Thursday, February 28, 2019
Stuttering Paper
According to Singulars Pocket Dictionary of Speech-Langu time Pathology stuttering is an articulatory or phonatory problem that typically presents in nipperhood and is characterized by anxiety about the cogency of spoken communication, along with forced, involuntary hesitation, duplication, and protraction of sounds and syll opens. Stuttering houseister be witnessed in the rate, pitch, inflection, and even facial expressions of a speaker. The power of this problem is not dictated in stone, which leads to count little theories as to why people stutter.Along with legion(predicate) theories as to why people have this bother, at that place be alike limitless treatment methods that toilette be used to help a speaker with a stuttering problem. Stuttering has been a contr all oversial topic among master copys for hundreds of years, and we be tranquillize learning what works and what does not work for this curious disorder. The etiology of stuttering is not certain to this d ay. Many professionals are torn between the psychological and neurologic theories as to why people stutter.thither are many theories which rationalise stuttering as a psychosomatic problem that can be dealt with by use psychotherapy. The Repressed Need speculation explains that stuttering is a neurotic signal which is fixed in the unconscious. The repressed need is said to come from a longing for either oral or anal gratification. The stammerer is able to satisfy their anal erotic needs by the holding digest of words that may represent a hostile expulsion and store of feces. This theory is closely related to Freuds Oral and Anal stages. several(prenominal) theorists believe that stuttering is caused by the Anticipatory struggle. The anticipatory struggle hypothesis explains that p63 stutterers interfere in much or less manner with the instruction they are talk of the town because of their belief in the difficulty of nomenclature. The stutterer is so frightened of do a mistake during public lecture they in turn avoid, brake, or barge in their words and sentences. Stuttering is thought to be a variant disorder, meaning it can affect a soulfulness in certain situations that bring them majuscule anxiety or cultism. Using a phone and speaking in front of a group of people are examples of this .Although many signs excite to a psychological explanation for stuttering, genetic and neurological problems have in addition been tied to stuttering. Early theorists, like the Roman physicians believed stuttering was related to an imbalance of the four-spot humors, and humoral balance treatments were used to treat stuttering until the late eighteenth century. A more moderne explanation of a neurological problem that causes stuttering would be the cerebral dominance theory, that explains conflict between the two hemispheres of the header is the cause of stuttering.Stuttering has many different typewrites of specified dysfluencies. Although at that place are hesitations and interruptions imbed in all speakers, the disfluency found in stutterers seems to be more severe. There are several forms of dysfluencies when dealing with stuttering including interjections, repetitions, and revisions. A stutterer can adopt one or many dysfluencies ranging from minor incidents to very extreme episodes of stuttering. Interjections fare frequently in both fluent speakers and dysfluent speakers.An interjection proceeds with the speaker uses uh or er while speaking. Repetitions also are common for stutterers. Repetitions can occur in part of the word , wh wh what in the entire word, what what what and in phrases, what do what do what do you want? Revisions during sentences such as,I was, I am going also happen often, along with broken words I was talking, and drawn-out sounds like the wa sound in what are also usual in stuttering. Like other rescue disorders, stuttering chiefly occurs in tiddlerren who show no evidence of having any o ther type of disorder.Stuttering comes in many shapes and forms and can be slight to extremely severe, qualification the all characteristics of this disorder always subject to change. Stutterers encompass hesitation, interruption, revisions, broken words, and prolonged sounds in their savoir-faire making it hard for people to follow. term or so of the characteristics of a stutterer are only apparent when listening to them speak, there are also many secondary characteristics a stutterer may have. The secondary characteristics vary from mortal to soul, however some of them occur in the face or passel motions.Visible characteristics include tension in the face, which can be seen when the speaker is talking and their face seems to turn twist and flushed. Stutterers also may frown, jerk their head, move their eyes erratically, or pedigree their foreheads during a speech interruption. Stutterers show secondary characteristics in their hand movements and gestures as well. When st utterers feel tension which is usually caused by frustration of speech, they sometimes react by waving their arms and hands.This can sometimes help the stutterer to get out a word, phrase or sound they are endeavouring to express. Vocal abnormalities are also present in some stutterers, including abnormal inflections in tone, and sharp pitch level shifts. A person can begin to stutter at any time, however more or less cases are recorded at a young age most frequently between the ages of two through six. An estimated fifteen million individuals globe wide, including three million Americans stutter. A child can be diagnosed from eighteen months, when words starts to progress into more fluent speech.The median age of plan of attack according to a study done by Daley (1955) which included litre young stutterers recorded that the median age of onset was 3. 87. Occurrence make outs less frequent with age, and seems to be tied to the development of language. Although there are millio ns of stutterers in the United States most of them will recover by adulthood. According to Andrews and Harriss (1964) research that included 1,000 stutterers 79% of children will stop stuttering by the age of sixteen.Boys are three times more likely to develop a stutter then a girl would according to the 3-1 ratio reason out by US Nationwide, 1-12 Hull el at (1976). Assessing a stuttering disorder can be done in many ways including, recognizing the absolute frequency of the specified disfluency type, calculating the mean duration of stuttering, speech rate, and articulation of the persons speech. When measuring the frequency of the stutter, the speech pathologist can try to account the percentage of moments of stuttered words or syllables. This is a popular way of diagnosing a stutter, since it is easily reportable.Speech pathologists can use electronic counters to measure the number of syllables stuttered during a speech session. A speech pathologist can also evaluate a patient b y checking their speech rate. Checking a speech rate is done by the examination of abnormalities in the respiration, like disordered breathing, and phonation, such as breath holding. A professional can also make assumptions on a patient by listening to how long a stuttering city block lasts for. An average duration of a stuttering block is one second, and in some severe cases of stuttering a block can last for an entire minute.When dealing with the treatment of a speech disorder like stuttering, the patient has many options, which may or may not work for them. Since stuttering usually begins at a young age, sort therapy has been a popular method of treatment that may halt the approach of stuttering in children. In behavior therapy for early stutterers, the clinician can recommend the child to speak slower and smoother by teaching them a relaxed recitation of speech. Modeling and mimicking are excellent ways to help a child with a stutter to over come their impediment.Psychothera py is another modern way of treatment among professionals. Psychoanalytical therapy can help the stutterer to over come their anxieties of speech, and give them the confidence that they lack. Speech therapists play a berth in the treatment of stuttering by helping the patient modify their speech patterns. It seems that most stutters are able to talk in song, so the speech pathologist can teach the patient to speak rhythmically. Helping a person speak rhythmically can be taught by using hand and finger movements to assist the stutterer move along their fluency.While this is an effective treatment for stuttering, some patients might relapse and their learned hand movements become useless and the learned tendency can then become an abnormal secondary characteristic. Although the effectiveness of therapy is unclear, the patient has the option of many treatments, and at last a stutterer may find something that will work for them or as in many cases, the person might recover spontaneous ly. Stuttering is separate as a speech disorder, however there is much more to this disorder that meets the eye.Researchers are still trying to pinpoint the exact cause of stuttering but one thing they can all agree on is that the emotional pain a person with a stutter lives with can affect them for the rest of their lives, even after the disorder subsides. Aside from the anxiety, shame, and fear that go along with this speech problem, many people go in the lead to live seemingly normal lives. Through out history there have been countless successful individuals who stutter, ranging from Winston Churchill to James Earl Jones which goes to show that while stuttering can be difficult to overcome it does not deter a person from reaching their fullest potential.
Review Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries as a Teacher
Review your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a t for each oneer would be in terms of the article of faith/training cycle. 631 words Alan Marsh each 28/01/2012 L. Walklin (1990) The roles and responsibilities of a teacher evolve with meter and circumstance. It is impossible to give a rigid definition of either as they change constantly, though on that point atomic number 18 some roles and responsibilities that atomic number 18 common to all teachers through tabu the education system. It is hard to know where the roles and responsibilities of a teacher should stop and I quality is each teachers responsibility to know the boundaries.There exists a misconception that the only skill required to be a teacher is the ability to teach, but it goes far beyond this. A teacher must be multi-faceted. It is strategic to identify the difference between roles, responsibilities and boundaries. In order to do this the teacher should look at the dictionary definitions. Collins Di ctionaries(1999) Role familiar function, capacity, obligation, function, job, discriminate, position, post, task what is his role in the organisation? Responsibility A psyche or thing for which one is responsible.In authority, in charge, in control, accountable, answerable, duty bound. A thing which one is required to do as part of a job, role, or legal obligation Boundary Something that indicates the farthest limit. A limit of something abstract, especially a subject or sphere of operation Therefore responsibilities fit within roles and boundaries would include things such as maintaining pro relationships and taking care with communication methods (and increasingly social media use).To deal with each in order, the role of a teacher is primarily creating and facilitating opportunities for learning and pass on include Schemes of work, lesson planning, finding and preparing materials, subject research. Record care is also an important role to ensure compliance with awarding a nd funding body ruler and legislation. This would include Attendance registers, learner and teacher assessment and of course, reports. Some of the responsibilities of a teacher are Health and precaution.An example of this would be fire regulations and the pointing out of fire exits, and assembly points. Teachers are individually and collectively responsible for the safety of everyone whilst at the place of learning. Equal opportunities, promoting equality of all, regardless of age, gender and culture. Teachers necessitate to examine their hold behaviour to ensure they are not jaundiced and politically correct. Special needs. A teacher should also be advised of students with special needs and advocate conditions for their success.Continuous professional development keeping yourself up to date in two commandment and your field of expertise. Maintaining mellowed standards in your work and conduct, both in and out of the workplace. Complying with the rules of the organisation y ou are part of as well as legislation and codes of practice. The boundaries for any teaching role will include Professional behaviour. A teachers professional values, rights, and responsibilities are more important than any sense of needing to be liked by others, needing to please others, or needing to make a good impression.As a teacher, discretion is required regarding what, where, and to whom personal information is disclosed. A teacher should both model and teach appropriate boundaries. The teaching environment such as the type of student and the subject will influence whether or not touching is appropriate. In short, the teacher is responsible for eliminating any possible misunderstanding. The teaching/training cycle is about identifying needs, planning and designing, delivering and facilitating, assessing and finally evaluating before it all starts again.Becoming a professional is an on-going process. A teacher should allow time each day for self-examination and reflection. Te achers need to continually assess their own personal behaviour, learn from their experiences, and realize that they will always be face up with unpredictable challenges. This system of continual improvement is known in exertion as Kaisen but is equally applicable to the teaching profession. Reference tend Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus (1999) Teaching and Learning in Further and Adult Education. L. Walklin (1990)
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Bradley Nowell
Wesley Smith Bradley Nowell Bradley jam Nowell was a instrumentalist who served as lead singer and guitarist of the reggae/punk surround distinguished. He died at the age of 28 from a heroin overdose. Raised in Long Beach, California, Nowell developed an interest in music at a young age. His father took him on a trip to the Virgin Islands during his childhood, which exposed him to reggae and danceh every music. Nowell played in various bands until forming the group Sublime with bassist Eric Wilson and drummer bud Gaugh.Bradley Nowell was natural and raised in the Belmont Shore neighborhood of Long Beach, California to Jim and Nancy Nowell, with his sister, Kellie. As a child, he enjoyed surfing and sailing and often participated in sauceboat races. As Nowell grew, he became a difficult child and was often active and disruptive with his buddy Clayton Arbuckle. His mother recalled that he was in truth emotional, very sensitive, very artistic, but he was needy He was always testi ng retributory to see what he could get away with. Nowells rebellious behavior increase when he was ten years old caused by his parents divorce.His mother was awarded durance of Nowell, but found him too difficult to control on her experience and he subsequently moved in with his father full-time at age twelve. At the age of thirteen, he began playing guitar and started his first band Hogans Heroes with Eric Wilson, who would later become the bassist of Sublime. Nowell and Wilson met in sixth grade and lived across the channel from each other during this time, Nowell was described as a gifted put on with many friends. At first, Wilson did not share Nowells interest in reggae music.Nowell go to the University of California, Santa Cruz before transferring to Cal State Long Beach to study finance. However, he dropped come forth one semester shy of earning a degree, stating in 1995 I have all the hard classes left I doubt Ill ever go lynchpin. According to Westwood One Interview on disc three of the Sublime box set, Nowell got together with bassist Eric Wilson and drummer Bud Gaugh, and began performing in small shows at house parties and barbecues in 1988. The band was often forced to leave the parties they performed at due to excessive noise, which would result in neighbors calling the police.Sublime gained a written report for their rowdy behavior and eventually became one of the most popular bands in Southern California. Despite their success, music venues were skeptical of the bands eclectic musical partnership and many refused to book the band. In response, Nowell and Wilson created their own music label, keel Records, and told venues that they were Skunk Records recording artists, which helped the band seem more accomplished and subsequently book more shows. The band produced and distributed Sublimes early recordings on the label. The bands demo tapes were later interchange at shows and local record stores.While on tour in the mid-1990s, Nowell met troy Dendekker, and they started dating. In September 1994, troy became pregnant. In June 1995, Dendekker gave birth to a son, Jakob James Nowell. A week before Nowell died, the couple married in a Hawaiian-themed ceremony in Las Vegas. Seven days after Nowells marriage to Troy Dendekker on May 18, 1996 Sublime embarked on a five-day tour by means of Northern California, with a European and an East Coast tour to follow. On the morning of May 25, at the Ocean View Motel in San Francisco, drummer Bud Gaugh woke up to find Nowell lying half-way across a bed, with his knees and feet on the floor.At first, Gaugh mistaken he had been too intoxicated to get into bed however, further limited review allowed him to notice a green film around his mouth, and it became apparent that he had overdosed on heroin. Gaugh called for paramedics, but Nowell had died several hours earlier, and was pronounced dead at the scene. Nowell was cremated and his ashes were diffuse over his favorite surf ing spot in Surfside, California. A lynchpin was placed at Westminster Memorial in Westminster, California in his memory.
Counseling Case Study Essay
Introduction Robert is a 46 years old high up cognitive process male. He just recently got disseverd and he self-referred himself for counseling. On the first off session, he denied any of problems between him and his wife. He doesnt seem awing near living away from his children. He didnt describe thoroughly about his feelings and emotions. Therefore, we will mainly use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT builds a set of skills that enables an individual to be aware of thoughts and emotions identify how situations, thoughts, and behaviors influence emotions and emend feelings by changing dysoperative thoughts and behaviors. Once he gets to know him better, he will see more improvement.Treatment Plan Problem1. wishing of relationship with children2. Have not notice the reasons about recent divorce3. Avoidance, denial and isolation4. Possibility of low self-esteem5. Highly functional at work and outside the house onlyGoals1. Increase self-worth, self-value and self-image2. give way the ways to have fun3. Recovery the relationship with ex-wife for himself and his childrenPlan1. designate homework making plan for weekend activity2. Develop a relationship with his children3. Writing journal about his feelings4. Self-evaluation(find what kind type of person, what he likes)ConclusionDivorce is 2nd stressful change in life.(1st is of dying of spouse) Client needs time for adjusting changes. Even though he is high functioning, he is having a hard time coping with his divorce that he claims was unexpected andto him everything was fine. During this case study we came to an understanding on what he intend is important and what he will be willing to work on. He will be given homework and will journal about his feelings, what he would like to improve and the type of relationship he wants to dumbfound with his children. He will be given the proper tools on how to answer his coping skills and will learn to validate how hard his changes are expiration to be. We w ill monitor his progress and decide what type of adjustment is qualifying to be needed for his recovery.Resource (Reference)Jeffery A. Cully, PH.D. & Andra L. Teten, PH.D. A Therapists drop dead to brief cognitive behavioral therapy Meeting with Military & Family Life counselor-at-law Dee Moriaty
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
The poem flub its around a t apply sunken in floods, when it says deserted populate by dint of which a river passes/dragging along the stones. It a equivalent says l arrest all-inclusive of mud and death and corpses are sleeping which shows significant mensuration of deaths that would occur during a natural disaster. Also, emotions such as fear and trouble have been conveyed through lines such as menacing gestures, a marvelous deserted dining elbow room and l am sad. sombre inside families is a visual experience In the form of oral communication, characterization a disaster struck environment.Furthermore, it can be Imagined hat the maiden person narration Is coming from some form of matter another(prenominal) than humans. 2. Record twain examples of Juxtaposition In the poem. A dining room where roses arrive/a dining room deserted and a market place store a dining room deserted as a fish bone- simile. a ray of moonlight tied overpower-metaphor. 4. It only takes a moment for eachthing to fall apart, tomorrow is not issue to be what it is today. PART B 5. Describe Nurses inspirations.During his beginning years, Nurses inspiration was his learn Gabriele Mistral, who gave him en braveryment this is clearly visible in his first poem titled enthusiasm and perseverance. Once he had established himself in the issue industry, his inspirations were drawn from social and political beliefs, especially communism and Marxism. A enormous example for this is his work during the Spanish civil war and revolution which resulted in the loss of his fri lay off Garcia Loran. This difficult time inspired his work Spain in our hearts.As pragmatic his political views were, his romanticist side was equally notable. nigher went through many failed relationships before he met his wife, these heart- respite experiences inspired any of his romantic works, and the top of the list would be his work 20 poems of love and 1 song of desperation. Needless to say, almost every experience in his behavior has inspired him. For example, when he was forced into evict by his own countrymen, he came up with his work The Grapes and the wind.In his final years, his inspiration was his wife his love for her inspired him to write 100 Sonnets of Love. 6. Other than poetry, in what activities was Nearer involved? Other than poetry, Nearer had an eye for political reforms such as promoting communism and Marxism In both Chile and Spain. He was also responsible for keeping up diplomatic relations for the countries he equal (Chile and Spain). 7. In your own words, describe Nurses poetic philosophy. Nurses poetry is not fanciful or larger than life, it is based on real life experiences of the past, stand for and coming future.Nurses idea was not satisfy his thirst for writing poems however to entertain people by constantly experimenting with his poetry, similar to how Picasso experimented with his paintings. barely like Picasso, Nurses works were also drawn from war, misery, pain sufferings and love. It is understood Nearer was a one who believed pen is mightier Han sword, because no matter how difficult his situations were, he responded through his poetry about his life also managing to woo women with his romantic works. In my opinion, Nurses philosophy was to help people understand what was happening more or less them.Nearer peradventure felt that people were living in an environment where their vision was macrocosm c cheaped and he felt it was important to they have a dishy and prosperous country to live but they are not acquire full advantage of it, this is of course with reference to his work inspired from politics. However, in terms of his love poems, he wanted to help readers relate the poem to heir lives, since he has had experiences which his readers also might have had, such as failed marriage, relationships and falling in love. PART C 8. Day dreamer So a lot I drown To this thick white puddle. I do not recall its found ations.It never found me in sleep, for my eyes were never shuttered when it struck. It struck in silence so it never occurred, until the teachers apple struck with vengeance. Reel of images stop abrupt, eyes crowding on me from every needle. My soul lost, hardly found way back inside. I did not stop it, now way But face it. Wrapped around me like load not, like a girl who held my face and allow stare. I was living double lives and climbing cliffs. Often climbing halfway, breaking into portals, Nearly reaching summits that let fly buttoned, yet unbuttoned shirts. And often I see Rums field, beyond right and wrong.Should I Jump, should I resist? I Jump, for I was immortal to the subconscious. So l, the attention deficit, flinching at my immortality, divinity, hungriness to imagine, comparing myself to the creator, for I nurtured a world where I was, just me. 9. frame a love poem to Mario to Beatrice. Be sure to include metaphor. illuminate by Shun Moon perch? I the brave onlooke r, loud but shy, fisherman yet weak, y boat willing go under at when your waves of gaze taunt me. Perch ? I the Play full lime, Riding along the eclipse of Sun, sea and cliff. Absent and careless, present And dreaming.I will pedal for you till the End of top, through hairpins To heaven and fall to the end of bottom. Perch? I the speechless owl, Drifting raft with a leaking drum, pedigree and sweat, rush and drain, Drenching me when you near, This isnt fear, its hard labor, Trying to handle your ignorance As you forge past. Dont look away, Im No prince, Im no Jester, Im no gold. Im me, Im strong, Ill play with you, Laugh with you, Ill hollo With you, I swear on thee Ill flee before sun rise, In search of metaphors and Come suffer with me, Ill return For you when sun shay away, with bread, cover and love.Perch? I the awful poet, Looking for words to claim Your heart, I whitethorn fail now, but this birth I shall spend gathering courage to say I love you. 10. Identify three aspec ts of Nurses real life used in the film. What facts have been changed? A) Nearer fled his country into exile ascribable to political pressure. B) Nearer was admired by females. C) Nearer very much(prenominal) loved his wife. However, Nurses wife is said to have been a singer, but the word-painting does not put any mind of spotlight on her. Also, Nurses exile was not spent in Italy. 1 . How are words shown to have power? State what the film has to say about the power of words and poetry. linguistic process are the main reason the character Beatrice fall for Mario, it Marias query on metaphors and poetry that led to him reciting poems that flattered Beatrice. In the moving-picture show, Nearer tells Mario that he demand an inspiration for his poetry and not Just words, and Mario figures out that Beatrice has to be the centralize of his inspiration if he has to write her a poem and not Just metaphors.The vie also emphasizes that setting plays a strong role in writing a poem, as the movie shows Nearer asking Mario about the most beautiful things about the town and in the end of the movie Mario recording what are actually the most beautiful things about the town. 12. Beatrice poem to Mario. Wedding bells Walk down the aisle, For I have fallen for thy Words or purity. Find your best man, For Im ready to march With him towards god. Same when two circles Of gold enter this life For the bond that may See no end. Carry me to the shay, For I shall ride with You to the end of the world.
Politeness Strategies Used by Comedian in Stand-Up Comedy Metro Tv Indonesia (Pragmatic Study)
A. 3 Background of the Study From past to present, recreation stage would never die, beca role every people always need approximately signifier of refreshment after they work or when they feel bored, for case they terminate go to the amusement park or recreation on the weekend, and they can as wellhead as pull in a prank stage. But the source thinks people volition tend to choose to watch the stage of japery on a boob tube, because they can laugh and forget slightly thier cloy easily without going anywhere. In modern era the fulfilment of a comedy spectacle will be very easy, because television arrives us walking(prenominal) to anything.Nowadays we can get various types of comedy fork overs in Indonesian television on that point be ketoprak, lenong, opera comedy, ludruk, musical comedy, comedy reality register, and so on In Indonesia, the latest version of comedy and quite dense presently is prink comedy. Stand-up comedy is the art, initially developed in t he linked States, of humorous dialogue presented before an earshot. The talk itself is memorized and, today, usually expressed in a spontaneous conversational manner, as if the per reason were speaking to friends.Although it tends to be one-sided, there may be interaction between performer and auditory sense, which the former does non always requirement. Often verbal content is augmented with a range of theatrical embellishments such(prenominal) as special costumes and props, grunts, snorts, and howls, bodily movements and nervus facialis gestures. The typical act consists of anecdotes, narrative jokes, one-liners, and short descriptive monologues, which may or may non be related. (Stebbins, 1990) In Indonesia, stand-up comedy is considered as a new type of comedy memorialise, and it started to become famous and astray shown on television in 2011.KompasTV is the television station that present and unveil the show of stand-up comedy for the first time, and now popularized b y MetroTV. And there atomic number 18 in like manner auditions held in many cafe for the open(a) mic. The open mic is the term for testing the ability to provoke laughter of the audience, if comedians succeed in making audience laugh in open mic, this automatically lifts their epithet as a comics. So they can go to stand-up comedy stage and might be shown on television. Because comedians always shake any idea to performs joke with their own style and characteristic in lecture.There ar slightly studies about stand up comedy, for example, Limon (2000) who studied about the globe of Jewish in stand-up comedy in America, Schwarzm (2010) tried to search linguistic aspects of verbal humour in stand-up Comedy, Falk (2010) explained about the representations of ethnicity in stand-up comedy, and Lockyer (2011) also studied about stand-up comedy, and he foc utilize on the audience perspective. The several look intoers above ar interested in stand-up comedy and the language also r elation between comics and the audience.However they did not explore about subtlety issue in language apply by comedian or comics, so that the writer will demonstrate to conduct a demand about that. Hopefully this look into can be very useful for any studies about linguistics and also for police detectives who focus are interested in this case. The topic of tact strategies have been utilized by several queryers. One of them is a research conducted by Ika Puspita Wati (2010) entitled Politeness strategies apply in the Todays talks Talk Show.This research tried to find out the benign of politeness strategies apply in the talk show and the con schoolbook in which the strategies emerge. But it is still different from the writers study in the term of the object of the study, the factors lead to the emergence of politeness strategies as well as the determined contexts. This research focuses on the use of language in particular the using of politeness strategy in stand-up comed y show by comedians. The purpose of this study is to dis backrest any existence of the politeness strategies used by comedians in stand-up comedy in Indonesia. B.Statement of The enigma 1. What kinds of politeness strategies used by comedians in stand-up comedy show? C. Literature Review 1. Politeness Strategies According to brown and Levinson (1987), Politeness strategies are strategies that are developed in order to save the hearers face. There are four kinds of politeness strategies introduced by Brown and Levinson they are Bald On-Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness and Off-Record. Bald On-Record is a politeness strategy which is used more directly and usually does not attempt to minimize the threat to the hearers face.This strategy is well-nigh often utilized in situations where the speaker has a close consanguinity with the hearer. On the contrary, Bald-Off Record strategies is mostly used through indirect language and avoid the speaker to be imposed by the in terlocutor. Furthermore, positive politeness strategies seek to minimize the threat to the hearers positive face, the relish to be approved. It is used to make the hearer feel good about himself, his interests or possessions. It is mostly used in situations in which the hearer knows for each one other fairly well.As the opposite of positive politeness, negative politeness strategies are oriented towards the hearers negative face, the desire to be unobstructed in ones action, and emphasize avoidance of imposition on the hearer. Face refers to the public self-image that every member of a society wants to claim for himself (Brown and Levinson, 1987 66). To agree the others face means to recognize and respect the claim members of society make with respect to each other in interaction. The act of communicating such an acknowledgment is politeness.Face (Brown and Levinson, 1987) is assumed to be of two types positive face, or the want to be approved of by others, and negative face, or the want to be unimpeded by others. Acts that run contrary to these wants threaten the face of the speaker (e. g. apologies) or the hearer (e. g. requests). Certain acts of politeness, such as orders or requests, are intrinsically face-threatening (FTA) and thus require strategic redress. D. Method of the Study D. 1 Research Approach The aim of this study is to figure out the kind of politeness strategies used in stand-up comedy show in Indonesia by comedians.The writer applies qualitative approach to comprise the entropy in transcript, because the process to get the data deals with video recording. According Merriam (1999) characterises qualitative research as collar the meaning people have constructed in which the researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and analysis. It usually involves fieldwork as generally employing an inductive research strategy focusing on process, meaning and understanding resulting in a richly descriptive product.D. 2 Population and j udge The population of the data is the videos of stand-up comedy Indonesia in 2011 which are broadcasted by MetroTV and uploaded on YouTube site. There are so many videos on YouTube about stand-up comedy, especially for stand-up comedy which shown in Indonesia. Then the writer will only choose the top five videos which have highest evaluation and subscriber on YouTube, and the videos of comedians became a sample for this research.The reason of choosing these samples is because the videos become the opera hat in YouTube for stand-up comedy Indonesia which contains of comedians speeches and jokes who got the best answer from the audience and the subscriber of their videos on YouTube. D. 3 Technique of selective information aggregation The first thing that the researcher will do is collecting the data by downloading the videos that have been recorded by the official of stand-up comedy organizer from YouTube site. After downloading the videos the researcher will transcribe the speec h of the comedians from the videos into text files.After that the writer will observe directly to the aspect of politeness strategies used by comedians from that transcript. And then the data from transcript will be assort found on the theory of politeness strategy. D. 4 Technique of Data Analysis After making the transcription of the data from videos of comedian, the researcher will identify it into several types of data based on the theory of politeness strategy they are Bald On-Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness and Off-Record as Brown and Levinson introduced in their theory.And then writer tries to conduct an analysis based on classified data, why some of their speech classified as one of the types of politeness strategies theory. And then after that the writer will interpret why the comedians act like that in stand-up comedy show and why they speech. Eventually, the writer comes to the last step which is making a conclusion. D. 5 Scope and Limitation of the Stud y This study focuses to observe the politeness strategies used by comedian in stand-up comedy stage, especially stand-up comedy Indonesia that showed up by MetroTv and then become famous in Indonesia.The videos uploaded again by YouTube in internet, so subscriber can watch and give comments or subscribes the videos. This study narrows its discussion to the study of the way comedians use politeness strategy in stand-up comedy Indonesia in which audience expectation about comedy is become the main reason. It does not cover all discussion of politeness strategies occur in all contexts of males and females or every aspect in stand-up comedy. D. 6 Significance of the StudyThe study has the aim to give the contribution to everyone who wants to get the knowledge about the research of politeness strategy, especially how the way a comedian performs to fulfil the audience expectation in comedy stage using politeness strategy, and also the communication between comics as a comedian and the aud ience in stand-up comedy show which delivered by monologues trough politeness strategies. The research is also enriching the knowledge about the uniqueness of stand-up comedy and some communication aspects of comics when telling a joke that supplies other researchers the reference and literary analysis.References Ardissono, L. , Boella, G. (1999). Politeness and speech acts. Torino http//www. di. unito. it/. Brown, P. , Levinson, S. C. (1987). Politeness Some Universal in vocabulary Usage. New York Cambridge University Press. Falk, O. (2010). Representations of ethnicity in stand-up comedy A study of the comedy of Dave Chappelle. Gothemburg University of Gothemburg, Department of languages and literature. Holmes, J. (2008). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Great Britain Pearson. Jenkins, M. (1985). Whats so funny? Joking among women. In S. Bremmer, N. Caskey, & B. moonwomon, Proceedings of the first Berkeley Women and Language Conference (pp. 135-151). California Berkeley Wom en and Language Group. Lockyer, S. (2011). Its about expecting the unexpected Live stand-up comedy from the audiences perspective, Participations. Journal of auditory modality and Reception Studies, 165-188. Merriam, S. (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in education. San Francisco Jossey-Bass Publishers. Schwarz, J. (2010). lingual Aspects of Verbal Humor.Saarlandes der Universitat des Saarlandes. Stebbins, R. A. (1990). The Laugh-Makers Stand-Up Comedy As Art, Business, and Life-Style. McGill-Queens University Press. Wati, I. P. (2010). Politeness Strategies used in the Todays Dialogue Talk Show. Surabaya Faculty of Humanities Airlangga University. POLITENESS STRATEGIES utilize BY COMEDIAN IN STAND-UP COMEDY METRO TV INDONESIA (PRAGMATIC STUDY) THESIS WRITING DESIGN ANGGIE BAGUS PURWONO 120710366 ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AIRLANGGA UNIVERSITY SURABAYA 2012
Monday, February 25, 2019
Cabeza de Vaca’s Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America
Cabeza de Vacas Adventures in the Unknown Interior of the States describes the adventures of Cabeza de Vaca, a Spanish soldier who was shipwrecked in the state of Florida in the year 1528. The man traveled with a handful of his companions across the states of Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, in addition to the north of Mexico for many days following the shipwreck. He was sometimes looked upon as a slave, at new(prenominal) times he became a medicine man for the Native Americans encountered on the way.The book describes Native Americans of the time in great depth. Even the flora and fauna of the time much of which was unique to Cabeza de Vaca may be seen finished the eyes of the Spanish traveler (Covey, 1983). Indeed, this book is one of its kind non only for those that wish to discover more than about the history of America but also ardent readers of accounts of adventures. Cabeza de Vacas experiences open up the mind. later all, with all our modern conveniences, includi ng excellent means of transport, the people of our time argon not expected to become lost and develop enough courageousness to find their way out of misadventures as did Cabeza de Vaca. Moreover, entirely unique adventures such(prenominal) as those experienced by the Spanish traveler are not easy to experience nowadays with all sorts of information available to us in books and on the Internet. Perhaps this is the reason why the reader expects more from Cabeza de Vacas Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America.There are no maps in this book, and the modern-day reader expects illustrations to boot. What is more, Coveys translated and edited version of Cabeza de Vacas adventures is not quite easy to read. As an example, between sentences Covey has added natural which may confuse the reader. The book was first published in 1961. wherefore again, Cabeza de Vacas adventures are thrilling enough for the reader to simply cut back the imperfections of this account.
Character’s Personality in the Great Gatsby Essay
The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a love stage about one mans desire to climb the kindly ladder and to conjoin the girl of his dreams. In this novel, Fitzgerald uses imagery and m whatever symbolisms to come upon significant aspects of the central character, Jay Gatsbys, personality. The kelvin lightsome get words hope in Gatsbys future. His firm is also a symbol, dissembleing his wealth but also how he still wishes to be classed higher in society. The testiss also represent the barriers between the upper and lower classes of enormous Island.First of completely, the colour car park that is displayed through the light that Gatsby notices Daisy always has on that burns all night at the end of her dock (91) represents Jay Gatsbys jealousy towards Tom Buchanan as substantially as his hopes for his future, including the American fancy. Envy that Gatsby feels for Tom Buchanan is present because Gatsby loves Daisy and wanted to marry five years ago, but co uld not because of the difference in tender class. At the time, Daisy was a rich girl and Jay, a abject boy. Daisy could not have possibly married someone as poor as Jay Gatsby and could not wait around for him either, so she married Tom Buchanan, which leads to Gatsbys jealousy. When they are all in town, Gatsby tells Tom that Daisy has never loved him (124) and earlier that she has loved Gatsby all along.He tells Tom that Daisy only married him because he was poor and she was tired of waiting for him (124). When Gatsby stretches out his arms out toward the dark urine (25) at the green light, this shows Gatsby reaching for his love, Daisy Buchanan, trying to grab the woman that he could never have, which seems so close but is farther than it appears. The green light represents Gatsbys obsession with love and his hopes to reconcile with Daisy which leads to also representing the American Dream, a dream that anyone can live the life they wish for if they work hard. The green ligh t represents bills, wealth, power and love, which is everything Gatsby wishes he had to live the American Dream.Secondly, an some other symbol used to reveal aspects of Jay Gatsbys personality is his mansion. Although Gatsby lives in western formal and lives next to Nick Carraways small eyesore (11) of a home, Nick describes Gatsbys house as a colossal affair by any standard (11) and a particularual imitation of some Htel de Ville in Normandy (11). His mansion represents his wealth and even though Gatsby is extremely rich with the money he has earned, he will never obtain his goal to be ranked high enough in society to be a part of the East Egg community with Tom and Daisy Buchanan.Gatsbys mansion also symbolises his extravagance which is used to gain attention from people of Long Island to prove that he is just as worthy as they are. He throws big parties featuring buffet tables, garnished with glistening hors-doeuvres and spiced baked hams (41) and an orchestra with oboes, tro mbones and saxophones, and viols and cornets and piccolos (42). All this to prove he was like them. Gatsbys mansion, just like the green light, also represents the American Dream. A life he wish he had.Finally, one other symbol that is exemplified throughout the book is testis. The variation of the East and West Eggs twenty miles from the city (10) symbolises Gatsbys obsession with increasing his social status. Gatsby lives in West Egg, the less fashionable (10) of the two Eggs. The East Egg is where all the old money is. This is a place where everyone is accustomed to their wealthy lifestyle, organism born into rich families, refined and are all socially conscious. The West Egg is where the new money is and where everything is over the top and flashy. Despite the fact that Gatsby lives in West Egg, he aspires to be accepted into the East Egg Society by flaunting his wealth.In conclusion, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses many symbols in The Great Gatsby to reveal significant aspects of th e central character, Jay Gatsbys, personality. The green light signifies jealousy, envy, hope and the American Dream while Gatsbys mansion demonstrates his want to be something he is not. The division between the Eggs are also important and symbolise Gatsbys obsession in climbing the social ladder.Works CitedFitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Penguin Books London, England, 1950.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Academic Coaching
Academic learn classes are becoming more(prenominal) and more popular as the schooling system becomes increasingly competitive. Parents awful to get their boorren into good quality schools will go to great lengths to assistance them pass entrance exams and excel in interviews. However, it is unclear how effective coaching classes really are. Here are some advantages regarding coaching classes Coaching classes make use of different methods to those utilized in the classroom.This means alternative approaches to learning that could be more suitable to your child are made available. Various precept methods can be beneficial to different children if your child is being unfastened to two kinds, there is a genuinely good chance hotshot will be effective for them. Children receive more individual information at coaching classes, meaning teaching is catered to their abilities more directly. If your child does non eceive one-on-one tuition in coaching classes, they will at the very least be in very small classes.They will nurture a learning plan tailored to their needs, allowing them to succeed at an change magnitude pace. Coaching classes can be provided specifically for certain entrance exams. This gives your child a head start in the admissions process, placing them above candidates that have not had coaching classes. Therefore they are more seeming to gain a place. On the other hand, coaching classes do have a coffee tree of disadvantages They are, in most cases, unsubsidized and very expensive.They can pile pressure onto your child, who is likely to already feel nervous about upcoming exams. Your child whitethorn worry that even after the coaching classes they wont pass, which will leave them notion stupid and unmotivated to learn. Coaching classes could artificially boost your childs performance. This may not be in their best interest as they could be put in a school not suited to their abilities.
Belonging in As You Like It Essay
The need to give way apprise cause us to crack comforting relationships, powerful social groups, productive workplace teams, and inspiring unearthly and national bonds. But it trick also be responsible for noxious and damaging behaviour when those who ar un adequate to(p) or unwilling to suit are great powerd to con manikin or are completely excluded. These devil aspects of belong are evident in Shakespeares As You corresponding It, and Kevin Costners film Dances with Wolves and W. H. Audens satiric poem The Unk instantern Citizen.Shakespeare makes us aware of the contrasting qualities of the natural harmonious forest (where everyone seems contented and loving) and the corrupt, tall court, controlled by the usurper Duke Frederick with his use of symbolic juxtaposition and allusion to. His fury oer his daughters close relationship with Rosalind (the daughter of the disp twine Duke senior(a)) reinforces their close bond. Celia describes the twain of them with a harmonious image from the natural world coupled and inseparable.. the likes of Junos swans.Dramatically, Shakespeare emphasises their closeness by including their good-hearted banter, and having them adopt disguises sooner debut the forest. Their supportive relationship gives them strength, so t lid instead of feeling grief as a result of their expulsion from court, they focus on the positive. Celias comments armed service us to see court and forest as binary opposites when she declares now go we in content to liberty and not to banishment. Shakespeare shows us how belonging in a close relationships can bring strength, but how this exclusivity may also be seen as a threat by others. other text which shows a surprising response to kick out is Kevin Costners academy award-winning film Dances with Wolves. In it the main eccentric, pot Dunbar voluntarily exiles himself, go away both his own white American culture, and also the senseless polished War that he had been fighting in, deter mined to see the west before it has gone. Even though he had been compelled by tradition, expectation and a sense of duty to serve loyally, he finds himself drawn to establish stronger colligate with the Dakota Sioux Indians, who were commonly aspected as thieves and beggars.Like Celia in As You Like It, he does not view his exile as banishment, but as an prospect to escape a restrictive and corrupt society in sound out to gain a sense of freedom and find spiritually renewal. In addition to Dunbars first person narration, the film uses a fare of mis-en-scene elements, such as costuming, dialogue and symbolic motifs to show the way John Dunbar is gradually accepted into the Sioux culture. Early in his exile, we see him dressed in full uniform, and hear him using military jargon as he describes burying excess ordinance and trying to mount an adequate defence force.After his initial encounters with the Lakota Indians his new-found sense of belonging is evident as he begins to spe ak their language, and is greeted courteously. A change of identity is indicated by his altered appearance, as he becomes clean-shaven, begins wearing a red shirt and trades his army hat for a knife. The film shows a montage of incidents in which Dunbar adopts Sioux customs, such as eating raw buffalo heart. Dean Semler, the cinematograph-er, uses a red reach and passionate music to depict Dunbars sorrow when he is disordered from his new friends.Finally, Dunbars assimilation into the Lakota culture is evident when he becomes able to speak fluently in Lakota, and falls in love with Stands With a Fist. Id never known who John Dunbar was. But as I heard my Sioux name (Dances with Wolves) called out again and again, I knew who I really was. Costners film shows us that humans have a need for relationships, but that we can belong within many contrasting relationships, groups and cultures.Just as Celia and Rosalind establish new relationships in exile and are not troubled by their excl usion from court, Dunbar is restored and fulfilled by his bankers acceptance into a more meaningful and supportive Lakota culture. In contrast to Dunbars experiences of belonging, the character of Jaques in As You Like It shows us that belonging can be impossible for people who are very independent and highly individual. Although he goes into exile willingly he does not accept Duke Seniors analogy that adversity, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a odd jewel in his head.For Jaques, inappropriate Dunbar, living in exile does not bring rewards and happiness. He insists that he loves to be miserable and to run melancholy from a song as a weasel sucks eggs. Shakespeares use of such images from nature is very effective in suggesting that, unlike most people, Jaques does not find the experience of being in exile with others either comfortable or necessary. This is evident from his use of highly affectional words to express his dislike of the world around him and his wish to make clean the foul body of the infected world.Inevitably his critical, judgmental character makes him an outcast ridiculed for his tears for a wounded stag. Jaques depressive nature makes it difficult for him to view life positively as he reveals in his speech on the seven Ages of Man, which finishes with the tragically negative repetition of sans (meaning without) to emphasise the desperate occupy of the elderly Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. When the hazard arises to return to court, with Duke Senior reinstated, Jaques rejects the idea as he prefers to remain in the abandoned cave rather than returning with the others to the petty(a) pomp of the court.His sense of moral superiority, his inflexibility and his preference for being colorless prevent him from valuing the notion of belonging. Whereas characters like Jaques and Dunbar have the option of choosing whether to belong or not, the unknown citizen in W. H. Audens satiric poem has been forced to dep art in to a tightly run capitalist bureaucracy. The poem takes the form of a eulogy written on the tombstone of this perfect fraction of society, who is only known by his serial number, JS/07 M 378.Auden adopts a formal, well-worn tone to praise the mans achievements when there was stillness, he was for peace When there was war, he went. The tone of congratulation is clear as the remembrance praises JSs life and praises him for being quite normal. In appear to praise this saint Auden is actually mocking the way those around him in the 1930s blindly relinquished their individuality to the Greater Community and he condemns the consumer society which exerts so much control over its citizens. Audens oem is laced with irony as the monument extols the virtues of JS who had everything necessary to the Modern Man A phonograph, a radio, a car and a Frigidaire. In this capitalistic ultraconservative society, people are value for conformist behaviour. The ultimate irony is conveyed in the patronising final lines Was he free? Was he happy? The interview is absurd Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard. To belong in such a society, Auden suggests, requires people to abandon any search for freedom and happiness as these are, in the authorities view, insignificant and irrelevant.Whereas Shakespeare provides Jaques with the opportunity of maintaining his individuality by not belonging, Audens speculative vision of the world allows very little opportunity for those who choose not to belong. In contrast to the magical transformative qualities of the forest of Arden in which marriages and reunions abound, Audens sterile society depicts the negative behaviour of mindless residency where individual names are lost, and people are only valued if they can conform to the governments expectations.The need to belong can force us to adopt conformist behaviour, and can even force humans to live a life of deceit and pretence, as Jaques commented any the worlds a stage and we are merely players. belong can, on the other hand, provide us with comfort, security, affection and self-worth. The need to belong is certainly both a gift and a curse.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Neolithic revolution essay
Without the neolithic Revolution the initiation would know no wars, and would have had no epidemics. All the things that happened after the neolithic Revolution, like cars, boats, and planes, would never even come into the thoughts of humans. It would have been a instauration without history other than search, gathering and wandering. The Neolithic Revolution is the period when tidy sum started domesticating animals, Like dogs for the hunt. Chickens, goats, among others were also raised for food. This fit to farming, or agriculture, which Is the base of every civilization or city, and one of he 7 traits.The others are disposal and military religion writing social structure art and architecture material possessions and technology A village Is made up of everyone doing their give birth types of Jobs the farmers farming, the metalworkers devising things out of metal, and so on. This structure wouldnt be possible without peculiarity of chore. Farmers surpluses food so everyon e else could work on other things. Art and architecture are a couple of other things they could work on. Specialization of labor helped create civilization and the 7 traits. Cities are big villages that are more(prenominal) complex.All of the 7 traits came from cities and strong point of labor. If the nomads hadnt started farming, than on that point wouldnt have been time to pursue religion, and art, things that are taken for granted now. If masses didnt start pursuing religion, then thither wouldnt be any writing or social structure. Priests became higher higher up everybody else because they were closer to god, creating the social structure pyramid. The first writing was priests drawing pictograms to get down offerings. Military came from cities because they had to rooter their land from people who wanted the land for their own.Government came from military because they had to making sure that people were at peace with each other and verify them. Without the Neolithic Revol ution, the world as we know it wouldnt exist. at that place would be a world without being able to go buy something from a store, without people writing or reading books, without playing video games, or fun. There would be no history that would be important, no big events, and its because of the Neolithic Revolution. Without it we wouldnt have a civilization, or a life other than hunting and adhering. Eoliths revolution essay By Zachary-Cray like dogs for the hunt. Chickens, goats, among others were also raised for food. This lead to farming, or agriculture, which is the base of any civilization or city, and one of A village is made up of everyone doing their own types of Jobs the farmers wouldnt be possible without specialization of labor. Farmers surpluses food so now. If people didnt start pursuing religion, then there wouldnt be any writing or Without the Neolithic Revolution, the world as we know it wouldnt exist.
Book Review on Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement Essay
Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Kevin M. Gilmartin, Ph. D. is a volume that seeks to inform and instruct those seeking to be in uprightness enforcement, law enforcement professionals and their families of the realities of a career in law enforcement- professionally and personalizedly. And how to best coiffure for emotional choice of the fittest of on-duty and off-duty life. It also compares and contrasts what happens to officers at the beginning of this journey and what emblematic happens to officers overtime focusing mainly on what happens to officers that dont spot the techniques of emotional survival.Though it does give virtually examples of officers who go emotional survival skills, it focuses on exemplifying the officers whose lives suffer from the lack of these skills and what great detriment it causes. Gilmartin begins by describing the early years of ones law enforcement career. How typically- idealistic, enthusiastic and determined rookie officers are. And how quickly this world shadower change from positive to distrustful and emotionally charged. How these long term behaviors if uncorrected, exacerbate, leading to mental and physical changes.Gilmartin uses personal experiences and stories to relate the topics addressed in this contain, in a way that of? cers elicit readily see some of the same characteristics in themselves. Gilmartin also discusses mental changes officers endure that preempt be caused by frequent exposure to dread(a) events. The most important definition made by Gilmartin describing officers on and off-duty is Hypervigilance the demand manner of viewing the world from a threat-based perspective, having the mindset to see events flowering as potentially hazardous. (Gilmartin Pg. 5)According to Gilmartin this- permits the on-duty of? cer to develop a natural state of increased alertness/awareness of his/her surroundings required for maximum of? cer safety. (Gilmartin Pg. 36) Gilmartin elaborates on his term of Hypervigilance and how it becomes problematic when he introduces the concept speculation of the Hypervigilant Biological Rollercoaster. Stating that the on-duty of? cer is alert, alive, energetic, quickthinking, involved and humorous, And the off-duty of? cer is tired, isolated, detached, apathetic and angry. (Gilmartin Pgs. 48-50)Gilmartin goes on to illustrate If law enforcement of? cers want to survive emotionally, they must examine their on-duty and off-duty life. fetching control of the events in their lives they notify control and survive and move on from the events they mucklenot control. Gilmartin describes how officers can become equipped professionals of emotional survival on and off-duty. On-Duty lettered as an officer there are only three things you can control integrity, professionalism, and how well you do the job you are assigned to do. hit duty proactive goal setting (outside of police work), exercise, and developing and nurturing separate roles in lif e besides the hypervigilant police role enabling of? cers to decimate their lifestyle healthy. I look at this encapsulates Gilmartins account hold ins main establishs and demonstrates his goal to attend to keep law enforcement officers healthy, by providing skill sets physically and emotionally, to survive the career. By not losing all of ones identity to just being a cop, succession remaining committed, engaged and productive on and off-duty.Now I would ilk to analyze Gilmartins books strengths and weaknesses. This work is well organized, written and easily read. To the point that I believe that it would keep anyone engaged no event if the lector was part of the intended target audience. For audience the book does target, I believe it intelligibly demonstrates the internal and external assaults officers will experience both personally and organizationally. And how officers can train themselves to perceive and act as a dupe in everything they do and in every way they th ink.Or how they can emotionally survive these assaults by balancing their identity and by acquiring healthy outlets to be proactive and engaged in personal affairs. This is illuminely demonstrated by various case study examples throughout the book. Examples of officers that string up directly in line with Gilmartins Hypervigilant Biological Rollercoaster theory and how some of these studies show the result of an officers application of emotional survival. This is what makes the book so strong.Gilmartins ability to give validity to his concepts by comparing and contrasting officer action and reaction of similar situations. Then applying his theory of those who fall victim to the Hypervigilant Biological Rollercoaster, have the victim mentality and the unbalanced identification with simply being a cop. To those officers that display emotional survival techniques. By doing this Gilmartin shows clear distinction drastic outcomes of similar situations. Reinforcing the importance of ac quiring emotional move tools and exemplifying the devastation in an officers life missing these skills.The weaknesses I encountered in this book where little if any emphasis was place on teaching of? cers how to avoid the other dangers they will ultimately face. generally focusing on the Hypervigilant cycle of officers and their loss of identity. I would have desire Gilmartin to explain how an officer handles a tough situation in the matter of life or death. And I would have liked Gilmartin to have more than than one chapter that focused on the emotional survival of law enforcement forcefulness.I believe it leaves the targeted audience waiting and wanting more instruction on how to become an emotional survival. Lastly I would have loved to have understood the compilation of data retrieved by Gilmartin. Discovering how he came up with his concepts and theories. everywhere what period time did he construct these particular studies and how many agencies did he work with to comp ile this data? What where the percentages of officers that suffered from a lack of emotional survival skills to those that had these skills? What percentages of officers fell in the middle?I believe knowing the numeric component to this research would have further qualified his findings. Overall this book was fantastic. I believe this book will help those elicit in law enforcement as well as of? cers and their families. I believe this book can help plot a path through a dif? cult journey in a law enforcement career. Helping book relationships, families and positive professional attitudes. Though I hoped for some addition entropy in this book it does not lack in quality or clarity of its messages.It is a strong book and I would recommend it to anyone interested in law enforcement, anyone currently in law enforcement, family members of law enforcement personnel and those who have been in law enforcement. I believe the goal of this book is to provide officers the information of how to recognize the deterioration of core values (personally and professionally) and what can take place in their lives if gone uncorrected. Then provides specific strategies that can be utilized to reduce the negative emotional and physical advert of a law enforcement career. I believe the book succeeds in doing this.
Briefly Outline the Distinctive Features of the Sociological Approach to Understanding Human Life and the Illustrate How You Would Use Sociology to Make Sense of Globalisation.
Sociology is the schemaatic, quizzical and searing study of the room that deal do things together . Its not a science that simply lists facts and figures ab unwrap baseball club. Instead it becomes a form of consciousness, a way of mobilizeing, a critical way of eyesight the world. It welcomes you to challenge the obvious, to question the world as it is taken for granted and to de-familiarising the familiar. This is what empowers critical thinking which triggers the development of the understanding of the tender-hearted purport.The aim of this essay is to intimate the sociological come to understanding adult male vivification , to explore the distinct sociological perspectives , to question the reliability of the disaccordent forms of research and to emphasise the find forbidden elements that make sociology different to different ways of exploring the sympathetic life. Finally I shall be illustrating its approach with regards to my biography. Peter Berger distinct ive approach to understanding military personnel life was characterised by sightedness the general as the particular.This meant that sociologist can discern general patterns of amicable life by looking at cover examples of social life. The genesis of this approach is when we realise how the general categories into which we happen to go through shape our particular life experiences. Berger feels that the general impact of lodge on the actions, thoughts and feelings of particular people argon made evident in the way that societies view change over eon. For example the views on inequality spend a penny changed since the start of the 21st century.Another sociological approach to sociology is comprehend the conflicting in the familiar, the first wisdom of sociology is this , things atomic number 18 not what they reckon , Bauman. This is the approach where you fork over to de- familiarise the familiar , which means that when your approaching to understand piece life you sti ck out to look at it with a intelligence that people do not decide what to do but instead society guides their thoughts and deeds. So in essence sociology sets out to show the patterns and processes by which society shapes what we do.C. Wright mills approach to understanding human life was to show that to the highest degree of our problems were not caused by us but from society. He mat up that The sociological imagination was a way of understanding that social outcomes atomic number 18 wrought by social context. He claims that some things in society depart to certain outcomes. when a society becomes industrialised , a peasant becomes a worker . Therefore the things we do ar shaped by the agency we are in, the values we hold in. I believe that all three approaches differ ut where they all overlap is in their belief that a mortal must be able to pull away from the situation and to think from an alternative point of view. To acquire real knowledge is to go against the view quo. 1. The first wisdom of sociology is this things are not what they seem (sociology global presentation p. 5) 2. C. Wright Mills. 1959. The promise in The Sociological Imagination bran-new York 3. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/C. _Wright_Mills 4. Macionis, 5th variant , chapter 1 5. Berger, Peter Invitation to sociology . New York , 1963 With regards to perspectives in understanding human life there are two which are prominent.The first is the functional perspective, this recognises that our bides are guided by social structures. It therefore organises sociological observation by identifying various structures of society and investigating the function of each one. This is a twist block for theories that see society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. One of the problems I consecrate with this perspective is that it evokes that society is organically stable, I also questions how we can repeat that society has a natural order wh en social patterns change from mess and time.The aid sociological perspective is the conflict perspective . this analysis points out that, rather than promoting the operation of society as a whole , social structure typically benefits some people while depriving others, for example the risque in relation to the poor. So sociologist such(prenominal) as Marx that belong to this instill of thought try to understand society at the same time change it . The problem here is that as this perspective highlights inequality and undermines harmony among members in a society.The aim of this perspective is to pursue political goals , it overlooks scientific objectivity. The other side of the sociological approach to understanding human life is to conduct sociological investigation in order to find out what is sociologically true. There are many different areas of thought which have different angles on what is scientifically true. Positivism suggests that sociological/scientific truths are b ased on empirical evidence. So for example Berger approach of seeing the general within the particular would coincide here.The reliability of sociological truths do have limitations , for example Peter Berger social patterns change constantly, what is true in one society and in one particular time whitethorn not hold truth in another. As opposed to the laws of mathematics, they are universal truths and are immutable. This all evaporates to the argument of common sense versus scientific evidence, and leads to conclusions that sociology should surveil a more humanistic discipline when it comes to understanding human life. This is what differentiates sociology when it comes to other ways of exploring human life.The is because sociology pays more tribute to subjectivity, public whimsey and examines how individuals behave to social constrains. This is something which is not evident in a scientific truth or theory. I shall now be making sense of my biography using sociology. The first s tep will be to parcel out my biography in a broader view. I have a really healthy family structure with both my parents happily married. Although we are catholic my parents have had a liberal approach in bringing me up. We have been a victim of crime when we were living opposite a council estate where they steal my fathers car.I am half Colombian, nerve family unit and male. I believe that this trait has made me part of the sociological doing of Colombians who have immigrated to the west and choose to not be judged on the sterile Colombia (drug dealer ) but on the context of our character. I believe in terms of historical context I am part of the second generation of immigrants, this means that I have been given the opportunity to go to university , take advantage of great health care and go to kick the bucket state schools where I have been able to mix with upper middle course of action children.I chose to use a historical context because In the sociological imagination , Mills claimed that we can only understand human life by locating himself within his period. This is because he felt that human choices are dictated by the times in which you live . Given the calibre of education I received at sixth form as was able to acquire a placement at a top carbon brokerage in the city . So I have never been effected by the economic downswing in this country . I was bought up in the 90s the decade where computers/internet became accessible to most people.My parents always encouraged me to hornswoggle as much as possible online, aiding me to have extensive fiscal acumen, making me legal at my internship. I could of easily have stayed at this job but I decided to go to university. I am not a hundred per cent which social norms caused me to do this, was it to be perceived as an intelligent individual with a degree , was it effective government propaganda in order to have less under 21 in the job market or was it to simply promote inequality.A lot of people argu e that going to university promotes this because only middle class children who have the money to pay the fees , who have been to top school that have aided their application or have the support of their academic parents are in a head start position compared to ethnic minorities from incite down institutions whose parents have no idea of what upper education entails.In conclusion I feel that sociology has an effective approach to understand human life. It uses a humanistic science which develops as society does. The social sciences adopt scientific methods in the investigation of human behavior on the other hand sociology studies human society as Berger would say by seeing the general in the particular. Furthermore sociology encourages us to question the familiar , helping us to separate fact from fiction.You could argue that this is what has triggered the great minds such as Albert Einteirn. Sociology also helps us to differentiate opportunities and constrains that shape our lives , like I did in my biography where I have had the opportunity to attended a reputable state school which has opened many doors for me but I have also faced constrains with being stereo typed as a Colombian drug dealer.Bibliography The first wisdom of sociology is this things are not what they seem (sociology global intro p. 5) C. Wright Mills. 1959. The promise in The Sociological Imagination New York http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/C. _Wright_Mills Macionis, 5th edition , chapter 1 Berger, Peter Invitation to sociology . New York , 1963
Friday, February 22, 2019
HP deskjet Essay
Case Hewlett-Packard-Supplying the Deskjet Printer in Europe The DeskJet printer was introduced in 1988 and has become one of Hewlett-Packards (HPs) or so successful products. Sales have grown steadily, reaching a take of over 600,000 units in 1990. Unfortunately, inventory egression has tracked sales growth closely. HPs distribution centers are filled with p everyets of the DeskJet printer. Worse yet, the government in Europe claims that inventory levels there need to be raise even further to maintain satisfactory product availability. THE DESKJET SUPPLY bowed stringed instrumentThe network of suppliers, manufacturing sites, distribution centers (DCs), dealers, and customers for the DeskJet product make up the DeskJet deliver chain of mountains (see designate 17.14). HP in Vancouver does manufacturing.There are two learn stages in the manufacturing process (1) printed term of enlistment fable and test (PCAT) and (2) utmost assembly and test (FAT). PCAT involves the assem bly and testing of electronic components (like integrated circuits, read-only memories, and raw printed circuit boards) to make logic boards used in the printer. FAT involves the assembly of different(a) subassemblies (like motors, cables, keypads, plastic chassis, gears, and the printed circuit assemblies from PCAT) to produce a running(a) printer, as substantially as the final testing of the printer. The components needed for PCAT and FAT are sourced from other HP divisions as well as from external suppliers worldwide.Exhibit 17.14 HP DeskJet Supply ChainSelling the DeskJet in Europe requires customizing the printer to foregather the language and power supply requirements of the local countries, a process cognize as localization. Specifically, the localization of the DeskJet of different countries involves assembling the appropriate power supply module, which reflects the correct voltage requirements (110 or 220) and power cord plug, and packaging it with the working printer and a manual written in the appropriate language.Currently, the final test is done with the actual power supply module include with the printer. Hence, the finished products of the factory are localized versions of the printer destined for all the different countries. For the European Market six different versions are presently produced. These are designated A, AA, AB, AQ, AU, and AY asindicated in the Bills of Materials shown inExhibit 17.15.Exhibit 17.15 HP DeskJet Bill of MaterialsThe total factory through hurtle conviction through the PCAT and FAT stages is almost one week. The transportation time from Vancouver to the European DC is five weeks. The ample shipment time to Europe is due to ocean transit and the time to clear customs and duties at port of entry. The plant sends a hebdomadally shipment of printers to the DC in Europe.The printer industry is tallly competitive. Resellers necessity to carry as little inventory as possible. Consequently, there has been change magnitude pressure for HP as a manufacturer to provide high levels of availability at the DC. In response, management has decided to stock the DCs so that a high level of availability is maintained.THE INVENTORY SERVICE CRISISTo posit the amount of inventory throughout the DeskJet supply chain and at the uniform time provide the high level of service of process needed has been kinda a challenge to Vancouvers management. The manufacturing group has been very successful in reducing the uncertainties caused by delivery to the European DC. Forecasting demand in Europe, though, is a signifi sesst problem. It has become common to have product shortages for mold demands from some countries, while inventory of other models keeps piling up.In the past, the pit inventory levels at the DCs were based on safety stocks that were a case of some judgmental rule of thumb. Specifically, target inventory levels, equal to one-month middling sales, were set for each model carried in the DC. No w, however, it seems that the increasing difficulty of getting accurate forecasts means the safety stock rules should be revisited.HP has put together a team of employees to help implement a scientifically based safety stock system that will be antiphonal to forecast errors and replenishment lead times. They are to recommend a rule for calculating appropriate safety stock levels for the various DeskJet models carried inthe European DC. The team has a good sample of demand data that can be used for developing the safety stock methodology (see Exhibit 17.16). HP hopes this new methodology will solve the inventory and service problem.
Marx and Freud: Comparing Their Views Of Human Nature Essay
In The commie Manifesto, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels present their view of tender-hearted temperament and the effect that the scotch system and scotch factors get on it. Marx and Engels discuss world character in the context of the stinting factors which they see as driving history. Freud, in Civilization and Its Discontents, explores world record through his mental view of the human mind. Marx states that history is the history of class struggles (9). Marx views history as being obstinate by economics, which for him is the source of class differences. History is described in The Communist Manifesto as a series of conflicts between oppressing classes and oppressed classes. check to this view of history, massive changes occur in a social club when new(a) technological capabilities allow a portion of the oppressed class to put down the power of the oppressing class. Marx briefly traces the development of this through different periods, mentioning several(prenominal) of the divers(a) oppressed and oppressing classes, merely points out that in antecedent societies at that place were some gradations of social classes. He also states that this class conflict sometimes leads to the frequent ruin of the contending classes (Marx 9).Marx sees the modern age as being distinguished from earlier periods by the simplification and intensification of the class conflict. He states that Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two bulky hostile camps bourgeoisie and travail (Marx 9). The bourgeoisie, as the dominant class of capitalists, subjugates the labor movement by using it as an object for the expansion of capital. As capitalist economy progresses, this subjugation reduces a larger portion of the population to the proletariat and caller becomes more polarized. According to Marx, the polarization of nightclub and the intense oppression of the proletariat will eventually lead to a revolution by the proletariat, in which the control of the bourgeoisie will be destroyed. The proletariat will and so gain control of the means of work. This revolution will result in the creation of a collectivist state, which the proletariat will use to plant socialist reforms and eventually communism. The reforms which Marx outlines as occurring in the socialist state fuck off the common goal of disimpowering the bourgeoisie and increasing economic equality. He sees this socialist stage as necessary for but inevitably leading to the boldness of communism. Human beings, which ar competitive under capitalism and other anterior economic systems, will become cooperative under socialism and communism.Marx, in his view of human nature, sees economic factors as being the primary motivator for human thought and action. He asks the rhetorical question, What else does the history of ideas prove, than that intellectual production changes its character in proportion as material production is changed? (Marx 29). For Marx, the economic status of human beings determines their consciousness. Philosophy, religion and other ethnic aspects are a reflection of economics and the dominant class which controls the economic system. This view of human nature as being primarily determined by economics may seem to be a base view of bounty. However, from Marxs point of view, the human condition reaches its full potential under communism. to a lower place communism, the cycle of class conflict and oppression will end, because all members of union will reserve their basic material needs met, rather than closely being exploited for their labor by a dominant class. In this sense the Marxian view of human nature gutter be seen as hopeful. Although human beings are motivated by economics, they will ultimately be able to establish a society which is not based on economic oppression.Freud, in Civilization and Its Discontents, presents a conception of human nature that differs greatly from that of Marx. His view of human nature is more complex than Marxs. Freud is full of life of the Marxist view of human nature, stating that I am able to recognise that the psychological premises on which the communistic system is based are an unreasonable illusion. In abolishing private property we deprive the human love of encroachment of one of its instrumentsbut we have in no way alter the differences in power and influence which are misused by aggressiveness, nor have we altered allthing in its nature (Freud 71). Freud does not believe that removal of economic differences will remove the human consciousness to dominate others. For Freud, aggression is an congenital component of human nature and will exist regardless of how society is formulated. He sees human beings as having both a life instinct (Eros) and an instinct for destruction. In Freuds view of human reality, the source of conflict, oppression, and destruction in human society is mans own psychological makeup. Because of Freuds view of human nature as inherently having a destructive component, he does not believe that a transformation of populace to communist men and women will be possible.Marxs belief that the present-day(prenominal) capitalist society will evolve into a communist society is not supportable under Freuds conception of human nature because the desires of human beings are too much in conflict with the demands of any civilized society. This conflict does not exist because of economic inequalities, according to Freud, but rather because it is in human nature to have aggressive desires which are destructive to society. Freuds approach to the possibility of bring down conflict among humanity focuses on understanding the human mind, the aggressive qualities of human nature, and how human beings desires can come into conflict with the demands of human society. He does not believe that the problems of human conflict, aggression, and destruction can be solved by a origin reordering of society as the ism of Marx su ggests. Instead, Freud looks inside ourselves to explore these problems. At the close of his work, Freud states, The fateful question for the human species seems to me to be whether and to what extent their cultural development will succeed in mastering the disturbance of their common life by the human instinct of aggression and self-destruction (Freud 111).Freud does not offer any radical solutions to human aggressiveness, but rather sees it as something that humans must continually strive to overcome. He states I have not the courage to rise up before my fellow-men as a prophet, and I bow to their reproach that I can offer them no consolation (Freud 111). Freud can not offer some vision of a human utopia, but can only suggest that there is some possibility for the improvement of the human condition and society, but also warns that our achiever at overcoming destructive instincts may be limited. Marx offers a radical philosophy which also sees conflict as one of the regulars of prior human existence. contrary Freud, Marx believes that the aggressive and conflict-oriented aspects of human nature will disappear under the communist society which he sees as the inevitable product of capitalism. This is the hopeful particle of Marxs philosophy. However, if communism is not seen as inevitable or the possibilities for reducing human conflict before a socialist revolution are considered, then Marxs view of human nature locks humanity into constant conflict. If the future is to be like Marxs version of history, then there is little hopefulness in this view of human nature.Works CitedFreud, Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents. Ed. jam Strachey. New York W.W. Norton, 1961. Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels. The Communist Manifesto. New York International Publishers, 1994.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Family Businesses
Family ownership or management of vexation is predominant in different countries. Family clientelees exist in different sectors much(prenominal) as agriculture, manufacturing and services. Many of todays prominent agate line firms that impart popular products and services and own respected brands atomic number 18 family line of merchandisees. Some tradinges to a fault start out as family teleph wiz circuites before shifting to other forms of traffic organisation. Family lineagees are as well as signifi senst contributors to economic growth. Firms owned or managed by families displace be small, medium or large.Regardless of the size and scale of operation, the crystal clear number of family line of merchandisees translates into a diverse range of consumer products as well as employment opportunities and household income. However, like other forms of business organisations, family businesses name favours and disadvantages that anticipate consideration to support just ifications for suitability in the present business environment.Advantages of Family BusinessesFamily businesses proffer a number of advantages. These advantages explain the predominance of family businesses and the increase in firms owned and operated by families.The first advantage is the commitment towards the business that family members exhibit (Leach & Bogod 1999 Longenecker et al. 2006). Firms found and operated by families enjoy the commitment of family members involved in managing the business. in that respect is a unvoiced attachment to the business, as an outcome of direct and personal campaigns. There is also the strong need to keep the business going. This curbs to prudent decision-making over expenditures and investments (Longenecker et al. 2006). The business has high value to family members as a source of family pride and a legacy passed on from one generation to the next (Fleming 2000).The second advantage is flexibility over a wide range of areas, particularl y turn tail arrangements and responsiveness to change (Leach & Bogod 1999). Family members managing the business are flexible when it comes to the time and effort they give to their work. As a highly valued venture, the family business becomes a priority to ensure business success (Fleming 2000). Family businesses also exhibit flexibility in responding to changing conditions in the business environment. Direct involvement in trading operations supports immediate recognition of problems and emerging opportunities (Sonfield & Lussier 2009).Decision-making over solutions or in tapping into opportunities also go ons fast to respond to issues and needs. The third advantage is long-term provision fuelled by the goal of sustainability (Leach & Bogod 1999). The invention for family businesses is to continue across different generations (Fleming 2000). This intention influence strategic planning to ensure the stability and sustainability of the business. There is fail anticipation and control of risks. Contingency plans are set in place. There is also high reliance on business experience and skills acquired by the family (Lee, 2004).The fourth advantage is the exercise of direct control over the business by family members (Sonfield & Lussier 2009). The management of the business by family members supports speedy decision-making (Leach & Bogod 1999). Direct knowledge of operations provides information needed to support sound decisions. Decision-making can happen on the spot as problems emerge or comprise an expedited plow. Moreover, family businesses are able to transmit family values into the corporate culture to ensure that operations align with the goals envisioned by the family (Fleming 2000).The last advantage is the achievement of employee motivation (Leenders & Waarts 2001). One source of employee motivation is the practice (Tagiuri & Davis 1996) emerging in the relationships indoors the business adopted from the fiduciary relationship among family memb ers. Employees are extended trust to create the perception of value to the business.Another source of employee motivation is well impart of communication (Tagiuri & Davis 1996) that create a pleasant work environment. Communication not only eases work but also ensures the necessary support for the require of work. Appreciation and recognition are also easily communicated.Disadvantages of Family BusinessesFamily businesses also have disadvantages. Even if family businesses comprise the predominant form of business organisation worldwide, in that respect are also family businesses that fail when the disadvantages overshadow the advantages. The first disadvantage is the inflexibleness of business structure and culture (Leach & Bogod 1999). Family businesses have the tendency to stick to tradition. sequence traditional practices may have led to the success of the firm, the changing business environment may require change.The value accorded to traditions and the fear of losing cont rol may work against needed change. The second disadvantage is the impending conflict surrounded by family values and business interest (Leach & Bogod 1999) and conflict between personal aliveness and the business (Longenecker et al. 2006). There is an overlap between family and business interests. Conflict emerges in areas when there is deviation between family and business interest such as in decisions to bring in external investors or change business practices. Decision-making can also become emotional when personal considerations intertwine with business (Fleming 2000).The inability to find a point of compromise can emergence to serious problems. The third disadvantage is the difficulty of continuity or term (Leenders & Waarts 2001). Succession is a process charged with strong emotions and high adventure (Fleming 2000). Conflicts can arise when there are different family members aiming to become successors. The process requires consideration of competence apart from members hip in the family to ensure not only the continuity of the family business but also the sustainability of the business itself (Lee, 2004). unaddressed emotional issues can lead to the failure of the business.The fourth disadvantage is the panic of leadership crisis (Leach & Bogod 1999). A problem in the allocation of power can emerge when there is reluctance to allocate greater power to one member of the family to facilitate decision-making. There is likely to be preference for equal sharing of power, which can delay decisions during a deadlock (Sonfield & Lussier 2009). Problems with leadership can also relate to succession. There may not be good leaders in the family but there is preference for family members to lead the business (Fleming 2000).The last disadvantage is difficulties in achieving efficiency and profitability because of the preference for righteousness to the detriment of efficiency (Lee 2004). The placement of unknowledgeable and inexperienced family members in unwrap positions instead of hiring external experts to take charge, while the family member gains experience, can lead to irrational or rash decisions that affect the performance of the business (Fleming 2000). standardised situations focusing solely on equity can result to inefficiency that has a direct adverse effect on profitability.ConclusionFamily businesses have advantages and disadvantages. The family business, as a form of business organisation, suits todays business environment through and through the advantages that are inherent or prominent in family owned or managed firms such as commitment, flexibility, control, long-term planning, and employee motivation. Addressing the disadvantages can be by finding the strategic balance between family and business concerns or interests that work for the business at present and in the future. In doing so, family businesses can ensure sustainability regular in the fast-paced business environment.
Cultural Autobiography Essay
Cultural Biography How My Roots Shape My IdentityIt is oft said that we should non let a single feature of ourselves countersink who we ar. For example, a b subscribe toetb on the whole should non unaccompanied be an athlete, but moldiness also value her roles as a sister, a young lady, a student, and anything else that gives her vitality meaning. A doctor should non only focus on his identity in the medical field but also his place in his neighborhood, his church, and, of course, his family. Otherwise, he would be beted the workaholic. In some(prenominal) cases, though, it is very lucky to do. wads identities atomic number 18 made up of all the roles they play in their lives. Defining virtuosoself or slightlyone else in only way is non wellnessy because it does non consider the full complexity the person. Thinking of ourselves in a limited way, such as if I considered myself only a student but did not consider my roles as a accomplice to others and a family membe r, could lead to shallow think ofing. Thinking of others in such a way can result in stereotyping and even discrimination, such as if roundone thinks she knows all she that needs to know roughly someone base on his religious beliefs.Nonetheless, not all aspects of our identities contribute equally to the whole. veritable elements of our environment and put upground help to shape us fundamentally. They frontm to coiffe as a base for everything else that we would learn, do, and become. I think everyone has one or two areas of that nature. For me, I think that one of the well-nigh defining traits about me is the horticulture I came from, which is Mainland Chinese. Although I keep an open mind and find out to learn new ways of looking at the world, the beliefs of my upbringing often quantifys are dominant. If you asked me to describe who I am at my core, I would bidly say that I am a Chinese woman. Culture, of course, comes from the pot just about us. As I see it, my fa mily, including a large extended family, has been the most influential community in shaping who I am today, because they passed on their culture to me.Often we do not realize what is our culture until we extend it. I canremember when I first arrived in the States and stayed for a short eon with a host family. They had a daughter who was 10 years old. She had a short coolness at the time. She drank cold orange juice. I was so shocked that her mother allowed her to drink it. In my family, we feel that cold drinks are not swell for sick mass and that they can hurt the stomach. Many hoi polloi in mainland China think this way. I could intimately hear my own mothers piece in my head, scolding her disapproving of the cold drink. She and her sisters could neer accept this. after hearing this idea for so many years, I, too, was starting to set about the selfsame(prenominal) reaction. When people agree flu or cold, in China the entrance drink is thought to be hot water. I sugges ted to the girls mother that she should drink warm water. They both suddenly got a evil look on their faces. They said orange juice would be relegate because it has a circuit of vitamin C to fight the germs. This was one of my first lessons in culture, both the Statesn and my own. For my parting, I still do not want to clear very cold drinks. However, I do not go for any suggestion about what other people should drink.In explaining how my family has influenced me, I should discuss some basic elements about Chinese culture. It is collectivist culture, not individual culture a bid America. That means that Mainland Chinese society tends to see the collection as being more important than the person. The question then is who is the group. Based on stereotypical Western movies or shows, it would be faint to assume that nearly all Chinese act and look uniform and that they would see themselves as one group. In fact, this is not true at all. Chinese people think in often smalle r terms, most typically, and would see their immediate family, including elders such as parents and grandparents, as their group. In some sense, they would also consider old friends and former and current co-workers to be part of their group. It is not so common in Mainland China to yield many new friends as adulthood. People in China depend on these tight networks to help them in hard times, and they down to be draw to repay the favor at some point in the future. cheeseparing informal networks are very important for chanceting by in life in China.Chinese culture value family piety. It means we conceive in a strong obligation to respect and honor our family members. I would always turn in mybest to take economic aid of my parents and also elder relatives such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles. In a broad sense, family members, because all consider themselves a close group, would do almost anything to help each other. As is said in English, they would take the shirt from hi s or her own back to give to the other person. This kind of thinking is based on Confucianism, where fetching care of the family is considered to be the highest value. Unfortunately, a related matter is that sometimes in Mainland China, people are not as quick to get entangled when a stranger needs help, and some people without integrity are quick to take advantage of strangers and cheat them. We also do not have as often public volunteer and charity culture, as many people would feel guilty if they spend their money on people who are outside their own family.The concept of taking care of the family is so important to culture that it is sometimes humorous to other people from other countries. I once was at dinner in a group that included both American and international students. Some people were talking about what they would do if they won the lottery. A Chinese boy said he guessed that if he won, he would soon get married, and have a child. His friend, another boy from China, c ommented that the money would not only utmost for the lifetime for him and his son, but also for generations into the future. The American boys at the table laughed at the Chinese boys ideas. They thought they should use the money for their own fun, and would not kindred to get married. However, the Chinese students were looking from Chinese point of view, where not only the individual but the entire family name and bloodline is considered. They see a responsibility to their ancestors and to future bloodline that they should have a child.Personally, I like the viewpoint of thinking about multiple generations and not only nidus on the present. I have always been raised by my family to stick out this point of view. Without a network of family and close friends, it is hard to survive in China, especially during hard times some(prenominal) decades ago. It is not so easy to get credit, so people rely on their networks to help them possess a down payment for a house. Many people in sufficiency health insurance, and so if they needed and expensive surgery, they could by chance ask their snuggled family and associates for help with money. Furthermore, in hospital, it is not like in America where nurses run through and bathe thepatients. In China, patients family members must help with those chores, and nurses usually would not help. As a result of these factors, Chinese people spend a lot of time cultivating their networks by choosing the right gifts on holidays, offering a dower hand when possible, and asking for help when needed. It is fair to say that in China, if you do not have close connections in your life, including family members, friends, coworkers, then it is almost like you do not exist, according to societys point of view.On the other hand, if you do have a family, then you feel much more secure and happy. You also get a large come up of your own identity from the group rather from your individual situation. It is important to impart well in s ociety and gauge to be successful not only for your own sake, but also in order to lay down a good name for your family. Therefore I think that sometimes even if I do not feel like perusing sometimes, I push myself to do so anyway, because if I came to America and did not perfect well in university, then I would create a bad impression on my family, including parents and extended relatives, as well.In fact, Chinese people from Mainland often do not like to spend time alone or to be in secluded places. We tend to like crowds and a lot of excitement and perceive them as strongr because it would be harder for criminals to get remote with serious crime amid a crowd. I felt potently this way when I first arrived in America, but now I am getting used to peace and quiet. I have hear that Americans often like to go camping or fishing in order to get away from other people. This concept is a little different from China. I remember showing my mother a feeling of our campus and she wan ted to know why it looked so lonely. Later I took a photo when more students were out walking, and she seemed to feel much more solace that I was in a safe place. On the other hand, some Americans have told me they think crowds are more dangerous, because it is easier for thieves to pick pockets or tear other crimes.My immediate and extended family has always been a source of much emotional support for me. My mother has several siblings and they each have children, so I have many aunts, uncles, and cousins. They always ask what I am doing in my life and they give me suggestions. They are not afraid to knock meif they feel it is warranted, such as for eating too much junk foods or not studying hard enough. In Chinese culture, these comments would never be taken as offense but instead in a spirit of caring. I always spend much time finding appropriate Chinese New Year gifts for my aunts and uncles as a show of respect. Sometimes the gifts could be as simple as return baskets, cho colates, or cake. I just want to show them that I am thinking of them. My family, including parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, serves as my home base on life. I have always felt that no matter what happened, there is a safe haven with many people who always cared about me.Much of Chinese family culture is expressed over food. If I go to visit one of my aunts and she knew I am coming, then it is sure that she will prepare my darling noodle dish. Caring is often expressed with food. From my mother and father and several of their siblings and my grandparents, I learned to cook many dishes at a young. I learned mostly at kinda a young age. In this way, too, my family has been the biggest influence on my life, as now I cook almost every day and can take care of myself. I do not need to depend on others to cook and I do not have to go to restaurants except for fun. Over meals, much culture gets passed to children as adults talk about what is going on in their lives and how they do it . They often give advice to children, but it seems to be that there is not as much two-way communications culture as in America and other Western countries. In other words, adults would not often ask children what they think about things.I am sure that I am not the only person who feels that family has been the largest influence in life, and certainly not the only Chinese person with this idea. In fact, when we are away from our families, we try to recreate the experience in some ways. In UC, there are many Chinese students all in the same situation, living away from their home country. We have formed friend groups and often cook together, go to restaurants, or go to other activities. At times, groups of students even go on vacation to New York or Chicago or other locations. As it is in China, most social activities for us here have revolve around eating food. We often chat, give each other advice, and try to help each other to study and make good grades. As vitamin and other healt h supplements are very popular, we often discuss productsthat we have tried or plan to try. Everyone has similar goals and we almost do not even need to say them out loud, because they are widely known. We all come from similar kinds of families, usually involved in business. Everyone wants to make good grades, be successful, and make their parents happy.My friends are a very important group to me here, but in my overall life, I guess they are not nearly as influential to me as my relatives are. Chinese families were large for many years, sometimes with seven to 10 children. I know that my great nanna came from a very large family. However, because of overpopulation, China has implemented the one-child policy. Although there are exceptions, the general rule is that only one child is allowed per couple. Now China is becoming a land of spoiled only-children. I often admiration what will happen to Chinas family culture and if culture and cognition will be passed down as efficiently. Many people evolve up without uncles, aunts, cousins or, of course, siblings. This seems to be a significant social issue for a country whose character is still collectivist. Perhaps China will make the shift rather quickly to a culture of individualism.Or perhaps they will express collectivism in some other different formats, such as neighborhood groups and volunteer societies. At any rate, finally rising population of people without close relatives to watch after them as they age will mean a need for more caregiving and health care professionals. There are many aspects that define my life, including my status as a student, family member, and friend. While these are important roles, they do not become everything about who I am. One element that runs deeper than those items is my culture, most of which I genuine from relatives. I grew up in China until coming to school at UC. My thinking has certainly been influenced by the time I have washed-out living abroad, but it nonethele ss does continue to be Chinese at the heart. In a Chinese family, your family is almost literally all that you have to depend on in many cases. I am quite thankful that I have a wonderful family.
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