that the general operations will improve. A strong customer base, in addition to a satisfactory service, is vital to ensuring a client’s second visit at the ranch. Another personalization strategy is to build long term relationships. This can be implemented by maintaining the records of every client and ensuring constant communication. This will make the client feel appreciated and actually warrant multiple visits. By the actual personalization of the systems, a client would not only know Canyon Ranch as a spa club, but as a wellness centre. Upgrading its website for the sake of those who search for the place online would ensure that a prospective client would have the complete idea of the ranch (Uehlein, p
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